Is HR Really Blocking New Hire Processes?
@thecreativeone91 said:
@coliver said:
From my experience through word-of-mouth. The person doing the hiring mentions it to someone they are acquainted with who knows someone who is "good with computers".
I don't think I've ever gotten an IT job through word of mouth.
My First one was word of mouth. My second one is because I use to hang out with the manager's son right down the road, so he knew me pretty good, lol.
My third job I got because I understood what HKLM meant and knew what a router was, lol.
@thecreativeone91 said:
@coliver said:
Glad I'm not the only that sees this. Most SMBs (in the US) see themselves as the top of a career for anyone and everyone instead of a stepping stone in the career direction.
Yeah really. Makes no sense They all think they are the best of the best when they aren't and expect you to retire their if you take a job with them.
My Pops and I didn't do that when we had our store. We said welcome aboard, please don't spend the rest of your life working for us... (No, I'm serious, lol). We had 4 or 5 techs hang around for a year, and another two hang around for 2 years... We, at least, were honest about not being famous, lol. (Although we did manage to run a couple of crooked PC stores out of town).