MeshCental 2 Config File Issues
Here is my current config.json
Here is the directory listing from /opt/meshcentral/meshcentral-data
here is the error in /opt/meshcentral/stdout.txt when I load MC
ERROR: Unable to parse /opt/meshcentral/meshcentral-data/config.json.
@Dashrender Use cat, not tail, to show us the config.
@scottalanmiller said in MeshCental 2 Config File Issues:
@Dashrender Use cat, not tail, to show us the config.
@Dashrender Extra comma at the end before the final brace.
@scottalanmiller said in MeshCental 2 Config File Issues:
@Dashrender Extra comma at the end before the final brace.
They look the same to me, in this case. But yeah, cat for this purpose 100%.
@scottalanmiller said in MeshCental 2 Config File Issues:
@Dashrender Extra comma at the end before the final brace.
Yep, that was it.. now I get
and error use --cert to setup the default server name ...I notice it's commenting on LAN mode - but my config has WANonly listed
The WAN mode might be a case problem, from the manual
in looking through the documentation - I've now found this option referenced three ways
I'm wondering if it should be WANOnly - cap the whole acronym and the first letter of the second word. -
OK Changed the caps in WANonly to Wanonly and no change - still reports at LAN mode
@Dashrender said in MeshCental 2 Config File Issues:
OK weirdness - I followed the instructions to make mcstart and mcstop.. yet mcstop doesn't work... but if I type it in by hand
sudo ./pkill -f node_modules/meshcentral
it does kill it.
here is the ls -l
OK found my issue here - type-o, I had mode instead of node in my command. that's working now.
But I still have the cert error when starting MC. -
OK I think I know why WANOnly isn't working - because MC doesn't think I have a cert name specified.
I started the process manually adding a --cert command and this is what I get.
Notice the --cert error is still there - now the question is, WHY?
OK - FINALLY - it's working!!!!
As part of my troubleshooting, I added "Cert": "", back to the config.json (which got rid of the associated error message) now to see if it will work without it.
I know others are saying that
"Cert": "",
isn't needed in the config.json file, but mine wouldn't pull an LE cert until I added it.
Here is my config.json
{ "__comment__" : "This is a sample configuration file, edit a section and remove the _ in front of the name. Refer to the user's guide for details.", "settings": { "Cert": "", "RedirPort": 80, "MaxInvalidLogin": { "time": 10, "count": 10, "coolofftime": 10 }, "Wanonly": true }, "letsencrypt": { "email": "", "names": "", "rsaKeySize": 3072, "production": false } }
Any thoughts on why my system is demanding having the "cert": line added?I did do a startup based on the install instructions
node ./node_modules/meshcentral --cert
Does that put the hostname somewhere other than the config.json?