Hello IT Community!
Well, you might not notice less negativity, but it is certainly less crowded.
Back when I got my A+ the job offers I received were printer technician, bench tech at big box store, and service writer at an MSP. All of which were a pay cut from my current non-IT job.
@ls_tech said in Hello IT Community!:
Studying Comptia A+ 1001 currently to take my test before conquering 1002.
I'm here for the community, advise and learning experience.
(Reddit is way too negative and saturated for me).Currently going down this path of IT to make more money and promoted out this call-center within my same company or find more money elsewhere for me to start education in programming and support myself and girlfriend to get her to stop serving and start her career path.
I'm excited to join the community, thanks for your read.
Curious, you're pursuing both programming and IT at the same time? Or what do you mean?
@Obsolesce I remember reading a post of AMA someone being asked "If you could start your carrier over and do it all over again, what would you do?" and at this time i knew i'm interested in cyber security and the persons reply was if they could go back they would do IT studies before the coding because it would of been a better advantage learning wise and carrier starting. Personally i'v been studying on and off with coding. Previous laptop broke and too busy at work to study on work computer (except Sundays, hints this). Just bought my new laptop and decided to start the IT for the financial gain, which will be a gain because i already have experience in my current office job minus in-field work. So currently only A+ than Security+, than CySEC+. Of-course while working and completing a cert each month.. My goal is to have all by April 2021-May at latest .. My first test is coming Jan 28th for 1001. Once i have at-least A+ ill start practicing my JavaScript once more and brush up on my HTML. The idea just came to me to make a site while i study to keep track of what i'm learning with a blog to seal the information, if i published at-least it would put me steaks to be held accountable even more so. Seems like what i'v came up with as a plan as of now if it don't change. In all honesty it could change, considering i simply want the money. I even thought to start a small business out my home just to get work experience... I just have ideas an goals so this is where i'm at.
Great question.
@ls_tech What you missed in the question that @Obsolesce asked was WTF do you actually want to do?
Other than using a computer, software development has jack shit to do with IT.
These are two very different skillsets.
Sure knowing something about technology in general can be very helpful to a developer. But only in a general sense.
On the other hand, IT people will never seriously mess with software development. Fucking around with scripting languages for automating some IT tasks? Sure. But actual development? Hell now.
@ls_tech said in Hello IT Community!:
Personally i'v been studying on and off with coding. Previous laptop broke and too busy at work to study on work computer (except Sundays, hints this). Just bought my new laptop and decided to start the IT for the financial gain,
If by "coding" you mean "software development," then @JaredBusch 's comment about development vs IT is apt. They are two completely different things.
As has been advised, you need to take some time and think through what you want to do. Figuring that out can be challenging (as I have direct experience), but you can't realistically start by trying to learn everything.
For example, right now you're preparing for A+. What do you plan to do with that training? What do you envision your next job being? If the answer is say "deploy and manage Linux servers," then your work for A+ isn't aligned with what you actually want to do.
@JaredBusch I see, well in a very real since, id like to go-in System Administrator... I like the idea of setting up my own networks aswell but i think im seeing my interests lay with security specialist by cyber security field.
@ls_tech said in Hello IT Community!:
@JaredBusch I see, well in a very real since, id like to go-in System Administrator... I like the idea of setting up my own networks aswell but i think im seeing my interests lay with security specialist by cyber security field.
Then get a cert or two, and get a helpdesk job at a smal or medium business where you do everything.
While doing a couple years there for experience, get your security certs.
Then move on.
@EddieJennings It 100% is hard to figure out where id like to branch off too with Informational Technology , Im very glad everyone is asking me these questions to give me a realistic approach . I will do more expansion into understanding the different fields i will be most interested in.
At this time, i like building/taking apart old computers as a hobby and don't see that as a viable carrier path with how my curiousness leans more into Command Prompt understanding the backed, which makes me think System Administrator.
So we got the position figured out guys System Administrator... Thing is i think most major companies are Linux/Redhat based now right?
i know jack shit of Linux
@JaredBusch said in Hello IT Community!:
Then get a cert or two, and get a helpdesk job at a smal or medium business where you do everything.
While doing a couple years there for experience, get your security certs.
Then move on.
Thank you for that advice.
@JaredBusch said in Hello IT Community!:
@ls_tech said in Hello IT Community!:
@JaredBusch I see, well in a very real since, id like to go-in System Administrator... I like the idea of setting up my own networks aswell but i think im seeing my interests lay with security specialist by cyber security field.
Then get a cert or two, and get a helpdesk job at a smal or medium business where you do everything.
While doing a couple years there for experience, get your security certs.
Then move on.
I agree with this. One of the best ways to figure out what you like is getting a gig as a generalist, which if you're in the SMB space pretty much all jobs are for a generalist..
@ls_tech said in Hello IT Community!:
@JaredBusch I see, well in a very real since, id like to go-in System Administrator... I like the idea of setting up my own networks aswell but i think im seeing my interests lay with security specialist by cyber security field.
Well, System Admin can lead to Cyber Security, or vice versa. Security is kind of a buzz word thing right now. But the A+ is a bench cert and will lead you away from, not towards, IT, especially not going to ever help get anywhere in the direction of a system admin.
Programming is absolutely great, but as everyone is pointing out, it's a totally different career. And while all learning is good, it seems like you are focused on educational goals that are totally at odds with your career goals. If you want to get to being a system admin, you should study things that will lead you to that, rather than things that will lead you away. Nothing wrong with learning other skills, but consider it like taking up woodworking on the weekends. A+ (bench) and programming are wonderful hobbies, but as long as you are spending time learning those skills, you aren't learning things in IT that will get you to system admin.
@ls_tech said in Hello IT Community!:
@JaredBusch I see, well in a very real since, id like to go-in System Administrator... I like the idea of setting up my own networks aswell but i think im seeing my interests lay with security specialist by cyber security field.
System Admin (when you ACTUALLY mean system admin and not just a totally different job that people call that to sound cool) is a huge field of its own and pays more than anything else in IT (until you start getting to the uber-generalist roles like architect and CIO), so "going in" at the top of the game to "work up to" a lesser job makes no sense. If Cyber Security is what you want, start there. It's vastly easier to get your foot in the door of security than system admin work right now as everyone thinks that they need a security specialist, and since no one is sure what they do, all most shops look for is some paper certs. Not a great thing for the industry, but for someone wanting to work in that area, it's really easy to get into.
@ls_tech said in Hello IT Community!:
It 100% is hard to figure out where id like to branch off too with Informational Technology
It absolutely is, IT is a massive field. But keep in mind that the A+ is not an IT cert (and anyone that's promoting it to you is likely not actually in IT themselves) and programming isn't an IT field. So while figuring out what you want to do in IT is really, really hard, it's much harder when you are spending a lot of your time investigating ancillary fields that aren't actually IT. Both have some IT overlap, both are quite complimentary. But compare it to wanting to be a race car driver (IT), but instead of driving cars you spend your time split between volunteering in a pit crew (bench) and doing engine design with the engineers (programming.) Obviously knowing a lot about how your pit crew works, and a lot about how engines are designed, can benefit you as a driver, even knowing everything that there is about both won't elevate you from beginning to even moderate car driver. You need to actually drive the car.
@ls_tech said in Hello IT Community!:
At this time, i like building/taking apart old computers as a hobby and don't see that as a viable carrier path
It's not. And that is the Bench career path that the A+ is for. NOt that there are zero jobs, but the jobs that there are are few and low paid. High paid bench is datacenter work and it gets decently high pay but only for the top .001% of the field. 90% or more of bench workers work in stores like Best Buy or MicroCenter and earn around minimum wage with no advancement options. Only datacenters or high risk positions like working on a nuclear ship, in the military / in a war zone, or in Antarctica are going to get normal bench workers to earn over $20/hr.
Nothing wrong with bench as a career, if that's what you love. But it's very different from IT in reality, and it has essentially no career ladder to climb. There's only two certs for the career, the A+ and it's sequel the Server+, and the market caps out around $120K/year and that's only for the absolutely top end guys in Manhattan doing insanely high end work in the world's biggest datacenters. And no, cloud bench datacenter works won't earn that because the nature of cloud makes the value of their bench work much lower (part of the magic of keeping cloud costs down.)
@ls_tech said in Hello IT Community!:
So we got the position figured out guys System Administrator... Thing is i think most major companies are Linux/Redhat based now right?
Well, until the CentOS disaster last week, lol. Now nearly every shop is questioning if Red Hat has any future as IBM hasn't made anyone confident that they plan to keep it around. Removing CentOS is seen as a warning shot that IBM doesn't have the same plans for RHEL as we thought that they did and no one is sure what to do.
Ubuntu is not just the most deployed Linux overall, it's the most deployed OS period. RHEL/CentOS currently are still ahead in really large enterprise deployments, but the shift away has been going on for a long time and the future is looking dramatically more like it is going to be Ubuntu than RHEL as the top dog across the board. Cloud computing has heavily favoured Ubuntu as well (it's lighter and leaner.)
Cross educated people are valuable, and IT/Dev is kind of standardly recognized. However, being a beginner in both doesn't fit that mold and can actually hurt your resume when trying to get into the field. If you highlight IT on a junior Dev position, it can look like you don't understand the position the job is for and your resume could get instantly tossed right there.
@scottalanmiller How do you define IT?
To me a programmer is doing IT, but development and not operations. -
@Pete-S said in Hello IT Community!:
@scottalanmiller How do you define IT?
To me a programmer is doing IT, but development and not operations.One of the big things this forum has said for years is that programming - a developer - is not IT. They are coders/developers. but they aren't managing systems/networks, etc in general.
@Dashrender said in Hello IT Community!:
@Pete-S said in Hello IT Community!:
@scottalanmiller How do you define IT?
To me a programmer is doing IT, but development and not operations.One of the big things this forum has said for years is that programming - a developer - is not IT. They are coders/developers. but they aren't managing systems/networks, etc in general.
Thanks, I think I understand but managing to me is IT Operations.