Random Thread - Anything Goes
@MattSpeller said:
@RojoLoco said:
@MattSpeller said:
@RojoLoco said:
@MattSpeller this was spotted in my homey's kitchen....
So I guess they do have decent coffee? Dog sledding to the local drive thru is an indicator of quality, right?
Probably more the shovel full of crack cocaine they put in it. At least that's how it appears when you're there. Every morning you can drive past them in any city on the east coast and there will be a lineup. -50c does not impact it's length.
So it's just like Chik-Fil-A here? And is there a special way to order the extra shovel full of crack cocaine in your coffee? They always miss that part here....
@RojoLoco said:
@MattSpeller said:
@RojoLoco said:
@MattSpeller said:
@RojoLoco said:
@MattSpeller this was spotted in my homey's kitchen....
So I guess they do have decent coffee? Dog sledding to the local drive thru is an indicator of quality, right?
Probably more the shovel full of crack cocaine they put in it. At least that's how it appears when you're there. Every morning you can drive past them in any city on the east coast and there will be a lineup. -50c does not impact it's length.
So it's just like Chik-Fil-A here? And is there a special way to order the extra shovel full of crack cocaine in your coffee? They always miss that part here....
Chick Fil A here too... Went for a birthday party at 3pm on a Saturday and you almost couldn't get near the place. It was nuts!
@RojoLoco said:
@MattSpeller said:
@RojoLoco said:
@MattSpeller said:
@RojoLoco said:
@MattSpeller this was spotted in my homey's kitchen....
So I guess they do have decent coffee? Dog sledding to the local drive thru is an indicator of quality, right?
Probably more the shovel full of crack cocaine they put in it. At least that's how it appears when you're there. Every morning you can drive past them in any city on the east coast and there will be a lineup. -50c does not impact it's length.
So it's just like Chik-Fil-A here? And is there a special way to order the extra shovel full of crack cocaine in your coffee? They always miss that part here....
[Size of Cup] [Quantity of crack] [Chaser]
Extra Large Regular and an old fashioned.
(regular = 1 cream 1 sugar 1 scoop of crack)
(double double = 2 cream 2 sugar 2 scoops of crack)
(black = should have gone to somewhere that sells coffee worth drinking black) -
Sometimes I wish people were the same as the old Etch-a-Sketch, this way I could shake them and they'd disappear.
Hmmmm cup of tea
American History Buffs will understand...
@scottalanmiller said:
American History Buffs will understand...
Yeah, straight through to the keeper.
Definitely not an American history buff -
@nadnerB said:
Yeah, straight through to the keeper.
Definitely not an American history buffQuick lesson... America was a partiless Republic under George Washington and John Adams. Later, after Jefferson founded his Democratic party as a subterfuge to the current government, they would be back-labeled as Federalists, but they had no party at the time of their presidencies. Jefferson created the destructive American political party system as a means to undermine the healthy government of the time. The infamous alien and sedition acts were passed specifically about Jefferson, seen as one of the most destructive forces in the history of American politics. Possibly no one has hurt this country more. The whole concept of campaigning for office, using media to slander opponents, creating a party of people to act as a mob ... all created by Jefferson for his personal pursuits.
@scottalanmiller said:
@nadnerB said:
Yeah, straight through to the keeper.
Definitely not an American history buffQuick lesson... America was a partiless Republic under George Washington and John Adams. Later, after Jefferson founded his Democratic party as a subterfuge to the current government, they would be back-labeled as Federalists, but they had no party at the time of their presidencies. Jefferson created the destructive American political party system as a means to undermine the healthy government of the time. The infamous alien and sedition acts were passed specifically about Jefferson, seen as one of the most destructive forces in the history of American politics. Possibly no one has hurt this country more. The whole concept of campaigning for office, using media to slander opponents, creating a party of people to act as a mob ... all created by Jefferson for his personal pursuits.
I could have sworn the Federalists were more akin to Hamilton's ideas of a strong central government. It was later taken over by the opposition party, Democratic-Republicans, which was founded by Jefferson. Although that may slightly skewed.
@coliver said:
I could have sworn the Federalists were more akin to Hamilton's ideas of a strong central government. It was later taken over by the opposition party, Democratic-Republicans, which was founded by Jefferson. Although that may slightly skewed.
The full term is Hamiltonian Federalist
Which I've often identified as my party. Hamilton was the real power behind Washington, which is why Washington was so good. Adams was just an awesome guy and tried really hard to help the country regardless of what it did for him.
Jefferson founded the first party in opposition to the government. It was only after Jefferson's party was there that the Federalists became a party. In many ways, the Federalists were actually the opposition party and never got more than one president in. Calling the first two presidents Federalists was a back-naming. They would not have even known what you meant if you called them that directly.
Wow, your political arena is more messed u than I thought.
Format, reinstall -
@nadnerB said:
Wow, your political arena is more messed u than I thought.
Format, reinstallOnly if that means we can fire all elected officials at the national level and start from scratch with 6 year term limits for House & Senate, and continue on with the 2 terms for president.
Anybody currently holding office is ineligible for re-election after we fire them all.
Professional politians is definitely part of the problem in my eye.
Though, the flip side of that is - who wants to go into politics for only 6 years, 12 if they could do both house and senate and then basically have to go back to the normal work force.
ug.. problems everywhere.
@Dashrender said:
Professional politians is definitely part of the problem in my eye.
Though, the flip side of that is - who wants to go into politics for only 6 years, 12 if they could do both house and senate and then basically have to go back to the normal work force.
ug.. problems everywhere.
Their employer could hold their job for them, assuming the business doesn't go under while they are in office.
@Dashrender said:
Professional politians is definitely part of the problem in my eye.
Though, the flip side of that is - who wants to go into politics for only 6 years, 12 if they could do both house and senate and then basically have to go back to the normal work force.
ug.. problems everywhere.
That's assuming being a politician is a full time job, from some of the voting records and absenteeism from congress it seems like it isn't.
@coliver said:
@Dashrender said:
Professional politians is definitely part of the problem in my eye.
Though, the flip side of that is - who wants to go into politics for only 6 years, 12 if they could do both house and senate and then basically have to go back to the normal work force.
ug.. problems everywhere.
That's assuming being a politician is a full time job, from some of the voting records and absenteeism from congress it seems like it isn't.
Nor was it ever expected to be. I think they skip voting because they assume the outcome and don't want to be on the record voting a particular way that would give an opponent ammunition when election time comes back around.
@dafyre said:
@Dashrender said:
Professional politians is definitely part of the problem in my eye.
Though, the flip side of that is - who wants to go into politics for only 6 years, 12 if they could do both house and senate and then basically have to go back to the normal work force.
ug.. problems everywhere.
Their employer could hold their job for them, assuming the business doesn't go under while they are in office.
Interesting - but that's a pretty huge burden on some businesses. Here, let me hold a job for 6-12 years for you, so that when you come back you won't know anything about my business at that point, so potentially you'll just sit in a corner collecting a paycheck.