What Are You Doing Right Now
Check out "Kidding Around Europe" podcast too, that's @dominica and me. It's way behind but hopefully being in Panama we can start to catch up on it.
@scottalanmiller said:
@Dashrender said:
Just this morning I was wondering if I should get an audible account and start listening to books on tape for those times I don't have a podcast to listen to.
Audible is one of the best things ever. I've had a platinum account for about a decade now and it is one of my all time best investments. Won't be for everyone, but for me it is absolutely fantastic.
I don't know why but I can't process a book verbally. If I read it I can remember and get some of the intrigue and ideas but verbally I can't do that. Which extremely odd... as I am a fairly competent verbal learner.
I'm way too addicted to buying video games. Bought about ten this morning in the Steam weekly sale.
do you actually play them all? even if just for 10 mins?
@Dashrender said:
do you actually play them all? even if just for 10 mins?
Very few of them, lol. But mostly that's because I have a Mac. Once I get my gaming Windows PC built I plan to have the library loaded up and ready to go at all times.
Getting setup for the Panel discussion. Someone always has sound/video issues on these things.
Still having coffee on the balcony
Had some toast with butter this morning. I've never seen butter so soft before. I'm concerned about what they add to it. It is also "post nuclear event orange."
Waiting on the rain that never seems to come here.
Really hot here today high of 90. But not too humid.
@Minion-Queen said:
Really hot here today high of 90. But not too humid.
Really cool here today, heat index is only 111.4F.
And honestly it feels on the cool side comparatively.
Yawl feel free to come and visit me in Jawja this week... Heat index on Sunday was 115F, lol... being near a lake, it was so humid it felt like I went swimming every time I let the dog out.
@dafyre said:
Yawl feel free to come and visit me in Jawja this week... Heat index on Sunday was 115F, lol... being near a lake, it was so humid it felt like I went swimming every time I let the dog out.
Where is Jawja? What an odd name.
@scottalanmiller said:
@dafyre said:
Yawl feel free to come and visit me in Jawja this week... Heat index on Sunday was 115F, lol... being near a lake, it was so humid it felt like I went swimming every time I let the dog out.
Where is Jawja? What an odd name.
Sounds like a George Lucas character...
Setup database exactly as install docs described... vendor told me it wasn't setup correctly.
You can go tanning while laying out on the Jar Jar Banks.
@coliver They must be relatives... some folks act just like Jar Jar down here.
@scottalanmiller said:
You can go tanning while laying out on the Jar Jar Banks.
Jar Jar is my third cousin three times removed, but added back agian. I gave up trying to follow his family tree.
Just listen for uproarious laughter near large bodies of water.
Off to see the Minion Movie!!!
@coliver said:
@Minion-Queen said:
Off to see the Minion Movie!!!
It is pretty good. We saw it last weekend.
Won't get to see it until it hits NetFlix I'm sure...
watching it rain again... getting cabin fever sitting here... need to get out more. My ability to Ingress is being seriously hindered.