is a place for IT-Pros to ask questions, share knowledge and have fun. As an online community with vast ideas etc. we have a set of guidelines to guide us all. If you have any questions about these guidelines, please ask us via email: Please Go Ahead:
HAVE FUN!! But please report any possible issues you see and help us make the Community fun and sane place to hang out for all of us.
• Join the conversation! We all come from a wide variety of backgrounds and it is very likely your knowledge may help a fellow IT pro out.
• Be friendly. Everyone is in a similar situation as you. Those who are new to IT will appreciate your patience and experience.
• Provide details when asking questions. Read your question before you post and ask yourself if someone else reading it would understand your question.
• It is possible that someone may have already asked a similar question. Searching will help you find old posts.
• Disclose your relationship with any Vendors in your profile.
• This community is for IT-Pro’s only. Home users will not be allowed.
• Only one self promotion post per month
•This community is open to all languages and while responses would be most likely in English, all languages are welcome for posting
If you would like to delete a thread please contact @minionqueen. If a thread is deleted without permission it may be fully restored.
Things Not To Do:
• Don't maliciously harass, abuse, or threaten other members.
• No political or religious discussion may turn into arguments. This is an IT community politics and religion are not necessary
• Obscene or otherwise objectionable content will be deleted.
• Don't post anything that violates the laws of your country.
• When helping a fellow IT pro don't purposely post incorrect information.
• Spam makes it hard for all users therefore will be deleted.
• Don't spam users via Private Chat.
• Do not start a thread attacking a Vendor that is active on MangoLassi. If there is an issue go directly to that Vendor and if you do not get a satisfactory result please contact via email: and allow us to help you resolve the issue.
• No posting promotional or self-promotion until you have been an active member with our community for at least 30 days.
• No posting content from other IT communities
If someone for some reason wants to have their account deleted. We will not delete any content, but we can lock your account to prevent further posting by said account. This is considered banning on this forum. Once requested your account will be banned and you will no longer be able to post via this account.