Stumbled across this script, I'm no powershell expert, my limit is spelling it correctly. Anyone want to have a look at this?
From here: Invoke-WsusSpringClean {
Performs additional WSUS server clean-up beyond the capabilities of the built-in tools.
Adds the ability to decline numerous additional commonly unneeded updates as well as discover potentially incorrectly declined updates.
.PARAMETER RunDefaultTasks
Performs all clean-up tasks except for declining any unneeded updates as defined in the included update catalogue CSV file.You can disable one or more of the default clean-up tasks by setting the associated switch parameter to false (e.g. -CompressUpdates:$false). You can perform a clean-up of unneeded updates by specifying the DeclineCategoriesInclude or DeclineCategoriesExclude parameter with your chosen categories. Also note that this does not perform a server synchronisation before clean-up or find suspect declined updates. These tasks can be included via their respective parameters. .PARAMETER SynchroniseServer Perform a synchronisation against the upstream server before running cleanup. .PARAMETER FindSuspectDeclines Scan all declined updates for any that may have been inadvertently declined. The returned suspect updates are those which: - Are not superseded or expired - Are not cluster or farm updates (if set to decline) - Are not in the filtered list of updates to decline from the bundled catalogue .PARAMETER DeclineClusterUpdates Decline any updates which are exclusively for failover clustering installations. .PARAMETER DeclineFarmUpdates Decline any updates which are exclusively for farm deployment installations. .PARAMETER DeclinePrereleaseUpdates Decline any updates which are exclusively for pre-release products (e.g. betas). .PARAMETER DeclineSecurityOnlyUpdates Decline any Security Only updates. .PARAMETER DeclineArchitectures Array of update architectures to decline. Valid options are: x64, ia64, arm64 We don't support declining x86 updates as there's no mechanism to determine which updates are x86 specific versus multi-architecture. .PARAMETER DeclineCategoriesExclude Array of update categories in the bundled updates catalogue to not decline. .PARAMETER DeclineCategoriesInclude Array of update categories in the bundled updates catalogue to decline. .PARAMETER DeclineLanguagesExclude Array of update language codes to not decline. .PARAMETER DeclineLanguagesInclude Array of update language codes to decline. .PARAMETER CleanupObsoleteComputers Specifies that the cmdlet deletes obsolete computers from the database. .PARAMETER CleanupObsoleteUpdates Specifies that the cmdlet deletes obsolete updates from the database. .PARAMETER CleanupUnneededContentFiles Specifies that the cmdlet deletes unneeded update files. .PARAMETER CompressUpdates Specifies that the cmdlet deletes obsolete revisions to updates from the database. .PARAMETER DeclineExpiredUpdates Specifies that the cmdlet declines expired updates. .PARAMETER DeclineSupersededUpdates Specifies that the cmdlet declines superseded updates. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$SuspectDeclines = Invoke-WsusSpringClean -RunDefaultTasks -FindSuspectDeclines Runs the default clean-up tasks & checks for declined updates that may not be intentional. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Invoke-WsusSpringClean -DeclineCategoriesInclude @('Region - US', 'Superseded') Declines all unneeded updates in the "Region - US" & "Superseded" categories. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Invoke-WsusSpringClean -DeclineLanguagesExclude @('en-AU') Declines all language specific updates excluding those for English (Australia). .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Invoke-WsusSpringClean -DeclineArchitectures @('arm64', 'ia64') Declines all architecture specific updates for ARM64 & IA64 (Itanium) systems. .NOTES The script intentionally avoids usage of most WSUS cmdlets provided by the UpdateServices module as many are extremely slow. This is particularly true of the Get-WsusUpdate cmdlet. The efficiency of the update declining logic could be substantially improved. That said, this script is not typically run frequently (~monthly), so this isn't a major priority. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Default',SupportsShouldProcess)] Param( [Switch]$RunDefaultTasks, [Switch]$SynchroniseServer, [Switch]$FindSuspectDeclines, [Switch]$DeclineClusterUpdates, [Switch]$DeclineFarmUpdates, [Switch]$DeclinePrereleaseUpdates, [Switch]$DeclineSecurityOnlyUpdates, [String[]]$DeclineCategoriesExclude, [String[]]$DeclineCategoriesInclude, [ValidateScript({Test-WsusSpringCleanArchitectures -Architectures $_})] [String[]]$DeclineArchitectures, [ValidateScript({Test-WsusSpringCleanLanguageCodes -LanguageCodes $_})] [String[]]$DeclineLanguagesExclude, [ValidateScript({Test-WsusSpringCleanLanguageCodes -LanguageCodes $_})] [String[]]$DeclineLanguagesInclude, # Wrapping of Invoke-WsusServerCleanup [Switch]$CleanupObsoleteComputers, [Switch]$CleanupObsoleteUpdates, [Switch]$CleanupUnneededContentFiles, [Switch]$CompressUpdates, [Switch]$DeclineExpiredUpdates, [Switch]$DeclineSupersededUpdates ) # Ensure that any errors we receive are considered fatal $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeclineCategoriesExclude') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeclineCategoriesInclude')) { throw 'Can only specify one of DeclineCategoriesExclude and DeclineCategoriesInclude.' } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeclineLanguagesExclude') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeclineLanguagesInclude')) { throw 'Can only specify one of DeclineLanguagesExclude and DeclineLanguagesInclude.' } if (!$script:WscMetadata) { Import-WsusSpringCleanMetadata } if ($RunDefaultTasks) { $DefaultTasks = @( 'DeclineClusterUpdates', 'DeclineFarmUpdates', 'DeclinePrereleaseUpdates', 'DeclineSecurityOnlyUpdates', 'CleanupObsoleteComputers', 'CleanupObsoleteUpdates', 'CleanupUnneededContentFiles', 'CompressUpdates', 'DeclineExpiredUpdates', 'DeclineSupersededUpdates' ) foreach ($Task in $DefaultTasks) { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($Task)) { Set-Variable -Name $Task -Value (Get-Variable -Name $Task).Value -WhatIf:$false } else { Set-Variable -Name $Task -Value $true -WhatIf:$false } } } # Regular expressions for declining certain types of updates $script:RegExClusterUpdates = ' Failover Clustering ' $script:RegExFarmUpdates = ' Farm[- ]' $script:RegExPrereleaseUpdates = ' (Beta|Preview|RC1|Release Candidate) ' $script:RegExSecurityOnlyUpdates = ' Security Only (Quality )?Update ' # Determine which categories of updates to decline (if any) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeclineCategoriesExclude') -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeclineCategoriesInclude')) { Import-WsusSpringCleanCatalogue $CatalogueCategories = $script:WscCatalogue.Category | Sort-Object | Get-Unique if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeclineCategoriesExclude')) { $DeclineCategories = $CatalogueCategories | Where-Object { $_ -notin $DeclineCategoriesExclude } } else { $DeclineCategories = $CatalogueCategories | Where-Object { $_ -in $DeclineCategoriesInclude } } } # Fetch the metadata for any architectures we're going to decline if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeclineArchitectures')) { $DeclineArchitecturesMetadata = @() foreach ($Architecture in $DeclineArchitectures) { $DeclineArchitecturesMetadata += $script:WscMetadata.SelectSingleNode('//Architectures/Architecture[@name="{0}"]' -f $Architecture) } } # Fetch the metadata for any languages we're going to decline if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeclineLanguagesExclude')) { $DeclineLanguagesMetadata = $script:WscMetadata.Languages.Language | Where-Object { $_.code -notin $DeclineLanguagesExclude } } elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeclineLanguagesInclude')) { $DeclineLanguagesMetadata = $script:WscMetadata.Languages.Language | Where-Object { $_.code -in $DeclineLanguagesInclude } } if ($SynchroniseServer) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`r`nStarting WSUS server synchronisation ..." Invoke-WsusServerSynchronisation } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`r`nBeginning WSUS server cleanup (Phase 1) ..." $CleanupWrapperParams = @{ CleanupObsoleteUpdates=$CleanupObsoleteUpdates CompressUpdates=$CompressUpdates DeclineExpiredUpdates=$DeclineExpiredUpdates DeclineSupersededUpdates=$DeclineSupersededUpdates } Invoke-WsusServerCleanupWrapper @CleanupWrapperParams Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`r`nBeginning WSUS server cleanup (Phase 2) ..." $SpringCleanParams = @{ DeclineClusterUpdates=$DeclineClusterUpdates DeclineFarmUpdates=$DeclineFarmUpdates DeclinePrereleaseUpdates=$DeclinePrereleaseUpdates DeclineSecurityOnlyUpdates=$DeclineSecurityOnlyUpdates } if ($DeclineCategories) { $SpringCleanParams += @{DeclineCategories=$DeclineCategories} } if ($DeclineArchitecturesMetadata) { $SpringCleanParams += @{DeclineArchitectures=$DeclineArchitecturesMetadata} } if ($DeclineLanguagesMetadata) { $SpringCleanParams += @{DeclineLanguages=$DeclineLanguagesMetadata} } Invoke-WsusServerSpringClean @SpringCleanParams Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`r`nBeginning WSUS server cleanup (Phase 3) ..." $CleanupWrapperParams = @{ CleanupObsoleteComputers=$CleanupObsoleteComputers CleanupUnneededContentFiles=$CleanupUnneededContentFiles } Invoke-WsusServerCleanupWrapper @CleanupWrapperParams if ($FindSuspectDeclines) { Get-WsusSuspectDeclines @SpringCleanParams }
Function Get-WsusSuspectDeclines {
[Switch]$DeclineSecurityOnlyUpdates,[String[]]$DeclineCategories, [Xml.XmlElement[]]$DeclineArchitectures, [Xml.XmlElement[]]$DeclineLanguages ) $WsusServer = Get-WsusServer $UpdateScope = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateScope Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Retrieving declined updates ...' $UpdateScope.ApprovedStates = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ApprovedStates]::Declined $WsusDeclined = $WsusServer.GetUpdates($UpdateScope) # Ignore all updates corresponding to architectures, categories or languages we declined $IgnoredCatalogueCategories = $script:WscCatalogue | Where-Object { $_.Category -in $DeclineCategories } $IgnoredArchitecturesRegEx = ' ({0})' -f [String]::Join('|', $DeclineArchitectures.regex) $IgnoredLanguagesRegEx = ' [[]?({0})(_LP|_LIP)?[]]?' -f [String]::Join('|', $DeclineLanguages.code) Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Finding suspect declined updates ...' $SuspectDeclines = @() foreach ($Update in $WsusDeclined) { # Ignore superseded and expired updates if ($Update.IsSuperseded -or $Update.PublicationState -eq 'Expired') { continue } # Ignore cluster updates if they were declined if ($DeclineClusterUpdates -and $Update.Title -match $RegExClusterUpdates) { continue } # Ignore farm updates if they were declined if ($DeclineFarmUpdates -and $Update.Title -match $RegExFarmUpdates) { continue } # Ignore pre-release updates if they were declined if ($DeclinePrereleaseUpdates -and $Update.Title -match $RegExPrereleaseUpdates) { continue } # Ignore Security Only Quality updates if they were declined if ($DeclineSecurityOnlyUpdates -and $Update.Title -match $RegExSecurityOnlyUpdates) { continue } # Ignore any update categories which were declined if ($Update.Title -in $IgnoredCatalogueCategories.Title) { continue } # Ignore any update architectures which were declined if ($Update.Title -match $IgnoredArchitecturesRegEx) { continue } # Ignore any update languages which were declined if ($Update.Title -match $IgnoredLanguagesRegEx) { continue } $SuspectDeclines += $Update } return $SuspectDeclines
Function Import-WsusSpringCleanMetadata {
Param()Write-Verbose -Message '[*] Importing module metadata ...' $MetadataPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'PSWsusSpringClean.xml' $script:WscMetadata = ([Xml](Get-Content -Path $MetadataPath)).PSWsusSpringClean
Function Invoke-WsusDeclineUpdatesByCatalogue {
[Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.Update[]]$Updates,[Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Category ) Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green ('[*] Declining updates in category: {0}' -f $Category) $UpdatesToDecline = $script:WscCatalogue | Where-Object { $_.Category -eq $Category } $MatchingUpdates = $Updates | Where-Object { $_.Title -in $UpdatesToDecline.Title } foreach ($Update in $MatchingUpdates) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Update.Title, 'Decline')) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan ('[-] Declining update: {0}' -f $Update.Title) $Update.Decline() } }
Function Invoke-WsusDeclineUpdatesByRegEx {
[Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.Update[]]$Updates,[Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$RegEx ) foreach ($Update in $Updates) { if ($Update.Title -match $RegEx) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Update.Title, 'Decline')) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan ('[-] Declining update: {0}' -f $Update.Title) $Update.Decline() } } }
Function Invoke-WsusServerCleanupWrapper {
)if ($CleanupObsoleteComputers) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Deleting obsolete computers ...' Write-Host (Invoke-WsusServerCleanup -CleanupObsoleteComputers) } if ($CleanupObsoleteUpdates) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Deleting obsolete updates ...' Write-Host (Invoke-WsusServerCleanup -CleanupObsoleteUpdates) } if ($CleanupUnneededContentFiles) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Deleting unneeded update files ...' Write-Host (Invoke-WsusServerCleanup -CleanupUnneededContentFiles) } if ($CompressUpdates) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Deleting obsolete update revisions ...' Write-Host (Invoke-WsusServerCleanup -CompressUpdates) } if ($DeclineExpiredUpdates) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Declining expired updates ...' Write-Host (Invoke-WsusServerCleanup -DeclineExpiredUpdates) } if ($DeclineSupersededUpdates) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Declining superseded updates ...' Write-Host (Invoke-WsusServerCleanup -DeclineSupersededUpdates) }
Function Invoke-WsusServerSynchronisation {
Param()$WsusServer = Get-WsusServer if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($env:COMPUTERNAME, 'WSUS synchronization')) { $SyncStatus = $WsusServer.GetSubscription().GetSynchronizationStatus() if ($SyncStatus -eq 'NotProcessing') { $WsusServer.GetSubscription().StartSynchronization() } elseif ($SyncStatus -eq 'Running') { Write-Warning -Message "[!] A synchronisation appears to already be running! We'll wait for this one to complete ..." } else { throw ('WSUS server returned unknown synchronisation status: {0}' -f $SyncStatus) } do { Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } while ($WsusServer.GetSubscription().GetSynchronizationStatus() -eq 'Running') $SyncResult = $WsusServer.GetSubscription().GetLastSynchronizationInfo().Result if ($SyncResult -ne 'Succeeded') { throw ('WSUS server synchronisation completed with unexpected result: {0}' -f $SyncResult) } }
Function Invoke-WsusServerSpringClean {
[Switch]$DeclineSecurityOnlyUpdates,[String[]]$DeclineCategories, [Xml.XmlElement[]]$DeclineArchitectures, [Xml.XmlElement[]]$DeclineLanguages ) $WsusServer = Get-WsusServer $UpdateScope = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateScope Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Retrieving approved updates ...' $UpdateScope.ApprovedStates = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ApprovedStates]::LatestRevisionApproved $WsusApproved = $WsusServer.GetUpdates($UpdateScope) Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Retrieving unapproved updates ...' $UpdateScope.ApprovedStates = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ApprovedStates]::NotApproved $WsusUnapproved = $WsusServer.GetUpdates($UpdateScope) $WsusAnyExceptDeclined = $WsusApproved + $WsusUnapproved if ($DeclineClusterUpdates) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Declining cluster updates ...' Invoke-WsusDeclineUpdatesByRegEx -Updates $WsusAnyExceptDeclined -RegEx $script:RegExClusterUpdates } if ($DeclineFarmUpdates) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Declining farm updates ...' Invoke-WsusDeclineUpdatesByRegEx -Updates $WsusAnyExceptDeclined -RegEx $script:RegExFarmUpdates } if ($DeclinePrereleaseUpdates) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Declining pre-release updates ...' Invoke-WsusDeclineUpdatesByRegEx -Updates $WsusAnyExceptDeclined -RegEx $script:RegExPrereleaseUpdates } if ($DeclineSecurityOnlyUpdates) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Declining Security Only updates ...' Invoke-WsusDeclineUpdatesByRegEx -Updates $WsusAnyExceptDeclined -RegEx $script:RegExSecurityOnlyUpdates } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeclineCategories')) { foreach ($Category in $DeclineCategories) { Invoke-WsusDeclineUpdatesByCatalogue -Updates $WsusAnyExceptDeclined -Category $Category } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeclineArchitectures')) { foreach ($Architecture in $DeclineArchitectures) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green ('[*] Declining updates with architecture: {0}' -f $ $ArchitectureRegEx = ' ({0})' -f $Architecture.regex Invoke-WsusDeclineUpdatesByRegEx -Updates $WsusAnyExceptDeclined -RegEx $ArchitectureRegEx } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeclineLanguages')) { foreach ($Language in $DeclineLanguages) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green ('[*] Declining updates with language: {0}' -f $Language.code) $LanguageRegEx = ' [[]?{0}(_LP|_LIP)?[]]?' -f $Language.code Invoke-WsusDeclineUpdatesByRegEx -Updates $WsusAnyExceptDeclined -RegEx $LanguageRegEx } }
Function Test-WsusSpringCleanArchitectures {
)if (!$script:WscMetadata) { Import-WsusSpringCleanMetadata } $KnownArchitectures = $ foreach ($Architecture in $Architectures) { if ($Architecture -notin $KnownArchitectures) { throw 'Unknown architecture specified: {0}' -f $Architecture } } return $true
Function Test-WsusSpringCleanLanguageCodes {
)if (!$script:WscMetadata) { Import-WsusSpringCleanMetadata } $KnownLanguageCodes = $script:WscMetadata.Languages.Language.code foreach ($LanguageCode in $LanguageCodes) { if ($LanguageCode -notin $KnownLanguageCodes) { throw 'Unknown language code specified: {0}' -f $LanguageCode } } return $true
Function ConvertTo-WsusSpringCleanCatalogue {
)Process { foreach ($Update in $Updates) { [String[]]$ProductTitles = @() foreach ($ProductTitle in $Update.ProductTitles) { $ProductTitles += $ProductTitle } [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Category' = 'Unknown' 'Title' = $Update.Title 'ProductTitles' = [String]::Join(', ', $ProductTitles) } } }
Function Import-WsusSpringCleanCatalogue {
)if (!$CataloguePath) { $CataloguePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'PSWsusSpringClean.csv' } Write-Verbose -Message '[*] Importing update catalogue ...' $script:WscCatalogue = Import-Csv -Path $CataloguePath
Function Test-WsusSpringCleanCatalogue {
)Import-WsusSpringCleanCatalogue @PSBoundParameters Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Retrieving all updates ...' $WsusServer = Get-WsusServer $WsusUpdateScope = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateScope $WsusUpdateScope.ApprovedStates = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ApprovedStates]::Any $WsusUpdates = $WsusServer.GetUpdates($WsusUpdateScope) Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green '[*] Scanning for updates only present in catalogue ...' $CatalogueOnly = @() foreach ($Update in $script:WscCatalogue) { if ($Update.Title -notin $WsusUpdates.Title) { $CatalogueOnly += $Update } } return $CatalogueOnly
Looks like it pasted in stupidly, sorry.
@siringo That was definitely difficult to followed from my iPhone.
@siringo It's a start, but there's more to do besides just removing unused updates.
@black3dynamite said in WSUS Help:
@siringo That was definitely difficult to followed from my iPhone.
hahaha. I bet.
@jaredbusch said in WSUS Help:
Finally setup wsus on a 2016 server. All went well except I told it I wanted updates for Windows 7, which I've decided I don't want.
I told it I want updates for Windows 10 and it's downloading updates for all flavours of Windows 10, we only run Pro. So far it's filled up the 200GBs I set aside for it only 3 days ago.
I can uninstall wsus and start again, that's not a problem, is that the quickest and easiest way to get some of my 200GBs back and start over?
And, how can I tell it I only want updates for W10 Pro?
And, if anyone has a link to a 'I don't want to think too much' guide for setting up wsus, I'd be keen to take a look.
Thanks for any help.
You may want to check out for Clean-WSUS. Excellent script to help clean up WSUS.
Except it is no longer available.
Well Shit! I see that now. UGH!
WSUS is a pain in the ass
@mattspeller said in WSUS Help:
WSUS is a pain in the ass
I agree. Without derailing the off-topic to far, I'm wondering what do others use as an alternative? PDQ Deploy?
@pmoncho We have pdq and it might work but I don't use it for that. I really just use powershell to pull and install updates. Seems like it misses some but not a lot.
@mattspeller said in WSUS Help:
WSUS is a pain in the ass
I agree. Without derailing the off-topic to far, I'm wondering what do others use as an alternative? PDQ Deploy?
The only real alternative is to use WSUS to stop updates completely, using it only to see which updates to deploy manually via SaltStack.
But really, WSUS is working fine, it's no more of a pain than doing it any other way.
If you don't update, you risk security issues, if you do update, you risk breaking shit... but I think MS is working on it. We'll see.
Edit: WSUS isn't too bad if you set it to only download updates you approve, and clean up updates that are no longer needed. Speed wise, there's a script to speed up the database.
@obsolesce From what i can tell MS hasnt updated WSUS in any way since 2013.
@obsolesce From what i can tell MS hasnt updated WSUS in any way since 2013.
There's no need to... what could they possibly do to make it any better?
Well, the mmc crashes constantly. The updates dont install when you tell them too, computers dont follow the dont restart time windows. iisreset is required once a week to to even get mmc to populate data. Issues like that for a decade theyve done nothing about.
Well, the mmc crashes constantly. The updates dont install when you tell them too, computers dont follow the dont restart time windows. iisreset is required once a week to to even get mmc to populate data. Issues like that for a decade theyve done nothing about.
I don't have any of those issues, and I've been using WSUS a lot for a long time.
WSUS is a pile of shit. It will be nice when Microsoft introduces its monthly maintenance plan.
@obsolesce said in WSUS Help:
@obsolesce From what i can tell MS hasnt updated WSUS in any way since 2013.
There's no need to... what could they possibly do to make it any better?
I really hope you are joking....
I amazes me that some of us manage Windows Systems and we still complain about them when it is our job to work with them....Not everything in Microsoft System is perfect nor does everything in Linux./
@obsolesce said in WSUS Help:
@obsolesce From what i can tell MS hasnt updated WSUS in any way since 2013.
There's no need to... what could they possibly do to make it any better?
Make it efficient, reliable, easy to use, or just make it unnecessary like Linux does.
I amazes me that some of us manage Windows Systems and we still complain about them when it is our job to work with them....Not everything in Microsoft System is perfect nor does everything in Linux./
Actually it being our job to work with them (or to decide if we use them) is exactly what makes you expect complaints. Who else would complain about something other than the users?
I amazes me that some of us manage Windows Systems and we still complain about them when it is our job to work with them....Not everything in Microsoft System is perfect nor does everything in Linux./
You're right. Dont complain about anything or ask for improvements. Bend over and take it from Microsoft.