Everyone, please welcome my daughter Diana into the world.
She arrived at 7:26am today!
Everyone, please welcome my daughter Diana into the world.
She arrived at 7:26am today!
This guide assumes you already have a running Ubuntu 15.10 system on which you want to configure Xen Orchestra, everything else is documented below.
TL;DR: Run this command as root on Ubuntu 15.10...
sudo curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scottalanmiller/xenorchestra_installer/master/xo_install.sh | bash
During the installation of your OS, you'll want to create a user outside of root, I made my user account xoadmin
How to Install Xen Orchestra Source on Ubuntu 15.10 (self compiled) AKA MANUAL installation
sudo apt-get install --yes nfs-common
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_5.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install --yes nodejs
curl -o /usr/local/bin/n https://raw.githubusercontent.com/visionmedia/n/master/bin/n
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/n
n stable
node -v
npm -v
sudo apt-get install --yes build-essential redis-server libpng-dev git python-minimal
git clone -b stable https://github.com/vatesfr/xo-server
git clone -b stable https://github.com/vatesfr/xo-web
cd xo-server
sudo npm install && npm run build
cp sample.config.yaml .xo-server.yaml
nano .xo-server.yaml
#Edit and uncomment it to have the right path to XO-Web, because XO-Server embeds an HTTP server (we assume that XO-Server and XO-Web are on the same directory). It's near the end of the file:
# mounts: '/': '../home/xoadmin/xo-web/dist/
# save and exit
cd ~
cd ../xo-web
sudo npm i [email protected]
sudo npm install
sudo npm run build
cd ../xo-server
sudo npm start
The scripted installation thanks to @scottalanmiller
Below is the preferred Installation method. It includes the systemctl xo-server.service written by @Danp
sudo bash
sudo curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scottalanmiller/xenorchestra_installer/master/xo_install.sh | bash
In your favorite web-browser go to this VM's IP Address, login with the default user: [email protected] and "admin" for the password. Update your Login Details!!
Add your Xen Server(s) and go to town.
Automatically Start XO at Boot - See this Post by @Danp Also copied below.
Create a file in /etc/systemd/system/xo-server.service and enter the below into it.
# systemd service for XO-Server.
Description= XO Server
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/node ./bin/xo-server
Save the file, and then run to enable the service at start up.
sudo systemctl enable xo-server.service
To monitor the service you can then run
journalctl -u xo-server -f -n 50
For everyone on the newer releases of the "stable build" at least as of April-8-2016 there appears to be a bug when attempting to mount an NFS share; to resolve this follow the short process below
Replacing nfs-server-ip-address with the actual IP of the remote server and the remote-# with whatever is listed on your console.
Register for today's live demo April 6, 11 am PT / 2 pm ET.
Host: Alex Bykovskyi, Solutions Architect, StarWind
New StarWind Virtual SAN Free comes completely unrestricted delivering all the features you get in the commercial version. Unlike the previous free version, new VSAN Free delivers unlimited node count, features, and capacity served. It can now be used in any deployment scenario, be it Hyper-Converged, “Compute and Storage Separated”, or even a combination of both. Thanks to multiprotocol support, featuring iSCSI, SMB3, and NFS, including RDMA-capable iSER, NVMf, and SMB Direct, StarWind VSAN easily integrates into any infrastructure, be it virtualized or not. In addition, support for VVOLs, SCVMM, and ready-to-use PowerShell scripts help users to speed up and simplify automated deployment, management, and monitoring of their Virtual SAN infrastructure.
Join our Live Demo to learn how to build a completely free multi-node hyper-converged environment with StarWind and your hypervisor of choice!
*Virtualize responsibly!
Hey all!
On November 11th I'll be gaming for 24 hours straight to raise money for Golisano Children's Hospital,please hit my page up here and donate to help raise funds.
@nerdydad said in Fake Wall or Wall Closet?:
Any suggestions?
Tell your CFO to stop giving tours of your server room and focus on saving money for more important things.
Since Scott is our resident expert on said topic, I figure here would be as good a place as any to post SW articles regarding IT people who are in a position where they are unknowingly building an IPOD.
@BradfromxByte thank you for dealing with all of the back and forth and kick ass servers.
@black3dynamite said in Miscellaneous Tech News:
I saw that and just had to laugh, because these people and governments don't understand what encryption means and is meant to do.
@Obsolesce said in CrowdStrike blames kernel level access on last month Microsoft outage, claims to:
@DustinB3403 said in CrowdStrike blames kernel level access on last month Microsoft outage, claims to:
@Obsolesce said in CrowdStrike blames kernel level access on last month Microsoft outage, claims to:
@DustinB3403 said in CrowdStrike blames kernel level access on last month Microsoft outage, claims to:
want to find a non-kernel based solution and that the EU is at fault.
I still say it could have been avoided if CrowdStrike had tested the change on a single device prior to releasing it publicly. It could have been a simple automated test as part of their release pipeline.
Even a better rollout strategy could have prevented it from going too far.
What's funny is that CS is now saying that they have decided to start testing their releases with the use of "besides showing interest in working with Microsoft to work on the “kernel-level restrictions” development, is also taking a new approach to certify each new sensor release through the “Windows Hardware Quality Labs."
Whats also funny is that if you look at almost any open source software of similar caliber, they do all that stuff in their build and release pipelines or other work flows before public releases.
@Obsolesce said in CrowdStrike blames kernel level access on last month Microsoft outage, claims to:
@DustinB3403 said in CrowdStrike blames kernel level access on last month Microsoft outage, claims to:
want to find a non-kernel based solution and that the EU is at fault.
I still say it could have been avoided if CrowdStrike had tested the change on a single device prior to releasing it publicly. It could have been a simple automated test as part of their release pipeline.
Even a better rollout strategy could have prevented it from going too far.
What's funny is that CS is now saying that they have decided to start testing their releases with the use of "besides showing interest in working with Microsoft to work on the “kernel-level restrictions” development, is also taking a new approach to certify each new sensor release through the “Windows Hardware Quality Labs."
want to find a non-kernel based solution and that the EU is at fault.
@dbeato Yeah it does it has a webpage that is native to the solution. I don't know that it's optimized for mobile, but I doubt it.
Hey all,
Looking to see if anyone has any recommendations for a hosted solution for Policy Compliance and Reporting.
Currently we use TugBoat Logic, and while it works, its way more focused on being a Vendor Risk management tool and is a wieldy tool that seems to just cover to much.
I'm looking for something that would integrate with AWS/Azure/Google along with a few other vendors to automate the collection of logs.
If you have any recommendations let me know.
@IRJ Yeah I've tried openVAS in the past, it wasn't bad, but it also wasn't great.
I've ended up making some changes to my firewall and using Wazuh to report on my endpoints that are remote to our datacenter.
Which works well enough for our needs
Call with new customer and support engineer who will be doing the work.
Nothing fancy
@gjacobse said in ReadyNAS314: likely failing:
@DustinB3403 said in ReadyNAS314: likely failing:
@gjacobse said in ReadyNAS314: likely failing:
I do have a “backup” but, looks like it’s a month or so old.
This is where you screwed up...
You know what they say about people and glass houses?
Hey I'm sure I'll have my own issue at some point.
@gjacobse said in ReadyNAS314: likely failing:
I do have a “backup” but, looks like it’s a month or so old.
This is where you screwed up...