CAPLOCK is on.
@thecreativeone91 said:
@Aaron-Studer Just tell them I think your capslock might be on.
But they do it over and over again. I am remote, so I can't fix it
You could always disable CAPs with a registry key. You could even deploy it out via GPO.
What I want to say is "Just so you know there is a shift key on your keyboard."
I think some people just prefer to use the caps lock.
@Carnival-Boy said:
I think some people just prefer to use the caps lock.
You can't fix stupid.
At our place, passwords must have at least one uppercase character and most people only have one character that is upper case and all the rest are lower case. Despite this, I would say at least half the people I work with hit the caps lock key, hit that one letter, then hit the caps lock key and carry on typing their password. In most case they've been doing this for over ten years, so I'm not going to say anything now.
@Aaron-Studer said:
But they do it over and over again. I am remote, so I can't fix it
You may need to go onsite with a sharpie and write "CAPS LOCK" onto the forehead of the worst offenders. The other sheeple will fall into compliance.
@thanksajdotcom said:
You can't fix stupid.
Not ,.. but with the right rules and GPO, REG settings you can limit it.
we have people that do that.. I just find it funny but don't bother to correct them.
Our core financial system requires Caps Lock. So its rare to find anybody that submits tickets in lowercase.
@IRJ said:
Our core financial system requires Caps Lock. So its rare to find anybody that submits tickets in lowercase.
Yeah we have the same problem with one of our apps here.
I had to explain to our support department that when customers use a hotmail account to send an email with the subject line in ALL CAPS, the spam filter is going to grab it.
@Aaron-Studer said:
How do you nicely tell a user not to use CAPLOCK, and use the SHIFT key?
Cruise control for cool
Now that that's out of the way, send them a link to email etiquette?
Remove the caps lock key from their keyboard.
Send them to a typing course
Reply with "no need to shout. I sit close enough to my monitor while reading to see normal text" -
Autoreply with a bounce message about caps lock spam
(thanks for the idea @RojoLoco )