Installing JIRA Service Desk
Who knows, binary installers are evil and sloppy.
@scottalanmiller Maybe I should just ask for a refund?
@anonymous said:
@scottalanmiller Maybe I should just ask for a refund?
You paid for it? They will provide support then, right?
@scottalanmiller I would hope so =P
@anonymous said:
@scottalanmiller Maybe I should just ask for a refund?
I've had good luck with Atlassian support so far. They are very knowledgeable about their products. If you have support with them open a ticket.
I would open a support ticket. Mention specifically that you did it with -c to do the console install as the directions said and that it still gives the error to use -c. It's very confusing if you leave that part out.
Are you using OpenJDK or Oracle JDK?
@coliver Whatever yum -y install java installs.
@anonymous said:
@coliver Whatever yum -y install java installs.
OpenJDK. You are going to want to run Oracle JDK/JRE with Atlassian products. They have some know issues with the OpenJDK application.
@coliver what package do I need to install?
I downloaded the wrong package, and now I feel stupid
The 64 bit package works fine.....