light on light on light lol. martin likes it.
Well I saw the new colors on my phone, but now at work I'm seeing the old colors.
cached. shift+enter in the title bar
@Hubtech said:
cached. shift+enter in the title bar
Shift+enter did nothing in FF, but F5 did. OK I now see the new color turquoise I guess now.
ML caches heavily and uses websockets for updates. So a full refresh is needed to get updates.
Even more new colors this morning.
@Hubtech I had trouble reading this site last night, and still have trouble reading it this morning. The colors are conflicting.
It's much better for me today. last night was silly. but today with the greenish/whiteish/blueish i likey
@Hubtech said:
It's much better for me today. last night was silly. but today with the greenish/whiteish/blueish i likey
Yes. This seems better.
@Hubtech I really love the greens! I dont' have trouble reading the new theme.
@Katie said:
@Hubtech I really love the greens! I dont' have trouble reading the new theme.
now it's nice. did we lose some categories?
No categories changed that I can see. What is missing?
thought I remembered 8 cats. i only have 6 now. and NO NO NO to yellow and white.
We will be adjusting colors today so hang on while we test out each of the changes.
@Addie said:
We will be adjusting colors today so hang on while we test out each of the changes.
i will call every change out that I dont like....JK sorry i was being a whistle blower. I do like the marigold yellow now though. Might we have an all lady design team? just askin.
One of the other members of the development team is color blind. I promise to add some masculine colors soon.
There is a new mango!
Ok I love the new colors! Thank you @addie finally something in IT that is less umm well orange...
@Minion-Queen said:
Ok I love the new colors! Thank you @addie finally something in IT that is less umm well orange...
Yet her shirt is still orange
Well I do work for NTG and our colors are orange and charcoal grey. Again I am thrilled to see something else.
@Minion-Queen Yes, I agree! Thanks @addie - I never was too keen on the over-abundance of orange. I like green.