Getting ready for SpiceWorld
Hope to see you there @Dashrender
I was looking at the Agenda there is lots of down time on Tuesday (especially for those that are not SpiceLeaders) and Wednesday there is only OFFICAL stuff from 5pm-8pm, which is the Vendor Showcase).
So let's plan some fun things to do! And you never know what Vendor will show up and treat you to some Flaming Dr.Peppers!! Of course we do need to make sure someone puts a tracker on @scottalanmiller this year so that we don't have to call in the Fire Department again!
Tuesday Lunch:
Tuesday Dinner (non-SpiceLeaders):
Tuesday After Parties:
Tuesday Late Night After After Party:Wednesday Breakfast:
Wednesday Lunch:
8:30pm-????: FLAMING Dr. Peppers:Thursday:
After-After Party:Friday:
After Party for those still alive to do so:Saturday:
Breakfast: Grey Howe usually sets something up for this.
Not sure if there are other things going on Saturday afternoon. Most of us will be heading out after breakfast. -
@Minion-Queen said:
Breakfast: Grey Howe usually sets something up for this.
Not sure if there are other things going on Saturday afternoon. Most of us will be heading out after breakfast.I think that I'm missing the breakfast this year. Have to get to Nicaragua that evening.
@Minion-Queen said:
I was looking at the Agenda there is lots of down time on Tuesday (especially for those that are not SpiceLeaders) and Wednesday there is only OFFICAL stuff from 5pm-8pm, which is the Vendor Showcase).
So let's plan some fun things to do! And you never know what Vendor will show up and treat you to some Flaming Dr.Peppers!! Of course we do need to make sure someone puts a tracker on @scottalanmiller this year so that we don't have to call in the Fire Department again!
Tuesday Lunch:
Tuesday Dinner (non-SpiceLeaders):
Tuesday After Parties:
Tuesday Late Night After After Party:Wednesday Breakfast:
Wednesday Lunch:
8:30pm-????: FLAMING Dr. Peppers:Thursday:
After-After Party:Friday:
After Party for those still alive to do so:Saturday:
Breakfast: Grey Howe usually sets something up for this.
Not sure if there are other things going on Saturday afternoon. Most of us will be heading out after breakfast.Aww man. I wish I was going this year. This sounds like fun.
Someone else has planned an after party starting at 8pm on Tuesday.
The Spiceleader event goes until 8:45 i think.I could do a Wednesday breakfast and lunch something. I will be working from wherever all day anyway.
Definitely not a Spiceleader, so I'll be looking for some other folks to hang with...
Perhaps I should see who else is going that I might know from posting in the past... I haven't frequented SW in quite a while.
I will be at the SpiceLeader thing but we have a few from my group that are not so they will be around. Also have a few Vendors who have contacted me and asked me to help them meet some of you. So There will be things going on even during the SpiceLeader shin-dig.
OK this is next week.
I arrive at 8 PM probably at the hotel around 9:30 I'm guessing, I plan to take the same bus system JaredBusch was talking about.
Getting excited! If you want to take part in the Scale Boat ride get your tickets now: arrive around 12 or so on Tuesday. Staying at the Hampton Inn. @scottalanmiller , @art_of_shred and @jenuinecase
It's odd that the time is based on EDT and not CDT.
Only 75 seats for Scale!
NTG road trip commencing in 2 hours!
Last chance to grab a ride!
2 seats left in the Caravan! -
I thought that you were hitting the road last night.
Client decided they wanted to meet for dinner on Monday night so had time to relax and sleep in my own bed last night.
And we are off!!
Safe travels!
Nooooooo.Sadly, I have to be responsible and stay home with the kiddo, who started kindergarten this year. Didn't want to have to ask the in-laws to get up unnecessarily early to have her at school on time, blah blah blah. I'm bummed...but whatevs.
@NetworkNerdWifey said:
Nooooooo.Sadly, I have to be responsible and stay home with the kiddo, who started kindergarten this year. Didn't want to have to ask the in-laws to get up unnecessarily early to have her at school on time, blah blah blah. I'm bummed...but whatevs.
Oh that sucks. Sorry that we won't be seeing you.