What Are You Doing Right Now
It has just been leaked that the German, French, EU and Greek leaders are proposing a compromise. Details to come, but it sounds like some deal might be reached before the banks collapse.
They are in intermission for final consultations. Sounds like the Greek PM is about to make an announcement.
90 minutes and closing on the opening of European markets. The disaster is looming closer and closer.
So now that 6 and a half more hours have passed, and I almost overslept for work... what happened with Greece? Has the apocalypse come yet?
@dafyre said:
So now that 6 and a half more hours have passed, and I almost overslept for work... what happened with Greece? Has the apocalypse come yet?
Good morning everyone!
Well this helped me understand why the Greece thing is so much worse than the China problem.
New project for me.
@dafyre said:
So now that 6 and a half more hours have passed, and I almost overslept for work... what happened with Greece? Has the apocalypse come yet?
Don't know but the US is likely soon headed for this kind of stuff.
What the heck is all that? Her royal highness' matched luggage?
@thecreativeone91 Sad, but true. I gotta turn that into a button.
@dafyre said:
What the heck is all that? Her royal highness' matched luggage?
That's new Stormtrooper armor!
Doing an OwnCloud 8.1 upgrade on CentOS 7 right now.
Had a small MariaDB outage today. I have a suspicion that we ran out of memory because we never enabled swap on a rather lean box. Doh. Looking into that now.
Just had another amazing fish and chips burrito for lunch! SO GOOOOOOOD
Trying to get Mint 17.2 on VirtualBox 5 working smoothly on the enormous 27" Mac display.
Going to the lake right after work for monster rainbows on wet flies and a swim
Back in the states.
Riding the blue line from O'Hare to downtown. Then a short walk to union station and then a Metra ride back out to the suburbs capped by a 30 minute walk home from the station. -
Building out my first Amazon RDS system.