Explorers of the Internet
I started using a computer when I was 5. In elementary I was fixing the Apple computers for my teachers.
We didn't have computers in school till my mom donated an Apple ][c to the school when I was ~11.
Funnily enough, after enough years, that old Apple made its way back to me and I still have it today.
@scottalanmiller said:
Funnily enough, after enough years, that old Apple made its way back to me and I still have it today.
That's pretty cool.
Sometimes I wish I had kept my old 8088, it was my first. -
I used an 8088 back in the day, a PC XT but we didn't own it.
18 for me too, at the college library.
@scottalanmiller said:
I used an 8088 back in the day, a PC XT but we didn't own it.
did it have a turbo button? lol
Turbo buttons were much later.
Explore yes.... Discover No
No, no turbo button until the 386 I think...
@Dashrender said:
No, no turbo button until the 386 I think...
Yeah, many generations later. 8088, 80186, 80286....