Xen Orchestra - Monorepo installation Changes
Hey all,
The XO team has made some changes to the installation process and we need some people to test our upgrade on a working set of systems.
We ( @danp and I ) are looking for users who are on a current distro of Debian or Ubuntu, but who have had their systems running for a while now.
To run the process, obviously backup first and then run the below.
sudo bash <password> sudo curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jarli01/xenorchestra_updater/New-Install-Path/xo-update.sh | bash
Thanks and let me know how it goes.
Obviously we're "hoping" everything just works. Within the installation things should move from /opt/xo-server to /opt/xen-orchestra
Along with a few other changes, nothing critical but need to confirm upgradability.
Is Ubuntu 17.04 current enough for you? I tried just now and got all kinds of errors. I'll roll back the snapshot and do it again and see what they were specifically. I can also upgrade to the latest distro if that helps too.
That should be current enough, did you use our installation script when you installed this system however long ago?
@bnrstnr said in Xen Orchestra - Monorepo installation Changes:
Is Ubuntu 17.04 current enough for you? I tried just now and got all kinds of errors. I'll roll back the snapshot and do it again and see what they were specifically. I can also upgrade to the latest distro if that helps too.
Post your upgrade output so we can see what is going on with it. If possible could we get a copy of your installation to work with?
Obviously we don't need any of your credentials or targets, just need something to test against.
@bnrstnr If the errors are related to Yarn, then see this prior forum post --
https://www.mangolassi.it/topic/12809/xen-orchestra-community-edition-installing-with-yarn/123 -
yarn install v0.24.5 [1/4] Resolving packages... success Already up-to-date. $ scripts/run-script prepare Done in 1.01s. yarn build v0.24.5 $ scripts/run-script --parallel build * complex-matcher:prebuild − yarn run clean * value-matcher:prebuild − rimraf dist/ * vhd-cli:prebuild − rimraf dist/ /bin/sh: 1: rimraf: not found * xen-api:prebuild − rimraf dist/ /bin/sh: 1: rimraf: not found * xo-cli:prebuild − rimraf dist/ /bin/sh: 1: rimraf: not found * xo-collection:prebuild − rimraf dist/ /bin/sh: 1: rimraf: not found * xo-common:prebuild − yarn run clean /bin/sh: 1: rimraf: not found * xo-lib:prebuild − rimraf dist/ * xo-remote-parser:prebuild − rimraf dist/ /bin/sh: 1: rimraf: not found * xo-server:prebuild − index-modules src/api src/xapi/mixins src/xo-mixins && yarn run clean /bin/sh: 1: rimraf: not found * xo-server-auth-google:prebuild − rimraf dist/ /bin/sh: 1: index-modules: not found * xo-server-auth-ldap:prebuild − rimraf dist/ /bin/sh: 1: rimraf: not found * xo-server-auth-saml:prebuild − yarn run clean /bin/sh: 1: rimraf: not found * xo-server-backup-reports:prebuild − yarn run clean * xo-server-cloud:prebuild − yarn run clean * xo-server-perf-alert:prebuild − yarn run clean * xo-server-transport-email:prebuild − rimraf dist/ * xo-server-transport-nagios:prebuild − yarn run clean /bin/sh: 1: * xo-server-transport-slack:prebuild − npm run clean rimraf: not found * xo-server-transport-xmpp:prebuild − yarn run clean * xo-server-usage-report:prebuild − npm run clean * xo-vmdk-to-vhd:prebuild − npm run clean * @xen-orchestra/cron:prebuild − yarn run clean * xo-acl-resolver:build − babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-server-auth-github:build − NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ /bin/sh: 1: * xo-server-load-balancer:build − NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ /bin/sh: 1: babel: not found * value-matcher:prebuild − Error: 127 * value-matcher:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ babel: not found * vhd-cli:prebuild − Error: 127 * vhd-cli:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ /bin/sh: 1: babel: not found /bin/sh: 1: * xen-api:prebuild − Error: 127 * xen-api:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ /bin/sh: 1: cross-env: not found /bin/sh: 1: * xo-cli:prebuild − Error: 127 cross-env: not found * xo-cli:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ cross-env: not found /bin/sh: 1: * xo-collection:prebuild − Error: 127 * xo-collection:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ cross-env: not found /bin/sh: 1: * xo-lib:prebuild − Error: 127 * xo-lib:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ /bin/sh: 1: * xo-remote-parser:prebuild − Error: 127 * xo-remote-parser:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ cross-env: not found cross-env: not found /bin/sh: 1: * xo-server:prebuild − Error: 127 * xo-server:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ cross-env: not found * xo-server-auth-google:prebuild − Error: 127 * xo-server-auth-google:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ /bin/sh: 1: * xo-server-auth-ldap:prebuild − Error: 127 * xo-server-auth-ldap:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ cross-env: not found * xo-server-transport-email:prebuild − Error: 127 * xo-server-transport-email:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ /bin/sh: 1: cross-env: not found /bin/sh: 1: * xo-acl-resolver:build − Error: 127 * xo-server-auth-github:build − Error: 127 /bin/sh: 1: cross-env: not found * xo-server-load-balancer:build − Error: 127 * value-matcher:build − Error: 127 * vhd-cli:build − Error: 127 cross-env: not found * xen-api:build − Error: 127 * xo-cli:build − Error: 127 * xo-collection:build − Error: 127 * xo-lib:build − Error: 127 * xo-remote-parser:build − Error: 127 * xo-server:build − Error: 127 * xo-server-auth-google:build − Error: 127 * xo-server-auth-ldap:build − Error: 127 * xo-server-transport-email:build − Error: 127 yarn run v0.24.5 yarn run v0.24.5 yarn run v0.24.5 yarn run v0.24.5 yarn run v0.24.5 yarn run v0.24.5 yarn run v0.24.5 yarn run v0.24.5 yarn run v0.24.5 $ rimraf dist/ $ rimraf dist/ $ rimraf dist/ $ rimraf dist/ $ rimraf dist/ $ rimraf dist/ rimraf: not found $ rimraf dist/ sh: 1: error Command failed with exit code 127. rimraf: not found info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command. $ rimraf dist/ error Command failed with exit code 127. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command. $ rimraf dist/ sh: 1: rimraf: not found * complex-matcher:prebuild − Error: 1 * complex-matcher:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ sh: 1: sh: 1: rimraf: not found rimraf: not found sh: 1: rimraf: not found error Command failed with exit code 127. * xo-common:prebuild − Error: 1 * xo-common:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ error Command failed with exit code 127. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command. error Command failed with exit code 127. error Command failed with exit code 127. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command. cross-env: not found * complex-matcher:build − Error: 127 /bin/sh: 1: cross-env: not found * xo-common:build − Error: 127 sh: 1: rimraf: not found * xo-server-perf-alert:prebuild − Error: 1 * xo-server-perf-alert:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ error Command failed with exit code 127. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command. * xo-server-auth-saml:prebuild − Error: 1 * xo-server-auth-saml:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ /bin/sh: 1: rimraf: not found cross-env: not found * xo-server-backup-reports:prebuild − Error: 1 * xo-server-backup-reports:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ error Command failed with exit code 127. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command. * xo-server-cloud:prebuild − Error: 1 * xo-server-cloud:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ cross-env: not found sh: 1: /bin/sh: 1: * xo-server-perf-alert:build − Error: 127 * xo-server-auth-saml:build − Error: 127 cross-env: not found * xo-server-backup-reports:build − Error: 127 rimraf: not found error Command failed with exit code 127. cross-env: not found * xo-server-cloud:build − Error: 127 info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command. * xo-server-transport-nagios:prebuild − Error: 1 * xo-server-transport-nagios:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-server-transport-xmpp:prebuild − Error: 1 * xo-server-transport-xmpp:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ /bin/sh: 1: cross-env: not found * xo-server-transport-nagios:build − Error: 127 /bin/sh: 1: * @xen-orchestra/cron:prebuild − Error: 1 * @xen-orchestra/cron:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ cross-env: not found * xo-server-transport-xmpp:build − Error: 127 /bin/sh: 1: cross-env: not found * @xen-orchestra/cron:build − Error: 127 > xo-vmdk-to-vhd@0.0.12 clean /opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-vmdk-to-vhd > rimraf dist/ > xo-server-usage-report@0.3.2 clean /opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server-usage-report > rimraf dist/ > xo-server-transport-slack@0.0.0 clean /opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server-transport-slack > rimraf dist/ sh: 1: sh: 1: rimraf: not foundrimraf: not found sh: 1: rimraf: not found npmnpm ERR! file sh npm ERR! ERR! filecode sh ELIFECYCLE npmnpm ERR!ERR! errnocode ELIFECYCLE ENOENT npmnpm ERR!ERR! syscall spawn errno ENOENT npmnpm ERR!ERR! syscall spawn npm xo-vmdk-to-vhd@0.0.12 clean: `rimraf dist/` npm ERR!npm ERR!ERR! xo-server-usage-report@0.3.2 clean: `rimraf dist/` spawn ENOENT npmnpm fileERR! ERR! sh spawn ENOENT npmnpm npm ERR! ERR! ERR!code Failed at the xo-vmdk-to-vhd@0.0.12 clean script. npmnpm ELIFECYCLE npm ERR!ERR!ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. Failed at the xo-server-usage-report@0.3.2 clean script. errno ENOENT npm ERR! syscall spawn npmnpmnpm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR!WARN xo-server-transport-slack@0.0.0 clean: `rimraf dist/` npm Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing, did you mean to install? WARNERR! Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing, did you mean to install? spawn ENOENT npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the xo-server-transport-slack@0.0.0 clean script. npmnpm ERR! ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. npm A complete log of this run can be found in: npm npm ERR!ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /home/nhulslander/.npm/_logs/2018-02-02T16_08_31_797Z-debug.log WARN Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing, did you mean to install? /home/nhulslander/.npm/_logs/2018-02-02T16_08_31_799Z-debug.log * xo-server-usage-report:prebuild − Error: 1 * xo-server-usage-report:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /home/nhulslander/.npm/_logs/2018-02-02T16_08_31_802Z-debug.log * xo-vmdk-to-vhd:prebuild − Error: 1 * xo-vmdk-to-vhd:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ /bin/sh: 1: cross-env: not found * xo-server-usage-report:build − Error: 127 * xo-server-transport-slack:prebuild − Error: 1 * xo-server-transport-slack:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ /bin/sh: 1: cross-env: not found * xo-vmdk-to-vhd:build − Error: 127 /bin/sh: 1: cross-env: not found * xo-server-transport-slack:build − Error: 127 ✖ 49 error Command failed with exit code 1. warning: tag 'v5.16.0' is really 'xo-server/v5.16.0' here Updated version v5.16.0 Checking xo-web... Current branch stable Current version v5.8.3 235 updates available Updating from source... *** Please tell me who you are. Run git config --global user.email "you@example.com" git config --global user.name "Your Name" to set your account's default identity. Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository. fatal: unable to auto-detect email address (got 'root@ubuntu.(none)') Cannot save the current index state Updating 9199784a..c1d9cc7e error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: package.json src/xo-app/settings/config/index.js src/xo-app/xosan/index.js yarn.lock Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge. Aborting Clearing directories... Installing...
Looks like it's related to yarn, I'll roll it back again and do the yarn stuff first.
@bnrstnr IDK. Never seen the
stuff before. -
Think i used the
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jarli01/xenorchestra_installer/master/xo_install.sh | bash
method on Ubuntu 17.04, can i run the update command on the OP?
sed: can't read /lib/systemd/system/xo-server.service: No such file or directory Checking xo-server... Current branch master warning: tag 'v5.16.0' is really 'xo-server/v5.16.0' here Current version v5.16.0 0 updates available Updating from source... No stash entries found. Already up-to-date. Clearing directories... Adding existing plugins to Yarn lock file... find: ‘node_modules’: No such file or directory yarn upgrade v0.24.5 [1/4] Resolving packages... [2/4] Fetching packages... warning fsevents@1.1.3: The platform "linux" is incompatible with this module. info "fsevents@1.1.3" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation. [3/4] Linking dependencies... warning "babel-7-jest@21.3.3" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.0.0-alpha || ^7.0.0-beta || ^7.0.0". [4/4] Rebuilding all packages... success Saved lockfile. warning Your current version of Yarn is out of date. The latest version is "1.3.2" while you're on "0.24.5". success Saved 478 new dependencies.
This was the stuff before the massive list of things it was updating
@hobbit666 I'm fairly confident this is how I installed too, and right now the upgrade script breaks my XO. Make sure you snapshot before you run.
@bnrstnr Your yarn version is ancient, upgrade that.
To confirm run
yarn -v
if it's 0.X and not 1.X.X upgrade, based on what I see in the logs there its very old. -
@hobbit666 said in Xen Orchestra - Monorepo installation Changes:
Think i used the
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jarli01/xenorchestra_installer/master/xo_install.sh | bash
method on Ubuntu 17.04, can i run the update command on the OP?
You should be able to, just take a snapshot to roll back if it breaks. Post your output into a code block if there are errors.
01/xenorchestra_updater/New-Install-Path/xo-update.sh | bash % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 3194 100 3194 0 0 3194 0 0:00:01 --:--:-- 0:00:01 11530 Stopping xo-server... Checking for Yarn package... Checking for Yarn update... Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done yarn is already the newest version (1.3.2-1). 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Checking for Repo change... Cloning into 'xen-orchestra'... remote: Counting objects: 21397, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3496/3496), done. remote: Total 21397 (delta 9159), reused 12618 (delta 9111), pack-reused 8720 Receiving objects: 100% (21397/21397), 6.06 MiB | 3.65 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (13235/13235), done. sed: can't read /lib/systemd/system/xo-server.service: No such file or directory Checking xo-server... Current branch master warning: tag 'v5.16.0' is really 'xo-server/v5.16.0' here Current version v5.16.0 0 updates available Updating from source... No stash entries found. Already up-to-date. Clearing directories... Adding existing plugins to Yarn lock file... find: ‘node_modules’: No such file or directory yarn upgrade v1.3.2 [1/5] Validating package.json... [2/5] Resolving packages... warning workspace-aggregator-5fa5c6ff-d241-4947-a52c-8e6825337930 > xo-cli > fs-promise@2.0.3: Use mz or fs-extra^3.0 with Promise Support warning workspace-aggregator-5fa5c6ff-d241-4947-a52c-8e6825337930 > xo-vmdk-to-vhd > fs-promise@2.0.3: Use mz or fs-extra^3.0 with Promise Support warning workspace-aggregator-5fa5c6ff-d241-4947-a52c-8e6825337930 > vhd-cli > @nraynaud/xo-fs > fs-promise@0.4.1: Use mz or fs-extra^3.0 with Promise Support warning workspace-aggregator-5fa5c6ff-d241-4947-a52c-8e6825337930 > xo-server > julien-f-unzip > fstream > graceful-fs@3.0.11: please upgrade to graceful-fs 4 for compatibility with current and future versions of Node.js [3/5] Fetching packages... info fsevents@1.1.3: The platform "linux" is incompatible with this module. info "fsevents@1.1.3" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation. [4/5] Linking dependencies... warning " > babel-7-jest@21.3.3" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.0.0-alpha || ^7.0.0-beta || ^7.0.0". [5/5] Rebuilding all packages... success Saved lockfile. success Saved 1108 new dependencies.
Done in 104.80s. Installing... yarn install v1.3.2 [1/5] Validating package.json... [2/5] Resolving packages... success Already up-to-date. $ scripts/run-script prepare Done in 2.36s. yarn run v1.3.2 $ scripts/run-script --parallel build * complex-matcher:prebuild − yarn run clean * value-matcher:prebuild − rimraf dist/ * vhd-cli:prebuild − rimraf dist/ * xen-api:prebuild − rimraf dist/ * xo-cli:prebuild − rimraf dist/ * xo-collection:prebuild − rimraf dist/ * xo-common:prebuild − yarn run clean * xo-lib:prebuild − rimraf dist/ * xo-remote-parser:prebuild − rimraf dist/ * xo-server:prebuild − index-modules src/api src/xapi/mixins src/xo-mixins && yarn run clean * xo-server-auth-google:prebuild − rimraf dist/ * xo-server-auth-ldap:prebuild − rimraf dist/ * xo-server-auth-saml:prebuild − yarn run clean * xo-server-backup-reports:prebuild − yarn run clean * xo-server-cloud:prebuild − yarn run clean * xo-server-perf-alert:prebuild − yarn run clean * xo-server-transport-email:prebuild − rimraf dist/ * xo-server-transport-nagios:prebuild − yarn run clean * xo-server-transport-slack:prebuild − npm run clean * xo-server-transport-xmpp:prebuild − yarn run clean * xo-server-usage-report:prebuild − npm run clean * xo-vmdk-to-vhd:prebuild − npm run clean * @xen-orchestra/cron:prebuild − yarn run clean * xo-acl-resolver:build − babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-server-auth-github:build − NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-server-load-balancer:build − NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * value-matcher:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * vhd-cli:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xen-api:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-cli:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-collection:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-lib:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-remote-parser:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-server-auth-google:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-server-auth-ldap:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-server-transport-email:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ index generated src/api/index.js index generated src/xapi/mixins/index.js index generated src/xo-mixins/index.js > xo-vmdk-to-vhd@0.0.12 clean /opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-vmdk-to-vhd > rimraf dist/ > xo-server-transport-slack@0.0.0 clean /opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server-transport-slack > rimraf dist/ > xo-server-usage-report@0.3.2 clean /opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server-usage-report > rimraf dist/ * xo-server-usage-report:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-server-transport-slack:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-vmdk-to-vhd:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ $ rimraf dist/ $ rimraf dist/ $ rimraf dist/ $ rimraf dist/ $ rimraf dist/ $ rimraf dist/ $ rimraf dist/ $ rimraf dist/ $ rimraf dist/ * complex-matcher:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-common:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-server-auth-saml:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-server-cloud:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-server-backup-reports:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-server-perf-alert:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * @xen-orchestra/cron:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-server-transport-xmpp:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ * xo-server-transport-nagios:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ $ rimraf dist/ src/index.js -> dist/index.js * xo-server:build − cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel --source-maps --out-dir=dist/ src/ src/index.js -> dist/index.js @babel/preset-env: `DEBUG` option Using targets: { "chrome": "62", "firefox": "57", "ie": "11", "ios": "11", "node": "4" } Using modules transform: commonjs Using plugins: transform-arrow-functions { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-block-scoping { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-classes { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-computed-properties { "ie":"11" } transform-destructuring { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-duplicate-keys { "ie":"11" } transform-for-of { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-function-name { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-literals { "ie":"11" } transform-object-super { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-parameters { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-shorthand-properties { "ie":"11" } transform-spread { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-sticky-regex { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-template-literals { "ie":"11" } transform-unicode-regex { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-new-target { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-regenerator { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-exponentiation-operator { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-async-to-generator { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-dotall-regex { "firefox":"57", "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"4" } proposal-async-generator-functions { "chrome":"62", "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"4" } proposal-object-rest-spread { "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"4" } proposal-optional-catch-binding { "chrome":"62", "firefox":"57", "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"4" } proposal-unicode-property-regex { "chrome":"62", "firefox":"57", "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"4" } Using polyfills with `usage` option: src/clear-object.js -> dist/clear-object.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js @babel/preset-env: `DEBUG` option Using targets: { "node": "6" } Using modules transform: commonjs Using plugins: transform-destructuring { "node":"6" } transform-for-of { "node":"6" } transform-function-name { "node":"6" } transform-exponentiation-operator { "node":"6" } transform-async-to-generator { "node":"6" } transform-dotall-regex { "node":"6" } proposal-async-generator-functions { "node":"6" } proposal-object-rest-spread { "node":"6" } proposal-optional-catch-binding { "node":"6" } proposal-unicode-property-regex { "node":"6" } Using polyfills with `usage` option: [src/index.js] Based on your code and targets, none were added. src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js [src/config.js] Based on your code and targets, none were added. src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/config.js -> dist/config.js src/index.spec.js -> dist/index.spec.js src/cli.js -> dist/cli.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/collection.js -> dist/collection.js src/density-plan.js -> dist/density-plan.js src/vhd.js -> dist/vhd.js [src/index.js] Added following polyfills: es6.promise { "node":"6" } es6.array.sort { "node":"6" } src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/collection.spec.js -> dist/collection.spec.js src/prompt-schema.js -> dist/prompt-schema.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js @babel/preset-env: `DEBUG` option @babel/preset-env: `DEBUG` option Using targets: Using targets: { "chrome": "62", "firefox": "57", "ie": "11", "ios": "11", "node": "4" } { "node": "6" } Using modules transform: commonjs Using plugins: transform-destructuring { "node":"6" } Using modules transform: commonjs Using plugins: transform-arrow-functions { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-for-of { "node":"6" } transform-function-name { "node":"6" } transform-exponentiation-operator { "node":"6" } transform-async-to-generator { "node":"6" } transform-dotall-regex { "node":"6" } transform-block-scoping { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-classes { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } proposal-async-generator-functions { "node":"6" } proposal-object-rest-spread { "node":"6" } proposal-optional-catch-binding { "node":"6" } transform-computed-properties { "ie":"11" } transform-destructuring { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } proposal-unicode-property-regex { "node":"6" } Using polyfills: No polyfills were added, since the `useBuiltIns` option was not set. transform-duplicate-keys { "ie":"11" } transform-for-of { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-function-name { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-literals { "ie":"11" } @babel/preset-env: `DEBUG` option transform-object-super { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-parameters { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-shorthand-properties { "ie":"11" } transform-spread { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-sticky-regex { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-template-literals { "ie":"11" } Using targets: transform-unicode-regex { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-new-target { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-regenerator { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-exponentiation-operator { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-async-to-generator { "ie":"11", "node":"4" } transform-dotall-regex { "firefox":"57", "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"4" } { "chrome": "62", "firefox": "57", "ie": "11", "ios": "11", "node": "6" } Using modules transform: commonjs proposal-async-generator-functions { "chrome":"62", "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"4" } Using plugins: transform-arrow-functions { "ie":"11" } proposal-object-rest-spread { "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"4" } proposal-optional-catch-binding { "chrome":"62", "firefox":"57", "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"4" } proposal-unicode-property-regex { "chrome":"62", "firefox":"57", "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"4" } Using polyfills: No polyfills were added, since the `useBuiltIns` option was not set. transform-block-scoping { "ie":"11" } transform-classes { "ie":"11" } transform-computed-properties { "ie":"11" } transform-destructuring { "ie":"11", "node":"6" } transform-duplicate-keys { "ie":"11" } transform-for-of { "ie":"11", "node":"6" } transform-function-name { "ie":"11", "node":"6" } transform-literals { "ie":"11" } transform-object-super { "ie":"11" } transform-parameters { "ie":"11" } transform-shorthand-properties { "ie":"11" } transform-spread { "ie":"11" } transform-sticky-regex { "ie":"11" } transform-template-literals { "ie":"11" } transform-unicode-regex { "ie":"11" } transform-new-target { "ie":"11" } transform-regenerator { "ie":"11" } transform-exponentiation-operator { "ie":"11", "node":"6" } transform-async-to-generator { "ie":"11", "node":"6" } transform-dotall-regex { "firefox":"57", "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"6" } proposal-async-generator-functions { "chrome":"62", "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"6" } proposal-object-rest-spread { "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"6" } proposal-optional-catch-binding { "chrome":"62", "firefox":"57", "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"6" } proposal-unicode-property-regex { "chrome":"62", "firefox":"57", "ie":"11", "ios":"11", "node":"6" } Using polyfills: No polyfills were added, since the `useBuiltIns` option was not set. src/test-cli.js -> dist/test-cli.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/vhd-write.js -> dist/vhd-write.js src/index.spec.js -> dist/index.spec.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/is-empty.js -> dist/is-empty.js src/is-object.js -> dist/is-object.js src/not-implemented.js -> dist/not-implemented.js src/vhd-write.spec.js -> dist/vhd-write.spec.js src/index.bench.js -> dist/index.bench.js src/unique-index.js -> dist/unique-index.js src/api-errors.js -> dist/api-errors.js src/performance-plan.js -> dist/performance-plan.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/unique-index.spec.js -> dist/unique-index.spec.js src/virtual-buffer.js -> dist/virtual-buffer.js src/index.fixtures.js -> dist/index.fixtures.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/view.example.js -> dist/view.example.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/api/acl.js -> dist/api/acl.js src/virtual-buffer.spec.js -> dist/virtual-buffer.spec.js src/view.js -> dist/view.js src/next.js -> dist/next.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/inject-events.js -> dist/inject-events.js src/api/backup.js -> dist/api/backup.js src/memory-test.js -> dist/memory-test.js src/transports/_utils.js -> dist/transports/_utils.js src/plan.js -> dist/plan.js src/utils.js -> dist/utils.js src/transports/auto.js -> dist/transports/auto.js src/transports/json-rpc.js -> dist/transports/json-rpc.js src/transports/xml-rpc-json.js -> dist/transports/xml-rpc-json.js src/transports/xml-rpc.js -> dist/transports/xml-rpc.js src/api/disk.js -> dist/api/disk.js src/parse.js -> dist/parse.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/api/docker.js -> dist/api/docker.js src/vmdk-read.js -> dist/vmdk-read.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/vmdk-read.spec.js -> dist/vmdk-read.spec.js src/api/group.js -> dist/api/group.js src/vmdk-to-vhd.spec.js -> dist/vmdk-to-vhd.spec.js src/api/host.js -> dist/api/host.js src/api/index.js -> dist/api/index.js src/api/ip-pool.js -> dist/api/ip-pool.js src/api/job.js -> dist/api/job.js src/api/log.js -> dist/api/log.js src/api/message.js -> dist/api/message.js src/api/network.js -> dist/api/network.js src/api/pbd.js -> dist/api/pbd.js src/api/pif.js -> dist/api/pif.js src/api/plugin.js -> dist/api/plugin.js src/api/pool.js -> dist/api/pool.js src/api/remote.js -> dist/api/remote.js src/api/resource-set.js -> dist/api/resource-set.js src/api/role.js -> dist/api/role.js src/api/schedule.js -> dist/api/schedule.js src/api/scheduler.js -> dist/api/scheduler.js src/api/server.js -> dist/api/server.js src/api/session.js -> dist/api/session.js src/api/sr.js -> dist/api/sr.js src/api/system.js -> dist/api/system.js src/api/tag.js -> dist/api/tag.js src/api/task.js -> dist/api/task.js src/api/test.js -> dist/api/test.js src/api/token.js -> dist/api/token.js src/api/user.js -> dist/api/user.js src/api/vbd.js -> dist/api/vbd.js src/api/vdi.js -> dist/api/vdi.js src/api/vif.js -> dist/api/vif.js src/api/vm.js -> dist/api/vm.js src/api/xo.js -> dist/api/xo.js src/api/xosan.js -> dist/api/xosan.js src/collection/redis.js -> dist/collection/redis.js src/collection.js -> dist/collection.js src/connection.js -> dist/connection.js src/constant-stream.js -> dist/constant-stream.js src/decorators.js -> dist/decorators.js src/decorators.spec.js -> dist/decorators.spec.js src/fatfs-buffer.js -> dist/fatfs-buffer.js src/glob-matcher.js -> dist/glob-matcher.js src/index.js -> dist/index.js src/job-executor.js -> dist/job-executor.js src/job-executor.spec.js -> dist/job-executor.spec.js src/logs-cli.js -> dist/logs-cli.js src/lvm.js -> dist/lvm.js src/math.js -> dist/math.js src/math.spec.js -> dist/math.spec.js src/model.js -> dist/model.js src/models/acl.js -> dist/models/acl.js src/models/group.js -> dist/models/group.js src/models/job.js -> dist/models/job.js src/models/plugin-metadata.js -> dist/models/plugin-metadata.js src/models/remote.js -> dist/models/remote.js src/models/schedule.js -> dist/models/schedule.js src/models/server.js -> dist/models/server.js src/models/token.js -> dist/models/token.js src/models/user.js -> dist/models/user.js src/models/utils.js -> dist/models/utils.js src/proxy-console.js -> dist/proxy-console.js src/recover-account-cli.js -> dist/recover-account-cli.js src/remote-handlers/abstract.js -> dist/remote-handlers/abstract.js src/remote-handlers/local.js -> dist/remote-handlers/local.js src/remote-handlers/nfs.js -> dist/remote-handlers/nfs.js src/remote-handlers/smb.js -> dist/remote-handlers/smb.js src/schemas/acl.js -> dist/schemas/acl.js src/schemas/job.js -> dist/schemas/job.js src/schemas/log/jobCallEnd.js -> dist/schemas/log/jobCallEnd.js src/schemas/log/jobCallStart.js -> dist/schemas/log/jobCallStart.js src/schemas/log/jobEnd.js -> dist/schemas/log/jobEnd.js src/schemas/log/jobStart.js -> dist/schemas/log/jobStart.js src/schemas/log.js -> dist/schemas/log.js src/schemas/plugin.js -> dist/schemas/plugin.js src/schemas/user.js -> dist/schemas/user.js src/size-stream.js -> dist/size-stream.js src/stream-to-existing-buffer.js -> dist/stream-to-existing-buffer.js src/stream-to-existing-buffer.spec.js -> dist/stream-to-existing-buffer.spec.js src/stream-to-new-buffer.js -> dist/stream-to-new-buffer.js src/utils.js -> dist/utils.js src/utils.spec.js -> dist/utils.spec.js src/vhd-merge.js -> dist/vhd-merge.js src/xapi/index.js -> dist/xapi/index.js src/xapi/mixins/gpu.js -> dist/xapi/mixins/gpu.js src/xapi/mixins/index.js -> dist/xapi/mixins/index.js src/xapi/mixins/networking.js -> dist/xapi/mixins/networking.js src/xapi/mixins/patching.js -> dist/xapi/mixins/patching.js src/xapi/mixins/storage.js -> dist/xapi/mixins/storage.js src/xapi/mixins/vm.js -> dist/xapi/mixins/vm.js src/xapi/other-config-template.js -> dist/xapi/other-config-template.js src/xapi/utils.js -> dist/xapi/utils.js src/xapi-object-to-xo.js -> dist/xapi-object-to-xo.js src/xapi-stats.js -> dist/xapi-stats.js src/xo-mixins/acls.js -> dist/xo-mixins/acls.js src/xo-mixins/api.js -> dist/xo-mixins/api.js src/xo-mixins/authentication.js -> dist/xo-mixins/authentication.js src/xo-mixins/backups.js -> dist/xo-mixins/backups.js src/xo-mixins/config-management.js -> dist/xo-mixins/config-management.js src/xo-mixins/hooks.js -> dist/xo-mixins/hooks.js src/xo-mixins/http.js -> dist/xo-mixins/http.js src/xo-mixins/index.js -> dist/xo-mixins/index.js src/xo-mixins/ip-pools.js -> dist/xo-mixins/ip-pools.js src/xo-mixins/jobs.js -> dist/xo-mixins/jobs.js src/xo-mixins/logs/index.js -> dist/xo-mixins/logs/index.js src/xo-mixins/logs/loggers/abstract.js -> dist/xo-mixins/logs/loggers/abstract.js src/xo-mixins/logs/loggers/leveldb.js -> dist/xo-mixins/logs/loggers/leveldb.js src/xo-mixins/plugins.js -> dist/xo-mixins/plugins.js src/xo-mixins/remotes.js -> dist/xo-mixins/remotes.js src/xo-mixins/resource-sets.js -> dist/xo-mixins/resource-sets.js src/xo-mixins/scheduling.js -> dist/xo-mixins/scheduling.js src/xo-mixins/store.js -> dist/xo-mixins/store.js src/xo-mixins/subjects.js -> dist/xo-mixins/subjects.js src/xo-mixins/xen-servers.js -> dist/xo-mixins/xen-servers.js src/xo.js -> dist/xo.js Done in 89.21s. warning: tag 'v5.16.0' is really 'xo-server/v5.16.0' here Updated version v5.16.0 Checking xo-web... Current branch stable Current version v5.8.3 235 updates available Updating from source... *** Please tell me who you are. Run git config --global user.email "you@example.com" git config --global user.name "Your Name" to set your account's default identity. Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository. fatal: unable to auto-detect email address (got 'root@ubuntu.(none)') Cannot save the current index state Updating 9199784a..c1d9cc7e error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: package.json src/xo-app/settings/config/index.js src/xo-app/xosan/index.js yarn.lock Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge. Aborting Clearing directories... Installing... yarn install v1.3.2 [1/5] Validating package.json... [2/5] Resolving packages... [3/5] Fetching packages... info fsevents@1.0.17: The platform "linux" is incompatible with this module. info "fsevents@1.0.17" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation. [4/5] Linking dependencies... [5/5] Building fresh packages... $ npm run build > xo-web@5.9.0 build /opt/xo-web > npm run build-indexes && NODE_ENV=production gulp build > xo-web@5.9.0 build-indexes /opt/xo-web > index-modules --auto src index generated src/common/themes/index.js index generated src/common/intl/locales/index.js [11:29:00] Using gulpfile /opt/xo-web/gulpfile.js [11:29:00] Starting 'build'... [11:29:00] Starting 'buildPages'... [11:29:00] Starting 'buildScripts'... [11:29:00] Starting 'buildStyles'... [11:29:00] Starting 'copyAssets'... [11:29:03] Finished 'buildPages' after 3.37 s [11:29:08] Finished 'buildStyles' after 8.25 s [11:29:09] Finished 'copyAssets' after 9.22 s [11:31:31] Finished 'buildScripts' after 2.5 min [11:31:31] Finished 'build' after 2.5 min Done in 173.75s. yarn run v1.3.2 $ npm run build-indexes && NODE_ENV=production gulp build > xo-web@5.9.0 build-indexes /opt/xo-web > index-modules --auto src index generated src/common/themes/index.js index generated src/common/intl/locales/index.js [11:31:33] Using gulpfile /opt/xo-web/gulpfile.js [11:31:33] Starting 'build'... [11:31:33] Starting 'buildPages'... [11:31:33] Starting 'buildScripts'... [11:31:33] Starting 'buildStyles'... [11:31:33] Starting 'copyAssets'... [11:31:34] Finished 'buildPages' after 1.39 s [11:31:40] Finished 'buildStyles' after 7.15 s [11:31:40] Finished 'copyAssets' after 7.29 s [11:33:59] Finished 'buildScripts' after 2.43 min [11:33:59] Finished 'build' after 2.43 min Done in 147.77s. Updated version v5.8.3 Restarting xo-server...
removed the massive list of stuff in the center. Upgraded to 17.10, upgraded to latest yarn package. Still no dice.
@bnrstnr I'm not sure what rimraf is off hand, did you install additional software into this system?
Is anyone else seeing similar issues?
@bnrstnr said in Xen Orchestra - Monorepo installation Changes:
sed: can't read /lib/systemd/system/xo-server.service: No such file or directory
This bit here is an issue:
sed: can't read /lib/systemd/system/xo-server.service: No such file or directory
@bnrstnr can you go into
and see if xo-server.service is listed? -
@dustinb3403 said in Xen Orchestra - Monorepo installation Changes:
did you install additional software into this system?
No additional software, other than openssh-server
@dustinb3403 said in Xen Orchestra - Monorepo installation Changes:
can you go into /lib/systemd/system and see if xo-server.service is listed?
No, it isn't...