Do you find a tablet useful for work?
I did buy a nook when they were new... I rooted it and flashed a new rom.. but I became bored with it quickly. I guess I'm not a real programmer.. ha wait.. I'm not really -
I am highly mobile and a tablet is critical for me to remain connected.
We just bought 10 Surface Pro 2's - so far, everyone loves them! Surprisingly, the guys who had IPADS say it made their IPAD obsolete. boom! -
I know I didn't like the first versions of them it was horrible to use. But I might check out the newest.
I was using my rooted Nook Tablet forever and it worked well at IT Conferences. If I had Wi-Fi and my charger with me, I could easily remote in using RDP 2X and do important work. I was handed an iPad 2 to do testing for a rollout. I have RDP 2X again and find it fairly useful. Once I figured out Notes allows me to save locally and then e-mail, I was good. I installed Sketches so I can scribble diagrams (that can be e-mailed and saved locally). Right now we are preparing for our new CRM rollout. At present it is a very dandy e-reader.
Once we figure out good ideas, it will be useful. I like my 3 screens and a hard drive laden laptop for VPN and VMware vSphere client.
Paul "iPhone, iPad 2... what IS going on here?" Luciano, MCSE
@Minion-Queen I personally do not have one, but I see slot of people using them for notes during meetings or to read the minutes from the last meeting. I don't feel that they are much functional beyond that Dave the few proprietary applications I have seen for internal audits.
@Eric said:
@Minion-Queen I personally do not have one, but I see slot of people using them for notes during meetings or to read the minutes from the last meeting. I don't feel that they are much functional beyond that Dave the few proprietary applications I have seen for internal audits.
We just ordered two Surface Pro 2 tablets recently. Hoping to get them in this week and begin evaluation. We felt that it would be great for those times when we want to live the confines of our cave and get out and about in the building.
My Nexus 10 seldom sees work usage for me. I just don't have the proper tools to integrate it into my systems enough to be useful.
Not much while I'm at work, I have my quad screen workstation here
And when I'm on-site somewhere I have my Helix laptop/tablet combo, though usually in tablet mode. At home I use the iPad for most work-related things when I really have to, rarely break out the Helix at home. However anytime I'm doing major notetaking (Sunday morning
) I love the Helix and OneNote.
I use my Nexus 7 for book reading.
Over a year later and ... I've basically stopped using tablets altogether. I used to have workloads where they made sense and I like them as a potential tool to choose. But I don't do that "consuming" work day to day anymore and I don't do things like work from a couch and watch TV anymore. So I've moved to all full computers and have found me tablets to just go idle.
LOL - I never left that situation. While I've wanted the tablet to be an awesome thing for me, it just never was.
@Dashrender said:
LOL - I never left that situation. While I've wanted the tablet to be an awesome thing for me, it just never was.
I used one for a long time and it was great. It's just very situational.
Plays right into your dedicated device for a dedicated purpose.
We have a couple cheap Android tablets at work just to use on our intranet. We keep track of maintenance logs, LOTO logs, QC records, visitor log, and some other things like that. A few of the forms need a signature so it helps and you don't have to carry a laptop on the ship floor. If it wasn't for these uses we prob wouldn't have any.
I currently don't have a need for a tablet. As I begin to take on more roles it may come in handy, but as of yet. I'm good with my desktop.
I use a tablet for entertainment when home. But still find my Ipad very useful when traveling. I very rarely need to travel with a full laptop anymore.
I think I'd find a decent, small, reasonably priced, Windows Pro tablet useful.
I have tried a few of the smaller windows tablets out. They are slow, screens are really dim and just plain annoying, I really keep hoping there is a great one that comes out.
I'm a big fan of the Surface Pro series... but I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually use them as a tablet. Everyone that I know that has one uses it almost exclusively as a laptop.