@manxam said in Sodium System Status:
@QuixoticJeremy, I installed the agent on a Windows 10 system a few days ago but Sodium does not show any information beneath "Applications" for it.
Also, it enumerated the DVD drive (E:) but shows "Not Available" for all of the data. Could you do a quick WMI check on drives to determine if they're ROM and, if empty (isReady = False), show "Empty" or something along those lines?
[IO.DriveInfo]::GetDrives() | where { $_.DriveType -eq 'CDRom' }
Name : E:
DriveType : CDRom
DriveFormat :
IsReady : False
AvailableFreeSpace :
TotalFreeSpace :
TotalSize :
RootDirectory : E:
VolumeLabel :
Hi @manxam! Thanks for posting/helping us test. Yep, you are 100% right, the applications not showing is indeed a known issue and I'm actually working on it as we speak. (It was reported on Friday but we've had some crisis situations that prevented me from getting to it until now). As for the storage side of things I'm making note of that and will check into that right after I fix the app bug. Thanks again!