Virtual Cisco Lab
My Cisco skills are woeful. I need to pick up knowledge on how to setup basic configs for switches & routers.
Anyone know of an online resource that emulates the CLI of a switch or router which allows you to configure it and then you can see what the outcome is?
I don't have a lot of time to sit and learn, maybe just a little longer than my attention span, so the resource will need to be quite intuitive & able to be used pretty quickly.
Not sure about online but packet tracer is pretty good.
Packet Tracer Tracer thru Network Academy -
I also recommend packet tracer as @black3dynamite mentions. I use it pretty often to troubleshoot network trouble. Recreate the network in it (obviously not 100% since we don't even work with Cisco gear) vlans, acls, l3 routing etc and watch how the packets should flow.
Packet Tracer = awesome
Thanks everyone, I'll check out packet tracer.
I've heard good things about Networking Lab as well, Might be something to look into as well.
Loving Packet Tracer, so easy. Learning heaps. Cisco confidence going through the roof now.
What would you guys consider essential things to know how to do with regards to configuring switches?
Thanks guys.