Windows Batch: Select Drive
At some point I plan to move a script to Powershell, until then:
In the script I am working on, it is set to ask for the drive to back up to, you currently enter
.Is there syntax that would allow for either
?While right now using the
works,.. just want to expand. -
does this webpage help?
I don't think there's an
operator, as a workaround you can accept both by using two if statements thatgoto
the same:label
.I haven't done much with batch scripts for a while so :man_shrugging:
Can you post the line or two that gathers the input? Set /p would ignore the colon, and Choice doesn't allow colons, so I need to see your approach to provide you with a solution.
@gjacobse said in Windows Batch: Select Drive:
At some point I plan to move a script to Powershell, until then:
In the script I am working on, it is set to ask for the drive to back up to, you currently enter
.Is there syntax that would allow for either
?While right now using the
works,.. just want to expand.It would be very confusing to enter
when the script is asking for a drive.
Drive letters are alwaysx:
in windows. It's the colon than makes it a drive and not just a directory or file.If you enter something like this in a script, you might want to put a check in the script that the drive is actually available.
Actually Set /p does work:
echo off SET /P _inputname= Please enter an input: IF "%_inputname%"=="x" GOTO :they_typed_x IF "%_inputname%"=="x:" GOTO :they_typed_xcolon ECHO Invalid Answer... GOTO :end :they_typed_x Echo Should be x = %_inputname% GOTO :end :they_typed_xcolon Echo Should be x: = %_inputname% :end
@JasGot said in Windows Batch: Select Drive:
Can you post the line or two that gathers the input? Set /p would ignore the colon, and Choice doesn't allow colons, so I need to see your approach to provide you with a solution.
Was going to say it worked for me but looks like I replied too late with an example:
@echo off echo What are drive you is want? set /p drive="" cls if "%drive%" == "x" GOTO AWWYEAH if "%drive%" == "x:" GOTO AWWYEAH echo FAIL! pause exit :AWWYEAH echo YEAH! [%drive%] pause
@Obsolesce said in Windows Batch: Select Drive:
Was going to say it worked for me but looks like I replied too late with an example:
That's usually me! I was so happy to see I corrected myself before someone else did!
I like how our Set /P lines show two different ways to capture the input!
I was a little bored, so here you go:
## Example drive letter selection # Only allow X, Y or <enter> do{Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan "What drive letter do you prefer as a backup?" $letter = (Read-Host -prompt "(X) or Y?").ToUpper()} while ($letter -notin @('x','y','')) # This sets the default to X, allowing the user to simply press enter if X is OK. if($letter -eq ''){$letter = 'X'} # Now set the drive letter. New-PSDrive –Name $letter –PSProvider FileSystem –Root “\\server\backup” –Persist -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Basic drive letter set is done, but we can be more complicated:
# Do actions based on a user that has an network location from IP. $ipaddr = Get-NetIPAddress|?{$_.SuffixOrigin -eq "Dhcp" -and $_.AddressState -like "*preferred*"}|select -ExpandProperty ipaddress # Set the preferred drive letter. $letter = X If($ipaddr -like '192.168.0.*'){ New-PSDrive –Name $letter –PSProvider FileSystem –Root “\\alpha\backup” –Persist -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "You're in Alpha!`nBackup drive connected to Alpha site.`nHave a sumptuous day!" } # if you have more networks, insert here with more if statements. Else{ New-PSDrive –Name $letter –PSProvider FileSystem –Root “\\bravo\backup” –Persist -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "You're in Bravo!`nBackup drive connected to Bravo site.`nHave a sumptuous day!" }