If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
@smitherick said in If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!:
Hello all,
Erick from North Carolina, long-time Spiceworks fan and now adding this awesome community to my lurking bookmarks. "IT Director" aka SysAdmin by day, and in the small early stages of my own MSP. Look forward to reading!Welcome to the dark side!
Welcome Erick, great community!
Welcome @topher
Welcome @scruztony
Welcome @drenn
@smitherick Welcome. You'll quickly find that this site beats the pants off Spiceworks. No vendor-driven circle jerk BS around here.
Welcome @cronsloth
Lots of new folks over here! Welcome aboard all y'all!
Thanks for the welcome! Glad to be here.
Welcome @jameskick
Welcome @whopper of SW fame!!
Welcome @PeterCom
welcome @58oheas
Welcome @rcuadra
Welcome @castellanosjc
Welcome aboard all y'all! Nice to have some more faces over here!
Welcome @castellanosjc @rcuadra @58oheas @PeterCom @whopper
Welcome to @jimidero
Hello from Greece
@jimidero said in If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!:
Hello from Greece
Greetings. What part of Greece are you in?