@matypro Hi.. to help you on this, I need to clarify two points (maybe you know that, but just in case). To enable Active Agents on Zabbix, there are some things:
Set agents as active - this is the most important one due to this configuration enables the active communication, so to do that:
Set ACTIVE agents and server, set the port 10051 TCP (localhost on server, and Listenport on agent)
On Zabbix Server you will find the "Template Os Windows", (also available for Linux and Mac), so full clone it and change the name (ie. "Template OS Windows Active") and add/LInk on it the "Template AppZabbix Agent Active" which is available on your list of preconfigured templates on Zabbix server... once you do that, you´re ready to setup, actually you don´t need to setup the IP of the agent on the Zabbix server (that´s required only for Passive profile), just ensure that it containt the Agent name.
Now your Server and Agent are on active mode, you may find a world of options about the data you need to get on active mode, but some such as network, processor or memory are ready out of the box from these templates.
If you need more help just let me know