What Are You Doing Right Now
@thwr said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@travisdh1 said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@thwr said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@travisdh1 said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@thwr said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@travisdh1 said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Just got a temp/humidity and door sensors working on a Pi, tomorrow I get to decide how often I want to log temps, what temps to send a text/email to myself, how often to check temp/humidity and all that good stuff that needs dumped into a script.
FrankenSwitch will get a display tomorrow
Just need to order a longer FPC (flat ribbon) cable
Nice. More pictures of FrankenSwitch as well I hope!
Here's my little project. All I really wanted was a temp monitor for one of the rooms. Total out of pocket cost on the hardware for this was like $40. Should I want more of the same sort of thing it'll be easy to copy the code
Also, my little adventure in C coding for the day:
tech@tempdoor-rpi ~/source $ tmphmd.out temperature = 24.0 degC 75.3 degF humidity = 41.7%
Hehe. Despite having a C and even some Assembler background, I really like to use C# today, even on the Pi with mono. Such a great language, very comparable to Java without all the BS.
Take a look at these sensors I am using: https://www.amazon.de/gp/aw/d/B00EU71QWK/ref=pd_aw_sim_60_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=41E662BaZEL&dpSrc=sims&preST=AC_UL100_SR100%2C100&psc=1&refRID=NPY8AEDW0YKRXAJV86AT
Dallas 1wire, very cheap, great quality, extremely easy to use.
Yep, I like 1wire stuff as well. I've just been spoiled by Adafruit having example code for everything they do. Makes getting the little bits working so much quicker and easier. All I really have to do is figure out the custom scripts I want (yes, I'm lazy, lol
No code required, there's a virtual file driver (/sys driver) on Linux available or these. Just a one-liner, can will post that tomorrow if you like.
If it's not in /dev it's not a device! (Sorry, read some of that "Jokes only IT people would get" thread today.)
@travisdh1 said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@thwr said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@travisdh1 said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@thwr said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@travisdh1 said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Just got a temp/humidity and door sensors working on a Pi, tomorrow I get to decide how often I want to log temps, what temps to send a text/email to myself, how often to check temp/humidity and all that good stuff that needs dumped into a script.
FrankenSwitch will get a display tomorrow
Just need to order a longer FPC (flat ribbon) cable
Nice. More pictures of FrankenSwitch as well I hope!
Here's my little project. All I really wanted was a temp monitor for one of the rooms. Total out of pocket cost on the hardware for this was like $40. Should I want more of the same sort of thing it'll be easy to copy the code
Also, my little adventure in C coding for the day:
tech@tempdoor-rpi ~/source $ tmphmd.out temperature = 24.0 degC 75.3 degF humidity = 41.7%
Hehe. Despite having a C and even some Assembler background, I really like to use C# today, even on the Pi with mono. Such a great language, very comparable to Java without all the BS.
Take a look at these sensors I am using: https://www.amazon.de/gp/aw/d/B00EU71QWK/ref=pd_aw_sim_60_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=41E662BaZEL&dpSrc=sims&preST=AC_UL100_SR100%2C100&psc=1&refRID=NPY8AEDW0YKRXAJV86AT
Dallas 1wire, very cheap, great quality, extremely easy to use.
Yep, I like 1wire stuff as well. I've just been spoiled by Adafruit having example code for everything they do. Makes getting the little bits working so much quicker and easier. All I really have to do is figure out the custom scripts I want (yes, I'm lazy, lol
BTW, just found the same sensor over at Adafruit. The price is just 5 times higher... Must be the additional 4k7 resistor
Waterproof DS18B20 Digital temperature sensor + extras
$9.95 -
@thwr said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
We need to get some hacking / embedded section here at ML
Tags are your friend. also not continuing to post in the "What are you doing right now?" thread would be a great f'n start.
@JaredBusch said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@thwr said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
We need to get some hacking / embedded section here at ML
Tags are your friend. also not continuing to post in the "What are you doing right now?" thread would be a great f'n start.
Yeah, too many tech questions and threads end up hiding in here.
Doing some VyOS CLI configuration stuff.
1/3rd of responses on this thread are paid marketers. Seriously?
And of the remaining thread, a good percentage is the OP just acknowledging the posts left for him. nearly zero content there.
Thinking about how it's 4am and I should be asleep but instead I'm sitting here staring at the screen thinking about what else I have to do tomorrow after I've had enough sleep.
@tonyshowoff said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Thinking about how it's 4am and I should be asleep but instead I'm sitting here staring at the screen thinking about what else I have to do tomorrow after I've had enough sleep.
Only 9PM here but a simmilar boat.
@BRRABill said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said
Yeah, too many tech questions and threads end up hiding in here.
Not without a knife you won't.
Got a quarter bottle of Evan Williams whiskey in a glass with some ice right here.
@tonyshowoff said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@BRRABill said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said
Yeah, too many tech questions and threads end up hiding in here.
Not without a knife you won't.
I want a sharpened edge on my titanium spork, it would be the ultimate eating utensil then instead of the penultimate.
Really? Definitely something you should know...
More importantly, who failed to figure it out based on the four available options! Even if you had no idea, everyone should have been able to work it out at a glance as the other three options are totally unreasonable. That would be a worthless question on a test, a pure gimme.
yepp. Got another one removed yesterday, all four answers wrong. Was about what to do when you have a stalling app in Android. At least not an OG question but from a user.
It is 5am here. Heading to bed.
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
It is 5am here. Heading to bed.
11:15am here, will get some lunch in 15 minutes
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
My sister in law's brand new, crazy expensive Ford Explorer than she drove from Texas to NY shit the bed on the drive from NYC to Utica last night. She just got called from the deal and the parts are nationally back ordered... two weeks to two months estimate on when they can fix her brand new, under warranty car with only like 3K miles.
No wonder the Explorer is the worst ranked car in America by reliability. damn.
Holy cow... Glad mine ain't done that!
Creating a Hyper-V boot USB as having issues with XenServer 7 so going to use Hyper-V instead
Put my hand on the first one of these. sadly it's not for me.