Here's my situation,
I've dorked up my phone - not sure how, but I want to hard reset it.
My concern is that since I'm using GA for several sites (mentioned above) I want to make sure I will still get codes for all of those sites.
The standard process for moving GA to a new phone (or setting it up on a hard reset phone) is to visit the GA site and reinstall, scan the code on screen that Google gives you and you're going again... but I'm guessing that the code that good is presenting is a whole new one, different from what I have right now (it's also how they ensure it's only one phone phone at a time). So since the base code has changed, even if my phone brings in the 'sync' codes from the other services from my old phone, since the base code is different, my GA provided codes for say Dropbox won't match any more and now I'm locked out of my Dropbox account.
So I'm wondering, do I have to visit all of the sites I'm currently using GA with, and disable TFA, then reset my phone, and then go back and re set them all up? God I hope not!