How can you help to make our 1st Birthday Party Awesome?
@IRJ said:
Is @thanksaj going to be on tomorrow? He has been quiet lately
I think @thanksaj is busy with his workout class
"So I went to the workout class, which started with 50 jumping jacks. You do 10, turn 90 degrees, do 10 more, repeat until you're back to where you started...I did the first jumping jack, landed, rolled my right ankle, and was done for the night...I managed to do A SINGLE JUMPING JACK and I injured myself...facepalm"
Can't wait, it's going to be fun!
@scottalanmiller said:
Stay up all night. Stock up on the
I can stay till 11 pm I guess, I still have to work 6:00am tom
But ML birthday isn't until next month...
Nope it's this month.
@Minion-Queen is right AJ it was February of 2014 (even a little before that).
Late February, I think, so we are a couple weeks shy of the real birthday but you can't pass up Friday the 13th AND a @Minion-Queen presentation day! And a holiday Friday too (tomorrow is one holiday and Monday is another!)
So this is a triple holiday weekend here.... Friday is ML Day, Saturday is Valentine's Day, Monday is Presidents Day!
Day too:)
Here, have some
Whoo hoo, Paul is here!
Hello @pchiodo
Yep still here - just working
@Dominica I