Happy Birthday NES
Now I feel old. Very old.
I am now debating getting mine out of the garage.
Time for everyone to post their favourite NES game and/or memory!
@mlnews said:
Time for everyone to post their favourite NES game and/or memory!
Does not having one count? My parents decided since my brothers fought over the Atari so much that we would never have another game system in the house. Which was true until my parents divorced in 1993.
Used to go play NES with @Eric long ago. One of my few friends who owned one. I knew almost no one with an NES back in that era. Or any game system, for that matter. He also had a home computer back them, an Apple ][+.
The beginning of a long spiral into gaming... I still have a SNES setup in our guest room. The wife likes to destroy me in Mario Kart.
The SNES I had. I loved that console. Never had an NES.
Dragon Warrior! Megaman! Final Fantasy! (I still have a friend's Megamn 3 NES cartridge, lol. It even has "Mine not yours" written on it...yet somehow I still wound up with it!)
@JaredBusch said:
@dafyre said:
Dragon Warrior!
Best game series ever on NES.
I love their children, the Dragon Quest series. DQ8 is one of my all time favourite games.
@scottalanmiller said:
I love their children, the Dragon Quest series. DQ8 is one of my all time favourite games.
The correct title is Dragon Quest. It was renamed to Dragon Warrior for the US release.
I never had another Nintendo system and thus ended up missing all of the follow DQ games. I have been very saddened by that. -
I had DQ8 on the PS2. Amazing. It is the game that got me back into gaming after many years away.
I know that DQ8, sans voice acting, is available on the iPhone.
Dragon Quest Heroes, now on PC...