@jospoortvliet said in It's been a while...:
Running Nextcloud 17 yet? Whaddayathink?
Is 17 still in beta? I'm running 16.06 on the Stable channel and the upgrade hasn't shown up as available yet.
@jospoortvliet said in It's been a while...:
Running Nextcloud 17 yet? Whaddayathink?
Is 17 still in beta? I'm running 16.06 on the Stable channel and the upgrade hasn't shown up as available yet.
Out of curiosity, what resources are you assigning to your Plex server vm (assuming it's a VM). How many concurrent streams and what types of streams (ie: 1080P, 4K, high/med/low bitrates)?
I've setup Mautic for a client that seems to handle what you're looking for. You could create multiple target segments each with their own creative. It handled double opt-in as well as opt-outs automatically. You can setup contact frequency rules...etc. Could be worth a look.
I no longer have this client but for the 3+ years I supported them, they used Mautic as their email list platform.
If I first remove the remote device agent, then I can successfully delete the server from the MC dashboard.
The test was on a remote server running Windows Server 2012R2.
@scottalanmiller said in Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect:
@JaredBusch it has "delete device". I don't know if it removes the remote agent. But it makes the remote agent useless at least. I've never tested to see what the remote agent does when that option is selected. But it definitely removes it from MC itself.
Interesting behaviour I just observed when I tested this. I can click on the "Delete device" option and it does momentarily remove it from my MC installation however the remote device immediately returns to the MC My Devices dashboard. It looks like there may be a bug that prevents it from being removed if the remote agent is still running on the remote device.
Hmmm...maybe my expectations were too high. I transferred a 1GB test file from the remote PC to my Nextcloud install on Vultr and got around 200Mbps as well.
@scottalanmiller said in ZeroTier File Transfer Speed:
Are you testing the full speed, or the speed only inside of the tunnel?
VPNs by their very nature have to add performance overhead. First you add latency by encrypting the traffic, then the resulting payload has to be larger than the original data, then once received it has to be decrypted again which adds more latency. The added latency makes it slower for data transfers because normal transfer methods wait for responses from the other end and the added latency causes it to wait and not utilize the full bandwidth. Some streaming transfers can overcome this, but normal protocols count on the low latency.
I wanted to test how fast I could transfer files between the 2 so the short answer to your question is, yes, I'm trying to see what the max speed is that I can get.
I totally get that I'm going to face some overhead but I wasn't expecting this. And the encrypting/decrypting activity would translate to higher CPU usage but I'm definitely not seeing anything that tells me CPU is bogged down. CPU usage during file transfer is below 20%. Unless this activity is pegging a single thread meaning I wouldn't see a CPU bottleneck when looking at utilization, I'm not sure this is the issue.
I'm seeing anywhere between 5ms and 12ms either direction when pinging.
@scottalanmiller said in ZeroTier File Transfer Speed:
How fast do you get without ZeroTier?
One of the PCs is at a remote location so no way to test on the same network. I've not setup any other VPN between the 2.
Was doing some testing between 2 devices (Windows PCs at each end), each connected to a 500Mbps ISP (tested multiple times to verify) and when I transfer a file between those 2 PCs, the best I can get is around 200Mbps regardless of the direction of the file transfer. Both PCs are running Core i5, 8GB RAM and 500GB SSDs so there shouldn't be a bottleneck at either PC end.
Has anyone been able to get better than 200Mbps across ZeroTier? Just wondering if this is where it will max out.
Was planning on using this to setup remote Veeam backups.
@scottalanmiller said in Backup strategy for customer data?:
When comparing tape, it's important to not look at raw capacity. LTO tape has hardware compression that is real time, on the fly and incredibly powerful. The compression ratios on tape are crazy. It's part of the sequential write mechanism. Hard drives don't offer this mechanism, nor could they because of the random access model. Tapes don't actually write raw, so an LTO8 is actually going to get 30TB on average. Sometimes less, sometimes more. But that's a real number to work with.
Question: Am I correct in assuming that this compression doesn't offer any benefit where the backup content is video media? If it DOES allow compression of video files, how good is the compression ratio?
@wirestyle22 said in Random Thread - Anything Goes:
Thanks for sharing. I needed a good laugh this morning.
@JaredBusch said in Miscellaneous Tech News:
@DustinB3403 said in Miscellaneous Tech News:
@scottalanmiller said in Miscellaneous Tech News:
The fire tablets are super limited, but super cheap, and moderately kid friendly from an interface perspective.
Limited how? All she needs is something that'l let her play and learn numbers, letters and shapes. She doesn't need nor does she now how a web browser works.
App limited.
For anyone interested, you can install the full Google Play store on a Fire tablet. Recently purchased a Fire tablet and through the install of Google Play, I was able to install any Android app from the store. Haven't run into anything that wouldn't work so far. It's now in use as a security display for my Unifi Video cameras at my house via the Android Unifi Video app.
Wasabi is my go-to provider for Synology backups to cloud. Best pricing out there and recovery is super-easy. This is built into their Hyper Backup application.
@Dashrender said in Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect:
@NashBrydges said in Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect:
@scottalanmiller said in Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect:
@NashBrydges said in Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect:
@scottalanmiller No, I have a client who uses software installed at a remote office PC and is asking to print to their local office.
MC is meant for IT to do remote management. It's not good for end users to replace RDP with. Could you? kinda, but not designed for that at all.
It's actually been the ideal solution for them so far.
Except that they can't print,
Exactly. Lol
@scottalanmiller said in Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect:
@NashBrydges said in Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect:
@scottalanmiller No, I have a client who uses software installed at a remote office PC and is asking to print to their local office.
MC is meant for IT to do remote management. It's not good for end users to replace RDP with. Could you? kinda, but not designed for that at all.
It's actually been the ideal solution for them so far.
@scottalanmiller No, I have a client who uses software installed at a remote office PC and is asking to print to their local office.
@Ylian I'm pretty sure the answer is "no you can't" but I may have missed something.
Do we have the ability to print to a local printer from the remote PC? I know I can if I setup full RDP but doesn't look like that ability exists via MeshCentral.
@Emad-R said in ZFS is Perfectly Safe on Hardware RAID:
Also Poutine is overrated.
OMG, that's it, I can't take anyone seriously on this forum! Sacré bleu!
Thanks for the perspectives.