Huzzah for Me!
@Joyfano you gotta use the product to get more experience with troubleshooting it
@thecreativeone91 said:
@Joyfano you gotta use the product to get more experience with troubleshooting it
Very true..
@ajstringham said:
They'll never see it but yeah, true.
You sure? ML is indexed by search engines. Someone Googling "A J Stringham McAfee" may well end up here and that could be bad news for you.
Anyway, congrats on your new job.
@Carnival-Boy said:
You sure? ML is indexed by search engines. Someone Googling "A J Stringham McAfee" may well end up here and that could be bad news for you.
Seriously, this. I cannot believe you even THOUGHT to say they would never see this. Social media searching is very common practice now for corporations large enough to have a dedicated HR department.
Last time that I sat in an interview room the hiring manager started talking about one if my books to the COO. They were discussing my ideas and writings. They had read my posts on forums, my articles, my personal blog, my books, etc.
@Carnival-Boy said:
@ajstringham said:
They'll never see it but yeah, true.
You sure? ML is indexed by search engines. Someone Googling "A J Stringham McAfee" may well end up here and that could be bad news for you.
Anyway, congrats on your new job.
Nothing compared to SW but the SEO improves here everyday and there are topics that I search sometimes where ML is the top hit.
Saw your LinkedIn update this morning - congrats!
Congrats A.J. If nothing else, the experience dealing with politics and keeping your cool under pressure will be worth it.
Congrats on the new job! Which way around is their support pyramid? Is level 1 at the top or is level one the front line commando's?
Normally in the US L1 is the pyramid base and L3 is the top before hitting SMEs.
L0 is becoming common for "sub IT" tasks.
@scottalanmiller yep google returns this one for me with that google search string.
Which search string was that?
A J Stringham McAfee
Oh! Wow
@JaredBusch said:
@Carnival-Boy said:
You sure? ML is indexed by search engines. Someone Googling "A J Stringham McAfee" may well end up here and that could be bad news for you.
Seriously, this. I cannot believe you even THOUGHT to say they would never see this. Social media searching is very common practice now for corporations large enough to have a dedicated HR department.
Why do you think I keep my employer a vague secret, not to mention my real name?
The first word of anything in life is keep your fucking mouth shut. Get arrested, lawyer up and shut your mouth. Get a new job, stroll in, keep your mouth shut until you learn the lay of the land. Join a forum, lurk and watch before spewing forth. Go into a bar, sit down and order a beer and people watch for a bit.
Oh, and a certain conference that is coming up? A certain someone shouldn't be going because he will be balls deep in training.
@PSX_Defector said:
@JaredBusch said:
@Carnival-Boy said:
You sure? ML is indexed by search engines. Someone Googling "A J Stringham McAfee" may well end up here and that could be bad news for you.
Seriously, this. I cannot believe you even THOUGHT to say they would never see this. Social media searching is very common practice now for corporations large enough to have a dedicated HR department.
Why do you think I keep my employer a vague secret, not to mention my real name?
The first word of anything in life is keep your fucking mouth shut. Get arrested, lawyer up and shut your mouth. Get a new job, stroll in, keep your mouth shut until you learn the lay of the land. Join a forum, lurk and watch before spewing forth. Go into a bar, sit down and order a beer and people watch for a bit.
Oh, and a certain conference that is coming up? A certain someone shouldn't be going because he will be balls deep in training.
I'm not missing Spiceworld @PSX_Defector . Just not happening. They said training should only be about a week.
@ajstringham said:
@PSX_Defector said:
@JaredBusch said:
@Carnival-Boy said:
You sure? ML is indexed by search engines. Someone Googling "A J Stringham McAfee" may well end up here and that could be bad news for you.
Seriously, this. I cannot believe you even THOUGHT to say they would never see this. Social media searching is very common practice now for corporations large enough to have a dedicated HR department.
Why do you think I keep my employer a vague secret, not to mention my real name?
The first word of anything in life is keep your fucking mouth shut. Get arrested, lawyer up and shut your mouth. Get a new job, stroll in, keep your mouth shut until you learn the lay of the land. Join a forum, lurk and watch before spewing forth. Go into a bar, sit down and order a beer and people watch for a bit.
Oh, and a certain conference that is coming up? A certain someone shouldn't be going because he will be balls deep in training.
I'm not missing Spiceworld @PSX_Defector . Just not happening. They said training should only be about a week.
Bad, bad idea.
And you want to take a lot of time off, almost a week? Bad juju when starting a job. And just because you are not in "training" doesn't mean you are out of training.
@PSX_Defector Exactly.
Also you are just helpdesk fodder. they will not care about you.
@JaredBusch said:
@PSX_Defector Exactly.
Also you are just helpdesk fodder. they will not care about you.
Your ability to be fired is inversely proportional to the amount of time on the job and complexity in hiring a replacement.
I've interviewed over there multiple times and have been submitted more times than I can count. They are not hurting for replacements, not in this town.
Oh, just remember, satire usually has a basis in fact.,36756/