Who is Going to SpiceWorld London 2015
Spain to London sounds like an awesome train ride. I've taken the fast train from Madrid to Seville and it was amazing.
I'm about an hour away from SpiceWorld but I won't be going. London doesn't have any slums by the way
@Carnival-Boy said:
London doesn't have any slums by the way
I walked the docklands from City of London to Canary Wharf.
I'm looking forward to the train ride, it's a great path to be taking. Long, though.
We took the train from London to Paris a few years ago. I wanna say it was maybe 3 hours? Definitely no longer than flying would have been when you factor in being there super early, and checking bags, then waiting for baggage claim etc. Plus we rode in First Class for about the same fees as flying, maybe even a little less.
I looked into taking the train from Germany to Italy, but the timing didn't work, it was going to cost me nearly a full 24 hours, flying was under 6.
I'd definitely do the train again.
I find it really quite an odd concept that people are able to hop on a train and get off the same train in another country.
Pretty hard to do that in Australia, huh?
I find it really quite an odd concept that people are able to hop on a train, and travel for days and days, and still get off in the same country!
@Carnival-Boy said:
I find it really quite an odd concept that people are able to hop on a train, and travel for days and days, and still get off in the same country!
OMG, we can't get anywhere useful by train because it takes so long
I live in the middle (soft of) of the country in Houston. I need to go to both coasts often. Sadly I don't live near a north - south train run, so even the big city next door, Dallas, isn't accessible by train. The big southern east - west train run comes through town but goes only usefully to San Diego and takes days to get there. To get to somewhere like San Francisco, where I actually need to go, takes two and a half days and some insane amount of money, like over $1,000!!
I have the ability to get to a train line (about an hour north of me) and can get from Rochester NY to Dallas. But it is like a 40 hour train ride and would cost me about $950 or something like that. To fly is less than $350 and like 4 hours.
Though generally we do the road trip thing. 23 hours from my door to Dallas not too bad.