Update to 0.8.0
Well I can't upload a screenshot because I get another notification. Error invalid-imgur-id-or-secret.
Testing on FF on Mac.

And no good, it stalls at 100%. There was a new Imgur update that might be the culprit.
@scottalanmiller said:
Testing on FF on Mac.

And no good, it stalls at 100%. There was a new Imgur update that might be the culprit.
It stalled for me too, then I got the notification.
This is just a small bug, but I went to delete a comment and it said bootbox.cancel and bootbox.confirm instead of just Cancel and Confirm.
I'm not getting that irritating "CAN I SPAM YOU?" title bar anymore
@nadnerB said:
I'm not getting that irritating "CAN I SPAM YOU?" title bar anymore
Hang on, I am still getting it, just inconsistently. I haven't noticed a pattern yet.
@johnhooks said:
red notification box that notification.wav cannot be found
I am getting that as well on Safari and Chrome.
Even if you close and re-open the site?
Same here, image upload issue- invalid-imgur-id-or-secret
Small issue that just happened in chat with me and @Lakshmana ... I was posting him a couple of Job search URLS, and this happened... I know I typed the URLS on the same line... they should have been separated by the word and...
I just randomly got logged out. It wouldn't let me log in, so I went to this thread and I was logged in, but couldn't reply. I refreshed the page and then it said I needed to log in. I logged back in and now it's fine. Might just be a quirk, but I figured I'd let you know anyway.
@johnhooks said:
I just randomly got logged out. It wouldn't let me log in, so I went to this thread and I was logged in, but couldn't reply. I refreshed the page and then it said I needed to log in. I logged back in and now it's fine. Might just be a quirk, but I figured I'd let you know anyway.
That is a known quirk with the expiration of their cookie or something I believe.
Nice to know it is not fixed.
@johnhooks said:
I just randomly got logged out. It wouldn't let me log in, so I went to this thread and I was logged in, but couldn't reply. I refreshed the page and then it said I needed to log in. I logged back in and now it's fine. Might just be a quirk, but I figured I'd let you know anyway.
Yep this happens every now and then.
How do you mark notifications read with the new mobile menu?
0.8.1 has been released. I will get us updated as soon as I can, but I do not know when that might be as I have almost no Internet access this week. Hopefully that will fix a few things that 0.8.0 broke, like mobile posting.
We just updated to 0.8.1, let's see how things are working.
Testing a new Imgur upload....
Nope, that is still not working. That plugin just broke
I just noticed that if you click between the poster's image and the title a check mark will appear. That area is blank on my phone and I clicked there accidentally. Just in case anyone was wondering.
Maybe we need a screenshot of that. Not sure what you found.