MangoCon Is official!
yeah im around....
So what's the cheapest way to get from Mid Wales to this then ?????
if things go south with the wife I might need a weeks holiday in New York BABY! -
For Wales, your best bet is going to be either London or Dublin (no idea how you would get to Dublin from there... ferry?) Aer Lingus from Dublin and BA from London tend to be the best deals. American does the same BA flight path so is worth checking with, too.
The surprise value airline is Norwegian. Check them, they are very nice and might easily be the cheapest option. They would be out of London as well.
Woohoo! A convention near me for once! I will be there!
AWESOME!! Haven't heard from you in awhile! Hello!
@Minion-Queen Yeah, hectic would be a very under-stated way of describing my life lately. Trying to start a videography business, working on a game review website, managing several youtube channels, I moved a few months back, and I still have my full-time job that I hate... Apparently I decided some time early this year that I was allergic to free time.
@Awkward-Gamer Well we are happy to have you poke your head in!
Was the website for this launched yet? When is registration opening?
This will be happening in the next week or so.... The flu and holidays have slowed progress down a bit
Wooohoooo no hotel for me I live in Rochester!
Restaurants/Eateries that are very good:
Dinosaur BBQ
The Owl House (Vegan/Vegetarian but the best American cheeseburger I've ever had...crazy)
Thali of India (Hit the lunch buffet it will rock your world)
The Gate House (DO NOT GET THE WINGS but everything else is amazing)
Dibella's subs
Delmonico's Italian
Sinbad's (Greek/Mediterranean)
Napa Wood Fired Pizzeria
Highland Park Diner
Sticky Lips (BBQ)
Olives (Greek/Mediterranean)
Hogan's Hideaway
Steve T's (Screw Nick Tahou's lol)
Jeremiah's (Wings - Bumblebee sauce)
Jines (For the area and atmosphere. Food is decent)Places NOT to go that will be on "Top Google Lists":
Rooney's (My girlfriend was a chef there and their kitchen is nasty. New owners aren't good. Friend of mine got sick there)
Fiamma (Arrogant bastards wouldn't put extra cheese on a pizza because they wanted to protect their "recipe". Said we could get it on the side. WHO PUT'S CHEESE ON THE SIDE OF A PIZZA?!)
D'Mangu (Some of their food was old and tasted sour) -
Most of our meals will be at the Hotel and let me tell you the food is good. Even the Gluten Free is good! The Chef and I are working on the menu to include lots of Mango goodness
There will be some time to explore some awesome places to eat.
There will be of course a trip down the road to Nick Tahou's (sorry due to the amount of people flying in getting to Steve T's would be expensive).
I'm seeing this today... do we need some special code to get in on the hotel rooms?
@RojoLoco so you crashed theor webserver trying to get in on the deal eh?
Welp... time to find a friends house I can bunk at.
@RojoLoco said:
I'm seeing this today... do we need some special code to get in on the hotel rooms?
Yes there will be I should be getting that this week!
I also know that many people will be looking to share rooms to keep the cost down. Cost for room/night will be $119 (plus taxes).
Keep in mind we will have the run of this hotel. So that includes the restaurant and bar etc.
We might need to setup a gaming server of some sort hmmm.......
@Minion-Queen said:
Most of our meals will be at the Hotel and let me tell you the food is good. Even the Gluten Free is good! The Chef and I are working on the menu to include lots of Mango goodness
There will be some time to explore some awesome places to eat.
There will be of course a trip down the road to Nick Tahou's (sorry due to the amount of people flying in getting to Steve T's would be expensive).
Dinosaur BBQ is walking distance from there. There isn't really anything in Rochester that has better BBQ. Worth the walk from the hotel.
WE hope to have them cater a meal one night. Working on that one.
@Minion-Queen Sticky-Lips BBQ is also an AWESOME BBQ joint.