Installing Mattermost on CentOS 7
Mattermost is a Slack competitor written in Google's new(ish) Go Language (GoLang.) Mattermost is fully free and open source. The biggest deal about Mattermost is that it is Slack compatible, so those Slack tools that you want to use will work with it.
We get started with a normal, plain CentOS 7 minimal install. I'll make mine from a template.
yum install yum install postgresql94-server postgresql94-contrib wget /usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/postgresql94-setup initdb systemctl enable postgresql-9.4.service systemctl start postgresql-9.4.service
Now we need to work as the database user...
sudo -i -u postgres psql CREATE DATABASE mattermost; CREATE USER mmuser WITH PASSWORD 'noonewilleverguess'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE mattermost to mmuser; \q exit
Back as root, again. Uncomment the
listen_addresses /var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data/postgresql.conf
And in this file, we need to allow md5 instead of peer for the local connection at the bottom.
vi /var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data/pg_hba.confAnd now we need to reload the database and test:
systemctl reload postgresql-9.4.service
Here is the test...
psql --host= --dbname=mattermost --username=mmuser --password
If we get an error here, stop, nothing will work if this fails. Comment and we will troubleshoot. A success message looks like
and you\q
to /tmp wget tar -xvzf mattermost.tar.gz mv mattermost /opt/ mkdir -p /opt/mattermost/data useradd -r mattermost -U chown -R mattermost:mattermost /opt/mattermost chmod -R g+w /opt/mattermost cd /opt/mattermost/config vi config.json
In this file you need to replace
DriverName": "mysql"
withDriverName": "postgres"
And then replace
with"DataSource": "postgres://mmuser:noonewilleverguess@"
And then to test it out...
cd /opt/mattermost/bin ./platform
That's it. You should be able to log into the web interface from a web browser.
sc to come
Why would you choose not to use their Docker install? This is an honest question, not a criticism.
@Kelly said:
Why would you choose not to use their Docker install? This is an honest question, not a criticism.
Don't have Docker set up currently.
Why was postgres used? Nothing wrong with it of course, but not typically used on RHEL based stuff for the masses
Hm. Interesting. I'd like to set this up on a test machine right now. Maybe I will tonight.
@JaredBusch said:
Why was postgres used? Nothing wrong with it of course, but not typically used on RHEL based stuff for the masses
both my preferred, so I didn't fight it, and the recommended one from the Mattermost project. They support MySQL, of course, but they push PostgreSQL as their preferred so I went with that.
@scottalanmiller said:
@JaredBusch said:
Why was postgres used? Nothing wrong with it of course, but not typically used on RHEL based stuff for the masses
both my preferred, so I didn't fight it, and the recommended one from the Mattermost project. They support MySQL, of course, but they push PostgreSQL as their preferred so I went with that.
Interesting that they chose it is all.
@scottalanmiller said:
psql --host= --dbname=mattermost --username=mmuser --password
As a test:
psql --host= --dbname=mattermost --username=administrator --password
This is the user I created for these steps:
sudo -i -u postgres
CREATE USER mmuser WITH PASSWORD 'noonewilleverguess';
[root@vultr ~]# psql --host= --dbname=mattermost --username=administrator --password
Password for user administrator:
psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "administrator" -
@JaredBusch said:
@scottalanmiller said:
@JaredBusch said:
Why was postgres used? Nothing wrong with it of course, but not typically used on RHEL based stuff for the masses
both my preferred, so I didn't fight it, and the recommended one from the Mattermost project. They support MySQL, of course, but they push PostgreSQL as their preferred so I went with that.
Interesting that they chose it is all.
Yes, widely supported but rarely the primary choice. It might be tied to Go for all that I know. Ruby, for example, as a culture leans to PostgreSQL not MySQL whereas PHP leans the other way. Don't know anything about the Go culture so just speculating.
@wirestyle22 said:
@scottalanmiller said:
psql --host= --dbname=mattermost --username=mmuser --password
As a test:
psql --host= --dbname=mattermost --username=administrator --password
This is the user I created for these steps:
sudo -i -u postgres
CREATE USER mmuser WITH PASSWORD 'noonewilleverguess';
[root@vultr ~]# psql --host= --dbname=mattermost --username=administrator --password
Password for user administrator:
psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "administrator"Did you change the "peer" to "md5" in the config file?
@scottalanmiller said:
@wirestyle22 said:
@scottalanmiller said:
psql --host= --dbname=mattermost --username=mmuser --password
As a test:
psql --host= --dbname=mattermost --username=administrator --password
This is the user I created for these steps:
sudo -i -u postgres
CREATE USER mmuser WITH PASSWORD 'noonewilleverguess';
[root@vultr ~]# psql --host= --dbname=mattermost --username=administrator --password
Password for user administrator:
psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "administrator"Did you change the "peer" to "md5" in the config file?
Yes I did. I even went back, copy and pasted everything directly from the guide: mmuser noonewilleverguess etc and it still did the same thing.
Just to verify
@scottalanmiller said:
@JaredBusch said:
Why was postgres used? Nothing wrong with it of course, but not typically used on RHEL based stuff for the masses
both my preferred, so I didn't fight it, and the recommended one from the Mattermost project. They support MySQL, of course, but they push PostgreSQL as their preferred so I went with that.
Oddly the Docker container uses MySQL. I'm playing with it right now to learn both Mattermost and Docker.
@Kelly said:
@scottalanmiller said:
@JaredBusch said:
Why was postgres used? Nothing wrong with it of course, but not typically used on RHEL based stuff for the masses
both my preferred, so I didn't fight it, and the recommended one from the Mattermost project. They support MySQL, of course, but they push PostgreSQL as their preferred so I went with that.
Oddly the Docker container uses MySQL. I'm playing with it right now to learn both Mattermost and Docker.
That interesting. I need to play with Docker too.
@wirestyle22 I have the same problem
@scottalanmiller I have the same problem. Confused
For those who were still having problems getting Mattermost running on CentOS 7, I was also having the same problems and couldn't get beyond the postgres install. I found another guide and with a few tweaks, I was able to get this running.
The change that was required from this guide was in the "Download and Extract Mattermost"
Instead of...
[root@mattermost ~]# wget -q "" -O mattermost.tar.gz
Use this...
Then in the next block, instead of...
tar -xvzf mattermost.tar.gz
Use this...
tar -xvzf mattermost-team-3.3.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
After that, follow the guide to the letter and it will get you to this...