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Here in the US we use flavored Creamer it is half and half (half cream half milk) with lots of sugar and flavorings
@Minion-Queen said:
Here in the US we use flavored Creamer it is half and half (half cream half milk) with lots of sugar and flavorings
Some of you do...
I use a little sweetener and a small pour of whole milk. I only use half and half if I am out someplace like a hotel or conference that does not offer milk.
I need a sugar kick with my caffeine!
Good morning people
happy weekend to all of you! -
Upgraded to a Lumia 640 on the weekend.
I'm really liking it so far. The extra screen real estate and bigger letters on the keyboard are fantastic.
Unexpected bonus, I found out that there is 4G available in my town when I got home. B) -
Good afternoon to all
@Joyfano said:
Good afternoon to all
Good Day Joy - Hope things on your side of the universe are pleasant today.
Been a weekend - some good some bad. two of the three boys have had the stomach bug,.. really hoping we don't have another three victims.
Had a good visit with family Saturday, and am looking forward for the other family this afternoon. Assisted my FIL (Father in Law) work on his mower and getting it running again. Really he did all the work, all I did was help put it back together.General house work, and after a week of having a new Heat Pump, it's running. Weather just was nice enough to not need it until now.
@Minion-Queen said:
I need a sugar kick with my caffeine!
That is why I used to go for Mountain Dew.. Haven't had much in a month.
@Minion-Queen said:
I need a sugar kick with my caffeine!
@g.jacobse said:
That is why I used to go for Mountain Dew.. Haven't had much in a month.
Yeah I dropped that cold turkey back in 2001 when the doctor told me I was making myself diabetic.
I just drink water.
Despite not drinking much lastnight I'm hungover as !)(#*%& today. Feel like something the cat dragged in, ugh.
I think I'm getting old and it's crap.
The computer gods demand regular sacrifices and my users rarely let them down. 2m drop onto concrete, twisted the chassis and popped the north bridge? off the mobo, HDD spins but scrapes the head on the platters and then parks over and over.
Good morning to all!
Coffee time. Finally weekend for me, Can't wait to see the beach lols -
Good morning! Just heading to bed here after polishing off a few bottles of wine.
Sitting out front of my dad's house relaxing after playing Ingress all afternoon. Walked for about 3 hours doing it.
@JaredBusch said:
Sitting out front of my dad's house relaxing after playing Ingress all afternoon. Walked for about 3 hours doing it.
Just learned what that was last night from my houseguests, by coincidence.
Got back from Morocco last night. Had a good time. Spent way too much money. Had my ATM card compromised by a skimmer at the Gare Fes. But we are home safe and sound.
@scottalanmiller Owch owch owch. Hopefully you got it recovered before they cleaned you out!
Yup, it was in Morocco so as @dominica had guessed (we think) they were not using WiFi to get the data off but were collecting manually so we had a few hours. The bank account was NOT told to allow use in Africa so would likely have locked with any more usage and our daily transfer limit was already nearly done (we are capped at $400 and had done about $205 already) and we had moved nearly all of the money in the account into a savings account that is not tied to the card. So the total potential damage was limited.
Had no phone or Internet access but were able to text my dad who called the local bank in New York, told them what happened in the middle of the night and they shut off the card before we were to the next city. So the window for someone to take money was tiny.
We checked the account this morning and they didn't get anything. So we lucked out AND got the authentic Moroccan experience of having an ATM panic and having to shut off our cards.