Export Hyper-V 2008 VM and import into XenServer 6.5
So for an up coming project / test I want to migrate a VM out of Hyper-V 2008, and import it into my XenServer.
Anything I should have to look out for or pointers?
Scott was mentioning than a backup and bare metal restore option was Scale's and I think Xen or XenServer's suggested solution for this.
I'm pretty sure there is an import VHD function with XenServer. It even runs a specific program to fix the known issues with the conversion.
Any other recommendations, or links to where you guys might have seen this information.
The VM I'm going to attempt to export is Server 2012 R2 (hosted on Hyper-V 08 r2...) if that helps.
Here is a thread where I am going through the very same things as we speak.
I was able to import the VHD in with no problems, though you definitely need to run the "fixup" program to get it to boot.
I am going to start playing with the bare metal today and see how it goes.
Does anyone have a HyperV 2012 R2 server running, and if so can you show me the drivers...
I honestly think our MSP didn't install the Hyper-V drivers to this VM..
100Kbps NIC max throughput....
Never mind that device manager is showing Hyper-V devices so it does appear they are installed.
I only have one VM, it is 2012 R2 on my XS.