Tonight's Project: Ubiquiti Router for Home
With the latest firmware I think that they are fine for home use too. Home users only setup once and never touch again.
I think that was a typo. I think he means the USG: the Ubiquiti Security Gateway.
@g.jacobse check your chat (if it chooses to work) you will have my email in there. we'll schedule a time that I can do a remote session to get you started.
Yes, the USG is what I meant. The new device that isn't out yet but that they are pushing hard.
With some assistance earlier today ( @JaredBusch ), the EdgeMAX lite is up and running. And for the moment it appears that everything is clipping along. A speed test came back with nearly 9MBs RX and 1.3MB TX.
Of course, there is no one here currently, and next to nothing going on. However during the ccourse of the day, I found that a PC appeared to have had a Rootkit on it. As discucssed with Jared, Log files are extremely helpful in this manner. The Untangle Box gave me those reports - Maybe they are there with the UBNT unit,.. I don't know yet. I have some config to do still so that my drivers can use there tablets tomorrow (port doesn't seem to be open). and a PC to rebuild...
Thus far, I'm impressed with the little spit fire..
And you are able to post to ML again from a desktop?
@scottalanmiller said:
And you are able to post to ML again from a desktop?
The previous was from a laptop, this is from my desktop that I am at normally. It would seem so.
I may download a new image of Untangled and see - but that will be a weekend project.
So looks like SonicWall and Untangle are both definitely on the list of network connection breakers. I know that SonicWall has been flagged previously as a known issue and I think Untangle might have too. The issue is that many legacy network devices aren't prepared for modern "synchronous sockets" over HTTP which is the major new web standard and they break the connection leaving the site half working.
Untangle is a major resource hog from what I remember.
I admit that anything is possible. When you recycle hardware like I am doing - there is that chance that, while it works,.. it doesn't exactly work right.
As for UT being a resource hog - hmm.. I can't answer that.. I don't get into all that. I know that IT was reporting only about 25% CPU / memory useage...
But - the reports is what helped me catch a desktop that appeared to have a root kit on it... or something. And it was simple (the UBNT appears such so far...) to take a turn that IP address off. Now that I have some back ground with the unit,.. one will be on order for the house,.. and to replace this one (it was suppose to be on another site...).
I'm extremely grateful for the assist. And I get to learn more.
ETA: Looking at the dashboard - we are pushing 8MB - no one is here and I can't say that Pandora should be pulling that much right now.
@thecreativeone91 said:
Untangle is a major resource hog from what I remember.
It is. It isn't routing or switching software, it's just Linux as a full OS with tons of apps running on it. So unlike, say, Vyatta which powers the Ubiquiti which is based on Linux but is extremely light and fast because it is a custom kernel with a custom network stack just for routing, Untangle is the full blow OS with nothing special. So you need tons of horsepower to handle normal routing tasks effectively.