Anything to do with website + HP has been awful for years, I don't know what they are doing (or not doing)

Best posts made by Deleted74295
RE: HPs driver site is horrible!
RE: Breaking up with Apple, Hello OnePlus 3
Well, It's been a fantastic phone. Good camera, great battery, decent size for doing things. Really pleased with it.
RE: Courtsey
They had an appointment for a meeting, you have an appointment too. Lack of efficiency on their part does not mean an emergency on yours.
RE: NTG People at ML
@johnhooks said:
@Lakshmana said:
active partition
I think @scottalanmiller would be the boot partition.
So @Minion-Queen is the BIOS?
RE: My New Company - Dara IT
So is well over a year old.
A lot of lessons have been learnt, some very exciting projects worked on with clients and actually the offering available, the culture, the methodology, is one of the most unique approaches for an IT company in the UK. Every time I have this conversation, it is something people are wanting, completely different to the MSP model which has saturated the market.
Bumping the thread because actually it's taken a good year of developing that foundation so it might be interesting for others to read about where things started and how it developed on.
RE: Star Wars Battlefront: First Official Trailer
Two things wrong with this game.
A -
RE: Scale Radically Changes Price Performance with Fully Automated Flash Tiering
@scale - Suitably impressed at Spiceworld London. Jason Collier was very helpful.
Definitely on the books to consider for server installs.
RE: Home business ideas for transition out of 9-5?
I'm going to use a childish example.
I hire you, to go into bakeries and pick the best baker for me.
Now, you are down to 2 bakeries.
One of them, says they will give you some money if your client buys from them. The other does not.
Which bakery will you most likely recommend?
Now, your client finds out about this, how does that affect your relationship and the work you delivered for them?
RE: The Hospitality Management Anecdote
What a load of rubbish.
The very idea that hard work and effort can outweigh a degree is insulting and is typical of someone who clearly never went to college. I shall shake my fist you! the sheer level of ignorance that only a non-degree individual can have
Seen the above attitude quite a bit, I then sit back and revel at how happy I am to be debt free, doing what I love and have a path to where I want to go that is not dependant on a piece of paper.
Really helpful write-up, I guess if anyone else needs convincing just google "Is college worth it"
RE: Crowdfund Thread
^ Meme from The Illusionist?
That crowd-fund page needs a lot of work, too many holes in the idea.
Three Systems, Three designs.
This is a very simplified document. To explain three different approaches to getting access to a very reliable and high performance system.
RE: Home business ideas for transition out of 9-5?
@Dashrender said
which is why I asked how NTG reconciles that situation for jobs they both consult and implement.
As your consultant, you can take my system designs, my plans, my ideas, my solutions to anyone else and if they are even half competent, they can implement them no problem, so you win. You have paid for that and you receive that.
If you then want me to physically implement the plan, that's fine but that's a separate piece of work.
RE: This Is Who Is Teaching College
So let me get this right.
They are sick of being taken advantage of....why don't they get other employment then?
I don't understand this concept that the world should change to suit me.
RE: The Fermi Paradox: A Worthy Read
It seems typical of human arrogance that without knowing of the existence of other civilisations, we are already trying to categorise and comprehend what "type" they will be and using our own understanding of physics trying to comprehend how they achieve this.
I suspect Possibility 8 is the most likely. Other civilisations saw our backwards planet, with our reality TV and pointless conflicts and decided to declare earth a wildlife preserve for the naive violent creatures until we develop past that.
The Trojan Horse Still works in IT
Probably preaching to the choir here: -
RE: Home business ideas for transition out of 9-5?
@guyinpv said
In the real world, I would disclose that I have a recommended baker that I work with and here are the benefits X, Y, Z.
I don't care about the one person who happens to be your buddy or your mate or the only person you've ever used in the past though.
I'm paying you to go out and research all of them
I want you to do detailed work. Then hand me the data.
RE: How Do You Evaluate IT Skills for Hiring
Two people I picked for Dara IT were on Spiceworks and I looked at their post history both recent and past. That tells me far more than any certification, CV or reference ever has.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Pointed a vendor at this.
Hopefully they get the hint, if not, domain black-list time.