How to install and run Geekbench 4 on linux
@jaredbusch said in How to install and run Geekbench 4 on linux:
Does not need to run as root, or even need
.Thanks, I figured as much but I was too lazy to check. I'll update my post.
I ran this on the last VM I set up for a FLAMP web app.
Hyper-V Hosted VM
4 vCPU, 12GB RAM
Single Core: 3256
Multi-Core: 10950Results:
Just for fun I ran this on a VM, on our inhouse Xenserver - 4 vCPU.
It's a Haswell gen CPU, so well before Skylake. Surprisingly good single core performance. -
@pete-s That's a fast processor!
Main PC and KVM host
@jaredbusch said in How to install and run Geekbench 4 on linux:
I just ran it on my home KVM host.
For comparison, here is my Pi-Hole VM running on said home KVM server.
Really surprised by your results @Pete-S
Which made me check this: -
The e3-12xx are beast. This is from Xenserver host, not vm.
Here is results from e5 xeon vm. Same vm, two different vcpu topologies 2s4c, 1s4c
Some difference in multicore performance
Here's one of our Hyper-V Hosts, loaded with 60+ running VMs.
That's better... Run directly on XenServer host