I am so @#$%^&* Excited to annouce a new Managing Director for NTG!!
No more @Minion-Queen will @art_of_shred now be @Minion-King?
Oh no one can get rid of me that easily
I am still around. Just spending more time online and doing sales. Less working directly with clients.
The Queen is.... busy elsewhere?? ... LONG LIVE THE KING
HA HA HA jokes on you. This means I will be around here more
watching all of you!
@Minion-Queen said:
HA HA HA jokes on you. This means I will be around here more
watching all of you!
When you stare into the abyss and all that.
Cool cool cool.
Condolences.... err... congrats?
oh man, I wanted that job. lol! Congrats!
No one wants that job!
Big news at @ntg today.
I am sensing that the "congrats" are much more directed at her for getting rid of this crappy responsibility than they are for my getting stuck with it.
Oh, and I won't be wearing any of her shoes, just to be clear and up front about all that stuff.
@art_of_shred said:
Oh, and I won't be wearing any of her shoes, just to be clear and up front about all that stuff.
A Musician and a cross-dresser?
Well, I have worn a dress on more than one occasion... Danielle could probably post pics.
Congrats to the both of you
I'm late but Congrats @art_of_shred Minion_King
@Minion-Queen Congrats!