Interstellar - Is It Me?
There needs to be much more background on WHY the earth had gotten that way etc. Why the Astronaut was a farmer etc. Would have answered so much, oh yeah and the robots and their use may have made more sense that way.
And yes the jumping around in the story added to the confusion.
I liked how the approach to hard science was better than most sci-fi movies, I'm a fan of hard science fiction myself. I did think not wanting to do anything and wanting to die on Earth as that one character did, which caused them to burn the field, showed he was at least completely psychotic, and to be honest if my son or brother or whatever were holding other family members hostage, awaiting certain death, I'd kill him to save the others, not just burn the field to distract him, he's clearly dangerous as hell and more than willing to commit murder-suicide, not sure why Matthew McConaughey basically thinks it's not as serious as it is.
As for Matt Damon, I understand his motivations of not wanting to be alone, but he understood the risks if the place he went wasn't something worth going to, that he'd be left to die alone, but he wusses out, fakes tests results in order to get people to come and "rescue" him.
i need to avoid this thread until I see it.
@Minion-Queen said:
There needs to be much more background on WHY the earth had gotten that way etc. Why the Astronaut was a farmer etc. Would have answered so much, oh yeah and the robots and their use may have made more sense that way.
And yes the jumping around in the story added to the confusion.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one because I really, really wanted to like the film...a lot...the cut scenes as I mentioned above...I was trying to figure out why his fight with Matt Damon and the burning of the fields had to do with each other...I mean, I sort of get it but expected more...
And the Robots...they were cool and all but not introduced well...I expected more from them and they seemed so hollow...
And I appreciate the somewhat twist ending but it just didn't seem cohesive enough for me to really care...
@Dashrender said:
i need to avoid this thread until I see it.
Yes...for sure...and would be interested in your throughts...I am with @tonyshowoff ...I often do like hard Sci-Fi...and I do like the science in this film...but just felt like it wasn't executed well...
Side took me most of my life to finally appreciate Blade Runner...and though it takes an effort, I kind of like Dune (movie)...
@garak0410 said:
@Minion-Queen said:
There needs to be much more background on WHY the earth had gotten that way etc. Why the Astronaut was a farmer etc. Would have answered so much, oh yeah and the robots and their use may have made more sense that way.
And yes the jumping around in the story added to the confusion.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one because I really, really wanted to like the film...a lot...the cut scenes as I mentioned above...I was trying to figure out why his fight with Matt Damon and the burning of the fields had to do with each other...I mean, I sort of get it but expected more...
And the Robots...they were cool and all but not introduced well...I expected more from them and they seemed so hollow...
And I appreciate the somewhat twist ending but it just didn't seem cohesive enough for me to really care...
It was supposedly some sort of blight that was creating NO2 or something and was destroying the atmosphere. I thought that whole thing was a bit contrived that somehow nobody in the span of nearly 100 years could genetically modify crops to not affect it or find some sort of fungus that fights against it and use it to your advantage. I guess, though, they needed a reason for a tenseness of needing to leave Earth, I guess it's not a bad reason, better than something silly like "oh no the sun is running out of energy and getting dimmer, even though that's not actually how the sun will die." (the movie Sunshine)
@garak0410 said:
@Dashrender said:
i need to avoid this thread until I see it.
Yes...for sure...and would be interested in your throughts...I am with @tonyshowoff ...I often do like hard Sci-Fi...and I do like the science in this film...but just felt like it wasn't executed well...
Side took me most of my life to finally appreciate Blade Runner...and though it takes an effort, I kind of like Dune (movie)...
I recently re-watched Blade Runner, but I did it with my laptop in my lap so I didn't pay close enough attention to the movie.. i need to watch it again without distraction.
@Dashrender said:
@garak0410 said:
@Dashrender said:
i need to avoid this thread until I see it.
Yes...for sure...and would be interested in your throughts...I am with @tonyshowoff ...I often do like hard Sci-Fi...and I do like the science in this film...but just felt like it wasn't executed well...
Side took me most of my life to finally appreciate Blade Runner...and though it takes an effort, I kind of like Dune (movie)...
I recently re-watched Blade Runner, but I did it with my laptop in my lap so I didn't pay close enough attention to the movie.. i need to watch it again without distraction.
Love that movie!!
@scottalanmiller My wife had actually ordered a blown up version of the picture below for my home office, but it was destroyed in the mail, like they threw it into a combine harvester, still need to get it redone:
That would be an awesome poster.
@scottalanmiller said:
That would be an awesome poster.
Yeah she got it high quality and a nice frame to put it in, but they screwed it up. It was a nice surprise, I didn't even ask for it.