What Are You Doing Right Now
Yup, shortly.
SAM's documentation is SO much better than the websites documentation. It actually makes sense and works when you follow it AND it helps me to learn. Im stuck on Zabbix for now but looking forward to Rocket Chat.
@alex.olynyk thanks. Hopefully I will have this all working very shortly.
In our lab install, we separated out MongoDB, so the MongoDB install that I just posted was the database for our Rocket.Chat. I'll try to make an install guide that handles a local install.
Oy vey.... my Exchange server just had a mini meltdown... services stopping (then not wanting to restart). It finally sorted itself out, good thing everyone is at lunch.
@NattNatt said:
@Minion-Queen said:
@Minion-Queen said:
We have decided to not bother. If we are going to get an Ice Storm on top of all this is snow.. then if we leave the snow now it will be easier to get rid of all the ice later
at least that is the theory.
Well it is deep enough Art had to go snow blow the driveway. It is still coming down hard though....
So jealous right now
You know not of what you wish for. Careful.
Watching more Doctor Who, while feeling a bit tipsy after a pint of Stella and a 14oz Angus Steak
Dad just measured the snow in the wide open yard, 16".
And still coming down hard.....
So we have had no internet since 7:30 this morning. Comcast has some an outage in our area. What sucks is we also have no cell service at our house. So I'm at Sheetz right now so I can do some work.
@johnhooks said:
So we have had no internet since 7:30 this morning. Comcast has some an outage in our area. What sucks is we also have no cell service at our house. So I'm at Sheetz right now so I can do some work.
Hit the MTO, they have awesome food!!
Setting up ASO account, migrating my blog from hostgator, testing softaculous on ASO
@scottalanmiller said:
@johnhooks said:
So we have had no internet since 7:30 this morning. Comcast has some an outage in our area. What sucks is we also have no cell service at our house. So I'm at Sheetz right now so I can do some work.
Hit the MTO, they have awesome food!!
I have to stay away from the touch screens. I end up ordering wayy too much for one person to eat.
Can someone check my site http://www.ambarishrh.com, its working fine for me, but pingability.com shows that
Warning ambarishrh.com does not have an IP Address (A) record.
Heads-up There is no 'www' subdomain for ambarishrh.comI've moved my site from hostgator to ASO
@Ambarishrh said:
Can someone check my site http://www.ambarishrh.com, its working fine for me, but pingability.com shows that
Warning ambarishrh.com does not have an IP Address (A) record.
Heads-up There is no 'www' subdomain for ambarishrh.comI've moved my site from hostgator to ASO
Both come up fine to me.
Works here, too.
@Ambarishrh said:
Can someone check my site http://www.ambarishrh.com, its working fine for me, but pingability.com shows that
Warning ambarishrh.com does not have an IP Address (A) record.
Heads-up There is no 'www' subdomain for ambarishrh.comI've moved my site from hostgator to ASO
Works here also.
So here's a new one. This one client I have just got a new laptop with Windows 10. He always has the strangest problems with stuff, so he sent me an email yesterday that his "buttons" across the bottom aren't there any more and when he minimizes things, they disappear.
I just jumped on his machine, the icons for the apps in his taskbar really have disappeared but if you hover over where they should be you get a square gray background like it's still there. The start menu also just doesn't come up. Going back to a restore point, hopefully that works.
Thanks. So after setting up WP on my site, while trying softaculous, I noticed it has Laravel. Thought of testing if i can setup SnipeIT on a sub dir and tried installing it. Laravel installation gave me an error that my PHP version is not 5.5+
So i changed my PHP version from cPanel and made it to 5.6 as i was sure that WP won't have any issues due to the PHP version change. After that when i tried installing Laravel, it gave me the same error and upon checking with tech support of ASO they said "unfortunately Softaculous seems to be ignoring the .htaccess command..so we can't install laravel unless the default version is PHP 5.5, we are opening a support ticket". Waiting for this to get resolved
So looks like Sheetz wifi blocks port 22, I can't SSH into anything. Suck.