Are you aware of the "UAC fix for unknown applications"? This may help you in a matter of 10 minutes. Worth a look, I suppose. Not that many years ago, I used to have to make CC Plus work on Windows 7 for a few customers. It was almost fun! 🙂 Haven't worked on forcing CC to run in a while....
Link to app:
Please note, ver 5 is now longer current, but the instructions are the same.
The crude instructions I follow:
I decided to give this a whirl, and I can say first hand that it does work.
There’s just one thing…it’s not quite as simple as a few clicks.
The first time you go through the instructions it will probably take 3 or 4 minutes,
but each program you setup after that will probably take just a minute since you’ll understand what needs to be done.
I’ve taken the liberty of modifying their directions ever so slightly to make them a bit easier,
and I’ve also thrown in a few screenshots to guide you along the way:
1.Download (10.9MB) and install the Application Compatibility Toolkit.
2.In the Start menu find the shortcut Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.0\Compatibility Administrator. Right click it and click Run as administrator.
3.In the left hand pane, right-click on the database under Custom Databases and select Create New, and select Application Fix.
Vista UAC Application Fix
4.Enter the name and other details of the application you want to alter behavior on and then browse to it to select it. Click Next.
5.Click Next until you are in the Compatibility Fixes screen. On the Compatibility Fixes screen, find the item RunAsInvoker, and check it. Click Next and then Finish.
6.Select File -> Save As. Save the file as a filename.SDB type file in a directory you will easily find it. Then copy the <filename>.sdb file to the Vista computer you want to alter the elevation prompt behavior on.
7.Click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories. Right click Command Prompt and click Run as administrator.
8.Run the command below:
sdbinst <path>\<filename>.sdb
For example, if you saved the .SDB file as abc.sdb in the c:\Windows folder, the command should be like this:
sdbinst c:\windows\abc.sdb
It should prompt: Installation of <name> complete.
Vista UAC Command Prompt
I’m *guessing* that, before saving the file in Step 6, you can go back to Step 3 and add more “Application Fixes” to the database. That way you can execute just one database in the remaining steps.