@StuartJordan Welcome!
Posts made by WrCombs
RE: Getting Started for NTG Interns
Thank you for the advice! I look forward to learning more from you
RE: Looking for Highshool IT Intern
@scottalanmiller possibility, he seems very knowledgeable.
RE: Looking for Highshool IT Intern
@scottalanmiller im from nebraska, mid west
RE: New to It looking for help!!
@wirestyle22 best way to learn, surround yourself with those more intelligent
RE: Looking for Highshool IT Intern
@Minion-Queen im open for a majority of this week!
RE: New to It looking for help!!
@DustinB3403 thats for anything though, i was doing heating and cooling installs for a while. and the job description was polar opposite of what i was actually doing...
RE: New to It looking for help!!
@scottalanmiller to continue with the above; im mostly interested in server admin, network admin, anything that has to do with working with networks my least favorite would be webdesign
RE: New to It looking for help!!
@scottalanmiller My It work background is very minimal. I did take a year long class in middle school as i said, it was also almost 6 years ago to date, outside of that mostly what ive done is work with computers that had virus' or needed reprogrammed which i just watched mostly. Now im not doing any real IT work, im trying to learn however so that one day i could get back into the career that emerged while i was taking the classes.
RE: Looking for Highshool IT Intern
Im 19, new to IT have a little under my belt. not much. I started to love computers and really pick on how things worked with them around 7th grade while taking an IT essentials course that focused on cisco networking systems, from there every chance i had i was on a computer poking around and seeing what they could do as i learned more, i wanted to do more.
RE: New to It looking for help!!
@DustinB3403 Any suggestions on books, programs i should work on?
RE: New to It looking for help!!
@coliver again, sounds familiar.. not sure what exactly they do, i have minimal experience, if you would count it at all. what do the network admins do?
RE: New to It looking for help!!
@DustinB3403 Ive heard sys. admin before, but what job duties does that include? I took a programming class in middle school HTMI, wasnt very fond of writing programs. I also took IT essentials, which was based on Cisco networking learning about pretty much the very bare essentials for IT; all hardware, some software, trouble shooting. With that course i was required to take a mock up of the exam, which i passed with flying colors, which is where i found my interest in IT