What Are You Doing Right Now
I can post here most of the time. Posting on SW is gone completely. Their site is so fragile with so much code to load, it often fails first during network issues.
Hmmm... SAM can't post to Spiceworks?
Quick, everyone head over there and recommend SANs, FreeNAS and VMWare!
Too late, the network is back up.
Watching a few people spin around in chairs while in their boss's office about 800 miles away...Should I load a audio file to one of the local computers and play it? Make them jump,... <evil laugh>
@WingCreative said:
Hmmm... SAM can't post to Spiceworks?
Quick, everyone head over there and recommend SANs, FreeNAS and VMWare!
Pffft, I'm going to post about how epic RAID5 is with giant arrays - bigger the better.
@MattSpeller said:
@WingCreative said:
Hmmm... SAM can't post to Spiceworks?
Quick, everyone head over there and recommend SANs, FreeNAS and VMWare!
Pffft, I'm going to post about how epic RAID5 is with giant arrays - bigger the better.
Or how HA on VMware is a requirement for our business (and we didn't do any cost analysis).
Heading home.
Are you posting while driving again?
Very suspicious
Getting the kids out of the shower. Winding down for the day. Considering playing a video game. Maybe.
Doing some cleanup on my SW Inbox. that thing is out of control. Was up to 63 pages this morning. Down to 56 right now.
That's a lot of email!
It was like 1,300 messages!! A little bit crazy. Down to about 1,050 now.
Sitting in on a Microsoft meeting about Office 365, azure and other cloudy stuff offered by MS and how our campus agreement ties in...
Sound exciting.
Good morning people
@Joy Morning Joy!
You know I'm having issues with my own junk when I'm on ML after 5pm PST