What Are You Doing Right Now
Waiting for hair cut
One in the afternoon and the house owner came by to drink with us. The brandy is our house is from our own garden and is his personal estate brand.
@johnhooks said:
Lawyers.... enough said. Never seen any lawyer that didn't think that security was a complete joke and that IT people were stupid and pointless. This should be a wake up call, but it won't be. It's widespread knowledge that law firms are very often incredibly insecure. Talk to MSPs, many won't even touch law firms because they are so callous about their treatment of IT and security.
The reality is is that any law firm that pays attention already knows that we would guess that their security is lax. This "big" Panamanian law firm fell way, way below the "home line", not patching, running all of their systems on the same box, running web sites themselves, etc. This is a litany of professional negligence. But, if you are hiring people to be crooks, what are the chances that they really care about protecting your data? You get what you pay for
Think about it, this is a company that makes its money help people rip off governments and their people - these are very, very unethical people. Billionare's had to trust them with their data because no one could audit them with that kind of data. They paid big money and had to trust... and the lawyers just stole from the billionaire's and didn't do the security that they were entrusted to do. Of course that's what they did, why would they bother paying even for one entry level IT guy when they could pocket that money and leave others at risk?
I've been awake for 39 hours straight...so that's something...
Just discovered that you can go to your profile on ML and tack on /best to the end and see your most up voted posts.
Neat -my best was from a year ago..
Just got back from dinner with the family in the city. Went grocery shopping, got dinner and then had coffee at a gas station where we fueled up that had an excellent playground. Kids played for easily an hour.
Decided to head up near the Ukrainian border and hit Baia Mare to see the UNESCO wooden churches and the last old world peasant lifestyle in Europe.
Almost done with hour 45...and I have to be at work in 45 minutes...
@scottalanmiller said:
Decided to head up near the Ukrainian border and hit Baia Mare to see the UNESCO wooden churches and the last old world peasant lifestyle in Europe.
When you're there, say Hello to my first wife, she's the one who will scoff at you for doing so.
I'm just kidding, she's not mean, she's pure evil.
@thanksajdotcom said:
Almost done with hour 45...and I have to be at work in 45 minutes...
What in the world are you doing that's keeping you up?
@travisdh1 said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
Almost done with hour 45...and I have to be at work in 45 minutes...
What in the world are you doing that's keeping you up?
Well I'm almost near the end of hour 53 and I realized that I forgot to put my sheets in the dryer after I got home from work...so I lost two hours there...this is common when I stay up long-times like this...my body can keep going but my mind just gets fuzzier and fuzzier...with sporadic moments of clarity...lol...my record is 64 hours...not trying to break that this time...too much to do tomorrow that's fun to be completely wiped and mentally a zombie lol
Working around a city water boil advisory... our Walmart here looks like the Apocalypse is happening in the water section, lol. Got 2 gallons of water, and made sweet tea with one of them. So we're good for another few hours, lol.
I would use the water from our house and just boil it... but it would take 3 hours to fill up the pot to start the water boiling. Our water pressure = slow drip right now.
Also planning logistics for trip to Florida as I've been asked to be a pall bearer in a cousin's funeral. She died quiet unexpectedly.
Good morning everyone
Hope you all had a nice weekend. PAX is coming up soon! Can't wait.
Good afternoon, back from an impromtu weekend away.
Fixing all the things that went wrong over the weekend.... like "Oh, we didn't change the username." Really wasn't all that bad as someone is covering for the person who normally runs payroll stuff. Still, I was chuckling in my head.
Anyone notice how optimized android marshmellow 6.0.1 feels? Huge improvement from what I've seen so far.