@Minion-Queen said in AWS vs. Azure - for Education:
Then office 365 really should be a huge consideration then.
And 100% free for non profits. (Unless you opt for the local Office software as well)
@Minion-Queen said in AWS vs. Azure - for Education:
Then office 365 really should be a huge consideration then.
And 100% free for non profits. (Unless you opt for the local Office software as well)
@BBigford said
I was figuring that setting up a DC (or a couple DCs) in AWS would be essentially the same as using Azure AD (I haven't used Azure AD though, so easy on the pitchfork).
The first thing you learn about Azure AD, It's not Active Directory. Treat them differently because they are very different.
I'm going to be blunt
All the RMM tools I've seen are fairly lame, not brilliant, not exceptional, a lot of their customer base is using those tools because they have no other choice.
I wrote a piece on Continuum which you can find on here somewhere for feedback on that particular tool.
The thing that will make you better than any other MSP is the people you use. Have you got a gifted account manager who can bring in new work, manage the billing/accounts you have and so on. Technology, who is on your tech team? What fields will you cover.
Have you got sticky products/items to resell. VoIP, internet, backup, things where you can add value to the product the client gets in a meaningful way (Not just blindly reselling) whilst giving them another reason to consider you.
One company which seems to be a much smaller player: https://www.atera.com/
They are integrating with these guys: http://www.splashtop.com/sos
I've not seen a product or provider who I've gone "WOW, I must have it" yet though.
Content filtering, for good or bad reasons, people want it.
Toying this as an idea. You have your third party DNS filtering service which blocks the non productive or evil websites. You block port 53 on the outbound UNLESS it resolves to your DNS filtering service.
Cheap to implement, no intercepting of HTTPS traffic needed and it should be fast as a DNS query takes no time.
The internal DNS for servers and AD remains unchanged and you set the DNS resolver to the filtering service.
Is there anything technically dumb I'm missing here?
@Shuey said in Synergy - Software KVM:
The Pro version now offers SSL support
Security should be part of the product. I know the price difference is tiny but It's never great when a company charges more for the security of their clients.
We're building a product specifically to tackle this. It's going live Spring 2017 hopefully
Staff, employees, co-workers for internal IT. You are not a customer, you are a team-mate, we're here to help the business succeed, I help you, you help me, you are not my customer.
Clients if you are the external IT. Very clear and black and white.
@thwr said in New Laptop needed:
Didn't know yet. So it's built into the hardware?
Any sources at hand?
If even I'm publishing about it..it's bad
Coming from pro AV world...I'm amazed at how a fundamentally simple question blew up into an emotional diatribe.
This is akin to someone asking for advice on a USB docking station and we're now talking about layer-3 switching and a whole host of items. The key is not technical knowledge, competence or skill. It MUST be the ability to listen and understand what is being said and respond correctly. I've read through a whole range of suggestions wildly off topic.
Mike, I'm happy to weigh in here but are you close to a solution you are happy with?
@gjacobse said in Pertino or VPN - They work and they don't:
@Breffni-Potter said in Pertino or VPN - They work and they don't:
I've not had something break so many services and web connections before. Can you drop Pertino and replace it?
If the VPN would be stable,.. Yes.. but we bounce back and fourth since there are so many issues.
drops mic
@lance said in Get your free Meraki gear!:
@scottalanmiller said in Get your free Meraki gear!:
Ubiquiti gear is so much better, it's worth spending the money not to be saddled with Meraki stuff
Wow. Sorry for trying to give people access to free gear.
Attended the webinar, spoke to Cisco rep afterwards, did not want to send the gear. Number of Meraki installs I've done = 0. Number of Ubiquity installs = Lots.
Cisco lost out on a lot of sales over that 1 botched webinar.
@DustinB3403 said
My OP I thought was very clear in that I was ranting a bit. But ok...
It looked like a rant about ever using the "everyone" group in AD. I know what you mean now though.
Nothing new under the sun but hopefully a helpful reminder.
Given their atrocious track record with RMAs - The process must be a night mare for those who take up a leasing agreement.
Ubiquiti gear is cheap enough you can literally buy double and keep a spare on shelf but still.
@scottalanmiller said in Ubiquiti switches: UniFi vs EdgeMax:
That's actually a reason that I dislike GUIs on all kinds of things from switches and routers to servers or whatever - GUIs encourage people to "mess around" with things that they don't know enough about.
Like re-naming a production server in the middle of the day because they decided it would be fun to use a lord of the rings naming scheme.
At bigger scale:
A really good tool for getting the latest version of a font constantly.
When combined with this:
That then handles your font licensing for everything you could possibly need.
For smaller scale, buy the fonts through a single account on one of these many font web stores and then install it manually, keep a record of the devices which have the font.
Been on a trial with these guys and I am really impressed.They've been around for awhile and they have now entered the UK. They have chosen Zedsphere as their partner who are the guys I mainly deal with for Webroot bits.
The trial has been a really nice experienced, I had a blip with getting something working and one of the techs in America for Ninja did a remote session with me, not a sales guy but an actual IT guy so got some good pointers and answers too
.I have generally seen that most RMM tools are either insanely expensive, cumbersome, slow, clunky to train techs on. Ninja has none of these issues.
The features work brilliantly, the agent is light and non-intrusive with all the right features. I will be placing an order next week for this tool.
One off-hand comment was that a non MSP edition of the product might be coming soon, if so I would recommend it highly to anyone in IT who is looking for it.
As for pricing, they have different options depending on what you are looking for but it is per device. No user/technician limits. They have a cloud monitoring feature for ping, DNS, HTTP, email checks against your resources and you don't pay anything for it.
I am excited because it is such a nicely built product, I can finally deploy a tool without groaning about a million issues.
I am not paid by Ninja or Zedsphere. I do not receive any "freebies" or gifts as a result of this.
New client of mine, they are a 6am to 10pm operation. Social care provider, so if someone cannot make a 7am appointment with a person in need, they need the system working to find a replacement. Hotels, 24 hour operation, accounts are processed end of the day from tills and various places.
Don't bother with stats. Focus on a conversation with management, the system HAS to go down at some point, what point causes the least pain/disruption whilst allowing the IT team to provide the manpower at that time. Stats to "prove the point" would just be an exercise in futility.