Password resets are the really big win in this update.
Posts made by steve
RE: Making Changes This Weekend...
RE: Making Changes This Weekend...
@Dashrender said:
Names aren't showing up, and neither is the picture posted in this thread.
Pictures are back!
RE: Making Changes This Weekend...
Names should be working. I see the names in this thread, try hitting F5 to refresh the in-browser application. Looking into the image issues.
RE: Password Recovery Function
Sorry for the delay, we finally got all of the latest patches into the system and the password recovery function is now working!
RE: Making Changes This Weekend...
Okay, the site is now running on v0.4.1. Some new look and functionality. One big thing to check out, in the bottom right corner of the page there is an icon that you can click that changed between fluid and fixed width formats. Check it out. And the new sidebars full of information are pretty handy too.
RE: Making Changes This Weekend...
Big update coming, site will go down for a little big, should not be long. Fingers crossed....
Making Changes This Weekend...
Lots of work going on, don't be surprised if things change over the course of the weekend.
RE: Password Recovery Function
I just tested it and am seeing the issue too. I will raise this with the developers.
RE: Password Recovery Function
I just IM'd you the email address that you used to sign up. Is that one correct?
Two New Categories Available Today
We, at MangoLassi, have added two new categories by demand today. One is "Self Promotion" and it is exactly what it sounds like. Are you an IT Pro and want to toot your own horn? Go for it, tell us about your project, blog, posting, skills, etc. Are you a service provider, let us know about yourself. Are you a vendor? Post your news here, let us know what you offer, etc. This is a pretty no-holds barred group so what you shouldn't post elsewhere you can post here. We aren't making any real rules around it and will only address that if things become a problem. Give it a try.
Secondly we have the "Reviews" group. A lot of people have been asking for a way to do reviews and while this is very ad hoc, it serves a purpose and rather than duplicating reviews capabilities that other sites have we figured we would do it in more of the conversation system. This way people can post a free form review on anything and it can spark a conversation which may, we hope, be more valuable. Allow people to really get to the meat of a review and maybe even solve problems or uncover issues. This also allows anything to be reviewed and keeps reviews specific.
RE: MangoLassi questions
Here we go, we now have a Self Promotion group. Go crazy and promote some stuff! This is for everyone wanting to just toot their own horn. Could be product announcements or whatever.
RE: MangoLassi Compatibility Testing
Firefox 27.0 on XP is working just fine too.
RE: MangoLassi Compatibility Testing
At the moment, I am posting from a Windows XP SP3 / IE 8 test machine and am having no problems at all. I am actually quite surprised, I was prepared for this combination to be too old to work. Very happy that the XP users out there are going to be okay. I had heard a rumor of IE 9 issues so very glad to find that even older is working.
MangoLassi Compatibility Testing
I know that there are some discussions about where ML is working and where it is not. We are trying to track down and identify potential problems. We know that some AV and firewalls can break the Websockets connection making the page load as blank. We've heard some rumors of other problems but have not found anything solid yet. One concern is, of course, browser testing. We have solidly tested ML on all modern browsers and it seems to work flawlessly, at a browser level, across the board. Testing old browsers and platforms is, of course, tough because we do not necessarily have access to every combination that people may be using out there on the Internet. If you all could assist us in this, it would be great.
RE: MangoLassi questions
@technobabble said:
- list item (this one sounds funny in my head) is self promotion in the water closet allowed?
We are considering a "self promotion" group. A place for vendors (or any sort as long as they are IT.... from server makers to local repair shops) to gratuitously post about themselves. A place where there are no limits and you can be as self promoting as you want and no one can complain
If you are talking about a post where someone is looking for service and you are like "Hey, i do that, use me", that's fine. A thread just to say "I'm a cool service provider, use me" would be frowned on. A bit of a grey area and why a pure self promotion area would make sense, I think. Does that sound right to you?
A bit question around this is.... how can we allow this and add the value that people wanting to promote things want while not devaluing the conversation for others. We aren't trying to block anyone getting their name out there, just want to keep the conversation quality high too.
RE: MangoLassi questions
@technobabble said:
- list item Where is the proper place for reviews and rants?
No official spot for that. Maybe a reviews group would make sense? Rants would probably go best wherever they fit. General rant in the WC and technology rant in the IT section. Kind of a best judgement thing there. Having a group just for people to write up reviews wouldn't be a bad idea.
RE: Is the main screen supposed to scroll like this?
That's a rendering issue. A new template is expected soon so we are not worrying too much about it until the new template and widgets are added into the desktop experience.
RE: Desktop Notifications.
We've decided to disable them. They were not popular and many people were having confusion around attempting to disable them. At this point it would appear that it would be better to just skip them.
MangoLassi Twitter is Up
MangoLassi's Twitter Feed is now Live!