thought I remembered 8 cats. i only have 6 now. and NO NO NO to yellow and white.
We will be adjusting colors today so hang on while we test out each of the changes.
@Addie said:
We will be adjusting colors today so hang on while we test out each of the changes.
i will call every change out that I dont like....JK sorry i was being a whistle blower. I do like the marigold yellow now though. Might we have an all lady design team? just askin.
One of the other members of the development team is color blind. I promise to add some masculine colors soon.
There is a new mango!
Ok I love the new colors! Thank you @addie finally something in IT that is less umm well orange...
@Minion-Queen said:
Ok I love the new colors! Thank you @addie finally something in IT that is less umm well orange...
Yet her shirt is still orange
Well I do work for NTG and our colors are orange and charcoal grey. Again I am thrilled to see something else.
@Minion-Queen Yes, I agree! Thanks @addie - I never was too keen on the over-abundance of orange. I like green.
@Minion-Queen said:
Ok I love the new colors! Thank you @addie finally something in IT that is less umm well orange...
Believe me @joyfano it is less Orange more peach than I am used to around here.