Network setup - Hyper-V
@black3dynamite said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@ccwtech said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@black3dynamite said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@ccwtech said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
Odd to say the least. Their system requirements are low, we even purchased a new PC (for one of the workstations) to see if that would help.
The new PC is a I5-7400 CPU 2.4 Ghz with 8 GB Ram so it is more than sufficient.
Processor IntelCore i7, i5, i3 Intel
2 Duo
2.53 GHz
RAM 6 GB (64-bit) | 4 GB (32-bit) 2 GB
Hard Disk 160 GB available disk space 80 GB available disk space
Optical Drive DVD RW DVD ROM
Network Adapter Ethernet 100/1000 Ethernet 100/1000
Monitor 19 LCD/LED (or larger) 17 LCD/LED
Video Adapter 32-bit, 1024 x 768
or higher resolution capable
16-bit, 800 x 600
or higher resolution capable
Sound Standard sound card Standard sound card
USB 6 available USB 2.0 Ports 4 available USB 2.0 Ports
Operating Systems (32/64-bit) Windows10 Professional
Windows8.1 Professional
Windows7 Professional
You can try setting up a Windows 10, 8.1 and 7 VM on the host and see if the performance is still slow.
Is it meant to be accessible via network shares?
Even worse - the vendor declares that access is through UNC path only, not a mapped network drive.. lol
@CCWTech what versions of SMB are enabled on the server and the clients?
I'm aware.
@dashrender said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@CCWTech what versions of SMB are enabled on the server and the clients?
I haven't tried SMB 1 yet. Is that something that needs to be done on physical, hyper-v, and clients?
@ccwtech said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@dashrender said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@CCWTech what versions of SMB are enabled on the server and the clients?
I haven't tried SMB 1 yet. Is that something that needs to be done on physical, hyper-v, and clients?
I'm curious as to what's currently enabled?
So the app is fast when using local storage and slow when using network storage? Seems like a not unexpected behaviour.
@dashrender said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@ccwtech said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@dashrender said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@CCWTech what versions of SMB are enabled on the server and the clients?
I haven't tried SMB 1 yet. Is that something that needs to be done on physical, hyper-v, and clients?
I'm curious as to what's currently enabled?
Just defaults.
Does SMB1 need to be enabled on ALL servers (Physical, Hyper-V Applications) and then all clients?
If so, can that be done when they are in production?
Temporary exclude the software directory and/or processes of that software from Windows Defender AV on server to see if that helps.
@reid-cooper said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
So the app is fast when using local storage and slow when using network storage? Seems like a not unexpected behaviour.
Except that it is. Of course running it locally with be always faster, but I'm talking about very significant slowdowns. I said above that I have done several of these servers for clients that use the software and have not had this issue.
@ccwtech said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@reid-cooper said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
So the app is fast when using local storage and slow when using network storage? Seems like a not unexpected behaviour.
Except that it is. Of course running it locally with be always faster, but I'm talking about very significant slowdowns. I said above that I have done several of these servers for clients that use the software and have not had this issue.
Have you looked for things like a broken switch, unnecessary route hops, high latency between nodes, packet loss, or things of that nature?
@ccwtech said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@dashrender said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@ccwtech said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@dashrender said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@CCWTech what versions of SMB are enabled on the server and the clients?
I haven't tried SMB 1 yet. Is that something that needs to be done on physical, hyper-v, and clients?
I'm curious as to what's currently enabled?
Just defaults.
Does SMB1 need to be enabled on ALL servers (Physical, Hyper-V Applications) and then all clients?
If so, can that be done when they are in production?
need? I would hope not, but I don't know.. Have you confirmed what is actually enabled? What's the output of
on both the hosting VM and the client computers? -
@ccwtech said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@reid-cooper said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
So the app is fast when using local storage and slow when using network storage? Seems like a not unexpected behaviour.
Except that it is. Of course running it locally with be always faster, but I'm talking about very significant slowdowns. I said above that I have done several of these servers for clients that use the software and have not had this issue.
Right, but difference now is - Windows server version and Hyper-V version? what about hardware differences?
@dashrender said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@ccwtech said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
@reid-cooper said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
So the app is fast when using local storage and slow when using network storage? Seems like a not unexpected behaviour.
Except that it is. Of course running it locally with be always faster, but I'm talking about very significant slowdowns. I said above that I have done several of these servers for clients that use the software and have not had this issue.
Right, but difference now is - Windows server version and Hyper-V version? what about hardware differences?
Server 2016 is new. They all have been 2012 R2 and earlier. However the vendor says they have tested 2016 and had no problems. I don't know how much testing they have done with hyper-v (although they so support it).
Hardware is essentially the same setup.
When possible, you should have a copy of the data so you can just restore it to a test location for something like the following.
Windows 10 PC (Desktop/laptop hardware) put the data there and access it using the same client machine via the same switch as the server uses, see if there is a difference.
Then test the same setup with Server 2016 on that hardware.
I believe you said that you put the data directly on the Hyper-V host and shared it? if so, what was the outcome?
I also recall that you shared it from the VM, and accessed it on the Hyper-V host via that share, and it was slow - is that still the case?
Output from Physical Server:
ConnectionCountPerRssNetworkInterface : 4
DirectoryCacheEntriesMax : 16
DirectoryCacheEntrySizeMax : 65536
DirectoryCacheLifetime : 10
DormantFileLimit : 1023
EnableBandwidthThrottling : True
EnableByteRangeLockingOnReadOnlyFiles : True
EnableInsecureGuestLogons : True
EnableLargeMtu : True
EnableLoadBalanceScaleOut : True
EnableMultiChannel : True
EnableSecuritySignature : True
ExtendedSessionTimeout : 1000
FileInfoCacheEntriesMax : 64
FileInfoCacheLifetime : 10
FileNotFoundCacheEntriesMax : 128
FileNotFoundCacheLifetime : 5
KeepConn : 600
MaxCmds : 50
MaximumConnectionCountPerServer : 32
OplocksDisabled : False
RequireSecuritySignature : False
SessionTimeout : 60
UseOpportunisticLocking : True
WindowSizeThreshold : 1Output from Applications server:
ConnectionCountPerRssNetworkInterface : 4
DirectoryCacheEntriesMax : 16
DirectoryCacheEntrySizeMax : 65536
DirectoryCacheLifetime : 10
DormantFileLimit : 1023
EnableBandwidthThrottling : True
EnableByteRangeLockingOnReadOnlyFiles : True
EnableInsecureGuestLogons : True
EnableLargeMtu : True
EnableLoadBalanceScaleOut : True
EnableMultiChannel : True
EnableSecuritySignature : True
ExtendedSessionTimeout : 1000
FileInfoCacheEntriesMax : 64
FileInfoCacheLifetime : 10
FileNotFoundCacheEntriesMax : 128
FileNotFoundCacheLifetime : 5
KeepConn : 600
MaxCmds : 50
MaximumConnectionCountPerServer : 32
OplocksDisabled : False
RequireSecuritySignature : False
SessionTimeout : 60
UseOpportunisticLocking : True
WindowSizeThreshold : 1ServerName ShareName UserName Credential Dialect NumOpens
HOMETOWN-APPS Data HTVET\HVH8 HTVET\HVH8 3.1.1 1Output from one of the workstations:
ConnectionCountPerRssNetworkInterface : 4
DirectoryCacheEntriesMax : 16
DirectoryCacheEntrySizeMax : 65536
DirectoryCacheLifetime : 10
DormantFileLimit : 1023
EnableBandwidthThrottling : True
EnableByteRangeLockingOnReadOnlyFiles : True
EnableInsecureGuestLogons : True
EnableLargeMtu : True
EnableLoadBalanceScaleOut : True
EnableMultiChannel : True
EnableSecuritySignature : True
ExtendedSessionTimeout : 1000
FileInfoCacheEntriesMax : 64
FileInfoCacheLifetime : 10
FileNotFoundCacheEntriesMax : 128
FileNotFoundCacheLifetime : 5
KeepConn : 600
MaxCmds : 50
MaximumConnectionCountPerServer : 32
OplocksDisabled : False
RequireSecuritySignature : False
SessionTimeout : 60
UseOpportunisticLocking : True
WindowSizeThreshold : 8ServerName ShareName UserName Credential Dialect NumOpens
It is still slow when running the app on the physical server from the hyper-v (apps) server.
I have put the application on a directory on the physical server and shared that out for testing. More to come...
I gave the wrong command.
This one will tell you what SMB versions you have enabled for serving up shares. Only needed on the server side. -
@dashrender said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
I gave the wrong command.
This one will tell you what SMB versions you have enabled for serving up shares. Only needed on the server side.Physical or virtual or both?
@ccwtech said in Network setup - Hyper-V:
This is from the hyperv/apps server:
AnnounceComment :
AnnounceServer : False
AsynchronousCredits : 512
AuditSmb1Access : False
AutoDisconnectTimeout : 15
AutoShareServer : True
AutoShareWorkstation : True
CachedOpenLimit : 0
DurableHandleV2TimeoutInSeconds : 180
EnableAuthenticateUserSharing : False
EnableDownlevelTimewarp : False
EnableForcedLogoff : True
EnableLeasing : True
EnableMultiChannel : True
EnableOplocks : False
EnableSecuritySignature : False
EnableSMB1Protocol : True
EnableSMB2Protocol : True
EnableStrictNameChecking : True
EncryptData : False
IrpStackSize : 15
KeepAliveTime : 2
MaxChannelPerSession : 32
MaxMpxCount : 50
MaxSessionPerConnection : 16384
MaxThreadsPerQueue : 20
MaxWorkItems : 1
NullSessionPipes : HydraLsPipe,TermServLicensing
NullSessionShares :
OplockBreakWait : 35
PendingClientTimeoutInSeconds : 120
RejectUnencryptedAccess : True
RequireSecuritySignature : False
ServerHidden : True
Smb2CreditsMax : 8192
Smb2CreditsMin : 512
SmbServerNameHardeningLevel : 0
TreatHostAsStableStorage : False
ValidateAliasNotCircular : True
ValidateShareScope : True
ValidateShareScopeNotAliased : True
ValidateTargetName : True