"Help Help!, I'm stuck in this garage!" -Scott Alan Miller

Best posts made by RobQ
RE: IT Quotes I Like
RE: Elements of a good IT career
Networking (Human) is something I wouldn't have thought of when I started out, but it's been a blessing. The relationships you build with coworkers, former employers, vendors, etc. can really grow into a great resource.
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
Hello, my name is Rob. Bob Beatty invited me from SW.
The conundrum of being a "Jack of all trades" on the Job hunt.
I've worked mostly in SMB as the Network, Lan, Phone, Server admin/helpdesk guy for about 12 years. My only exception was a brief stint in Microsoft Dynamics consulting. I'm looking to relocate from Central Arkansas To Northwest Arkansas which has become the Business/technology center of the state. (Walmart, Big Trucking Companies, Tyson Foods, Etc.)
What I'm finding in my search is that most postings, and opening are more specialized. Lots of developing, unix/storage, stuff, software, etc. I'm seeing very few SMB generalist/admin type positions. I'm quite positive I CAN specialize, I've just never really been able to do so. I do a little of everything, but not alot of anything. I have all Cisco Networking/Telephony gear, but I rarely touch it unless it breaks or needs upgraded. I definitely thrive in more of an administration/availability role than I do an Engineering type of role. I'm a people person dammit. I've yet to see a job posting for a "Computer guy for a 150-250 user business". That's my wheelhouse.
I'm working pretty hard to get consideration for a Network Engineer job for the "Arkansas Research and Education Optical Network" that joins all of the Colleges and medical facilities together because it's a cushy State gig that pays well. But I'm honestly not sure that's something I'll like, and getting it is iffy since I don't have a bachelors degree. Just Associates. I just want to get out of Little rock and closer to Family. Remote work for my current employer really isn't an option. Although I think if I announced that I was getting out of town, I would at least get some contract work for a bit from it. I"m quite sure with my contacts in the state I could probably get some consulting work, but again, I don't have a comfort level there. I had one consulting gig, and I hated it.
I've already taken a few stabs at doing something other than Network Administration, and I think this is just what I'm best at. I'm not really looking for any specific answers, just sharing my conundrum, and welcoming a discussion.
RE: tired
I feel for you Seiko. I had similar issues in my younger days, when I was single and didn't have anybody else looking out for me. I eventually found ways to make sure I got up and to work on time. Some things to try.
Multiple alarms, you need to have to get up to turn it off. I know some hard sleepers that have the old timey alarms with the bells.
Go to sleep at a reasonable hour. If you aren't getting 8-9 hours of sleep, start doing it.
Don't drink caffeine after at least noon. That stuff messes up your sleep big time. Any stimulants should be cut back if not totally avoided.
Work on a routine. Sleeping super late on weekends makes it really hard to get up on time on a Monday. Try your best to go to bed/wake up at the same time every day.
Exercise. While I wouldn't work out right before bed, a tired body sleeps better.
These are from experience. I lost a job as a youngster from being late to work a couple of times. While it's understandable that people struggle with things like this, it is 100% your responsibility to work it out. Your employer has to make reasonable accommodations to you, and allowing you to come in at noon isn't one.
As far as your getting bent out of shape by responses to your post, you chose to post it, nobody asked for that information. Share at your own risk.
RE: My side work
Very cool. What a bargain for art! We had some of our kids pics printed on Metal, and we have really loved them. For whatever reason, the colors are so vivid. Nice work.
RE: Chopping off their own feet....
I know this is an old thread, but I'm not understanding RAM's POV. He seems to be saying because another site doesn't have a private chat room in a private forum, he prefers another site that doesn't have private chat-rooms or private forums.
And with this, I"m at 30. WOOT! Job offers are inevitable now that they can see my ability to type text and click submit!