Exchange out of office reply
I've saw this question time and again. The end result is the admin ends up changing the password of the user that needs an auto reply of "out of office" or whatever the reply may be, then logging in to that account and setting the reply through Outlook. I cannot change the person's password at all. Short overview, an admin is out indefinitely for health reasons. It was very abrupt (fine one minute, gone the next). I am not to change the admin's password as explicitly directed, but I need to configure the account for auto reply of out of office so vendors and others know. Is there a way to configure it in Exchange 2013? I have never found an answer online.
@BBigford WHen I have to do it, I grant myself access to the mailbox, log into owa with my account, then switch mailbox's, set the OOF, then remove my permissions from the mailbox.
This should also be able to be configured from the server it's self. Without even needing access to the persons mailbox.
You can do it with powershell too...
I've been looking into this link on shell:
"open another mailbox" in the web console should do the trick. I totally forgot about that one.
Ah, got it.
Thanks for the quick responses.
Maybe we are just horrible but, whenever a user forgets to do something like this it's on them and up to their manager to enforce it. We don't make changes like this in a users account. If we actually did that something like that would need approval from the COO or CEO.