Hey pros, I need your help.
I'm beating my head against a wall now, as I've nearly exhausted ideas for this. On our System Center Data Protection Manager 2010, there are some inconsistencies. We get errors on the SQL databases/protected members saying "Replica is Inconsistent". This is happening on SQL2014 on a 2012R2 box, as well as a SQL version that is a few years old on a 2008R2 box. Through a lot of online research, I've:
*Enabled Windows Backup Services on both the source and target.
*Ran a consistency check.
*Checked the drive space (expanded it another 150GB last night).
*Rebooted the hosts.
*Deleted/re-added to the protection group.
The only thing we haven't done is completely delete the protection groups and start from scratch. That obviously is not ideal but we're getting there. Everything online that I've read, I've tried. Can't think of anything else!